There, now you've been proved to be either lying or delusional...
- I guess you missed the part about idiots who take everything they hear literally and have no ability to understand intent and substance.
- I'm thinking that the reaction of the kind of hunter least likely to blow his buddy's head off was not to consider the firearms safety instructor who said that the gun is always loaded as a liar or delusional.
Kunio Checklist
Don - 2008/09/02 19:02
Long Beach
Kunio's accident was simple - he didn't perform a hang check!
I was taught to perform a "Hook-in Check" if I haven't checked in the last thirty seconds - I call it the "Joe Greblo Hook-in Check". Obviously Kunio didn't perform one of those either.
- If Joe was Don's instructor he's not getting the concepts across to everyone very well.
- If Andy Beem is doing things right that's great. But I've never heard that name before and the fact that I've never heard that name before is probably a good indication that he's doing nothing to get the problem fixed beyond what he does with his own students. And what he's doing with his own students doesn't seem to be particularly measurable on the national scale.
...without pointing out that others may interpret it differently.
Zack C - 2010/05/11 23:13:24 UTC
We discussed FTHI at the meeting tonight. From my perspective, this seemed to be the consensus:
- We need to help each other more.
- There is no difference between a hang check and a hook-in check.
- Checking your connection status five minutes before you launch is no less acceptable than two seconds (and five minutes probably qualifies as 'just prior' for USHPA's ratings).
- It is preposterous to suggest that hang checks are dangerous.
- The Aussie method is one way to prevent FTHI.
Those there can add to or correct this recap as necessary.
That should work pretty well to point out that just about everybody interprets it any lunatic way he wants to - which is why there were two well documented unhooked launches amongst the Houston area divers last year.
(And that also works well enough for me to feel comfortable enough saying stuff like "NOBODY teaches ANYBODY to ESTABLISH THAT HE IS HOOKED IN *JUST* *PRIOR* *TO* *LAUNCH*".)
So people just can't believe what you write because you lied right there.
Zack C - 2010/12/13 04:58:15 UTC
I had a very different mindset too back then and trusted the people that made my equipment. Since then I've realized (largely due to this discussion) that while I can certainly consider the advice of others, I can't trust anyone in this sport but myself (and maybe the people at Wills Wing).
When people in this sport start learning to trust no one but themselves then they realize that they need to have solid understandings of the THEORY...
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 06:04:23 UTC
If someone's got a problem with it... we've got over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TANDEM TOWS and COUNTLESS solo tows that argue otherwise. So they can politely get stuffed.
As my friend likes to say... "Sure, it works in
reality... but does it work in
Hahahahhaa... I like that one a lot

...for which Harmonizer Sam's shitheaded cult leader has so much contempt and they're well on their ways to becoming competent pilots and extremely valuable assets to the sport.
But it does not work in all situations.
In situations in which it doesn't work people shouldn't use it. But in a couple of decades worth of flying a lot at a lot of different sites in a lot of different conditions I never once found - for myself - a situation which came anywhere close.
There are situations where the additional risk of lifting the glider prior to accelerating the glider is greater than the risk of launching unhooked after a hook-in check 10 seconds ago.
I'm sure there are. It's just that...
- People such as myself who ALWAYS do tension checks before all the launches of their careers never seem to encounter them.
- Instances of problems resulting from tension checks are entirely absent from the incident report record.
- All failure to hook in fatalities have involved people who didn't do tension check two seconds ago.
- If I launched following a last hook-in check ten seconds ago I'd consider myself killed for the purpose of the exercise.
But you won't admit that because you've staked out a position that's inconsistent with that reality.
It only becomes a reality when it's supported by an incident report. Until then it's speculation.
You'd rather have your "followers"...
I don't have - or want - "followers". Followers are people incapable of thinking for themselves who attach themselves to other stupid people with huge track records.
This makes people question all of your other claims regarding weak links and bent pin releases and everything else that you write.
Tad's Barrel Release and maybe an alternative
Brian Vant-Hull - 2008/02/13 14:19:02 UTC
Tad - that Stan and Ollie routine was a masterful bit of expository writing. So much so that it got me to go digging through my harness bag to pull out my Bailey release and check out your statements... you're right: it means the pin hits the barrel pretty darned close to the fulcrum.
Tad's barrel release tested
Brian Vant-Hull - 2008/06/30 13:48:08 UTC
Under weight of these observations, I do attest that TAD's RELEASE is SUPERIOR to the BAILEY RELEASE and that the BAILEY RELEASE is SERIOUSLY FLAWED UNDER HIGH LOADS.
- The more they question my - or anyone's - claims the better off the sport is.
Is this a joke ?
Kinsley Sykes - 2011/08/31 11:35:36 UTC
Well actually he didn't. But if you don't want to listen to the folks that actually know what they are talking about, go ahead.
Feel free to go the the tow park that Tad runs...
- The less they question my claims the more mindless zombies you have running around with their noses stuck in Lord Jim's ass.
- Antoine's load tester tends to spit out the same numbers mine does - after you do the English/metric conversions anyway.
Lemme see if I can get a few more people to question all my claims and everything I write...
There's absolutely no good evidence that global warming is occurring as a consequence of the burning of fossil fuels. As a matter of fact, there's absolutely no good evidence that global warming is occurring - period.
I'm starting to wonder how many of these other issues are just smoke screens to similarly "disembowel" other people you don't like.
- I only disembowel stupid, dangerous, and/or evil people I don't like.
- Donnell Hewett was absolutely clueless on most of what he wrote and did more damage to hang gliding than I would ever have thought possible for one individual to accomplish. And the lunatic bridle/release system he "developed" once put me in one of the most deadly positions I've ever experienced in the air. But his intentions were good, I don't consider him evil, and have no desire whatsoever to disembowel him. His math - yeah. But him - no.
- If I don't like somebody who isn't a threat to hang gliding and feel like disemboweling him I'll disembowel him. I don't need any smoke screens. And I kinda resent the implication that people like Peter Birren are undeserving of disemboweling and that I'm only doing it for personal reasons and under false pretenses. So how 'bout you either figure out whether or not perlon is a no-stretch material and engage in the discussion based upon your conclusions or stay out of the exchange altogether?