This is terrible
Nah, it usually takes about five days to fabricate a good one and get everyone on the same page. Two or three more probably after a little kid has been killed.
Have you talked to Steve Exceptionally-Knowledgeable Wendt lately? We could sure use some of his Exceptional Knowledge on this one.
Oh. You're suggesting that Brad should have a fucking clue about what's going on before starting a new topic?
Allen Sparks - 2015/03/28 14:22:08 UTC
I agree it is terrible. This happened less than 24 hours ago and the victim's names have not been released ...
Particularly not by the Vegas crowd and the driver who made the abrupt turn on the assumption that there was no glider still behind him.
The story will emerge/develop in due time.
Yes, as soon is a good story is developed it WILL EMERGE. I'm pretty sure there will be an invisible dust devil involved in this one.
No disrespect to the o.p....
Fuck the o.p. That total piece o' shit deserves NOTHING BUT disrespect - along with the asshole who signed his and Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney's tickets.
...but (IMO), it is way premature to begin speculation.
Oh. So now asking for information is speculation.
Fuck that. The time to begin speculation is a nanosecond after the last electron of the first report makes it through the wire. Fuck anybody in this sport who doesn't do that. Rhino fuck Lord Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney who's ordered everyone not to.
The response will reflect on our sensitivity and influence public opinion of our sport.
I'm sure it will. Just the way it influenced public opinion of our sport with Brian Horgan's "dont be a fag" thread, michael170's banning for "enough already" and the total absence of any discussion about the atrocities u$hPa and its thugs are perpetrating on Bob Kuczewski.
If ,org history is any indicator, this topic will be rich with the typical dysfunction ...
And if .org history is any indicator, nothing useful will emerge from the typical dysfunction and nothing will happen to make the one of these 0.001 less likely to happen down the road a piece.
2015/03/28 18:08 UTC - 3 thumbs up - Tim Dyer, Las Vegas
Guess that's for the no "speculation" stance, huh Tim?
Steve Murillo - 2015/03/28 14:26:33 UTC
Manhattan Beach
This is a horrible tragedy.
Yes. If only SHGA had been able to adopt a good enough Safety Mascot in time this might never have happened.
Prayers go out to the families involved.
Fuck you and your prayers, Steve.
Jonathan Boarini - 2015/03/28 16:18:35 UTC
Las Vegas
Absolutely horrible.
Could've been worse. Could've been a pair of eleven year old twins up on the instructional flight.
Its one of our local club members.
DON'T TELL US HIS NAME! We're not allowed to speculate at this point.
I never knew him personally, but sounded like a great guy.
Yeah, they all do. And I really appreciated his participation in all the discussions of fatal towing incidents in which he and his "students" weren't the ones being killed.
I haven't heard details yet on what exactly happened.
They haven't been manufactured yet. Just read the Zack Marzec and Joe Julik fatality reports if you need something to do in the meantime.
Rest in peace.
I'm sure he will. I'm sure the person of the varying age will too.
Davis Straub - 2015/03/28 20:27:55 UTC
What's he doing in Las Vegas (other than being a tandem pilot)?
I dunno, Davis. We can't speculate on who he is yet. And what are you doing down at Quest (other than being a total piece o' shit)?
zamuro - 2015/03/28 21:06:47 UTC
Not sure if the story from the news segment is accurate but ir raises the question of whether the driver was alone doing the towing.
But it, of course, DOESN'T raise any questions about why the glider wasn't able to release in a millisecond regardless of what was going on 'cause everyone and his dog knows and accepts that all hang gliders in flavors of towing are just dopes on ropes.
How come he turns the truck before release?
It's a fucking constant tension payout winch. Why should it matter? Also...
Almost lockout
Avolare - 2010/09/03 19:37:11 UTC
North Carolina
The weak link should break with a lockout.
Ryan Voight - 2010/09/07 02:50:00 UTC
Weak link in truck towing WILL (read: should) still break in a lockout situation... but as everyone has already pointed out, it takes a lot longer because the glider can continue to pull line off the winch.
There is a limit to how fast line can come off the winch though... so the forces still build up, and the weaklink still fails.
Was Kelly one of those assholes using a Tad-O-Link?
Why there was not an another person monitoring the tow?
How come the fucking Hang Five tandem instructor wasn't able to monitor the tow? I can get my own ass off tow a lot faster than a truck can make a turn. What was this guy's problem?
And is there some u$hPa SOP that mandates an observer for surface towing tandems with eleven year olds on board? If this is a critical situation why not? Ya think they ran out of room with the SOP mandating helmet use while you're connected to the glider in the setup area, launch line, and LZ? Or maybe they've been to busy the past few years preparing to eliminate Bob Kuczewski as the major threat to glider safety he is to deal with less pressing issues.
12 - (L) Ryan Voight - Aye
Yeah, I'm still hoping they're wrong too. I've been pulling for Paul Hurless since yesterday.
This is beyond terrible for both individuals and families. Kelly was my first HG instructor, and a long time Elsinore E-team pilot and a great guy.
And a total nonentity online.
This is so terrible and hard to believe.
Get used to it. We weren't filling our quota last year.
RIP Kelly
How 'bout li'l Arys Moorhead? Can he RIP too?
Jack Barth - 2015/03/28 21:39:10 UTC
Wow! Very disturbing. Kelly was a very highly respected pilot and instructor.
A bit too much so, apparently.
Flew with him many times before he migrated to Hawaii. He will be missed.
Li'l Arys hadn't yet established enough of a track record to be missed much.
Still good friend of many of Eteamers. Very sorry for the loss of a student
Yeah. A STUDENT. "See this string down here, Arys? If anything goes wrong we just make the easy reach and pull it and all off our problems are fixed."
Just Wow.
Wow. OK, carry on with the non speculation. Make sure to keep not mentioning the word "release" in all your non speculation.