The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by miguel »

Ran into a couple of Trumpophytes this weekend. They said pretty much the same as Bob. They were dead up serious. It is amazing the amount of mind control that Trump has done.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I'd say he doesn't control all these warped minds as much unify, mobilize, and exploit them.
Whoops! Snapped another tip wand :-O
NMERider - 2012/03/14 15:17:14 UTC

Landing clinics don't help in real world XC flying. I have had the wind do 180 degree 15 mph switches during my final legs. What landing clinic have you ever attended that's going to help? I saved that one by running like a motherfukker. And BTW - It was on large rocks on an ungroomed surface.

Jim Rooney threw a big tantrum and stopped posting here.

His one-technique-fits-all attitude espoused on the Oz Report Forum has become tiresome to read. It does not work in the fucked-up world of XC landings and weary pilots.
NMERider - 2012/03/14 15:43:09 UTC

I refuse to come in with both hands on the downtubes ever again. I have had some very powerful thermals and gusts kick off and lost control of the glider due to hands on the DTs. I prefer both hands on the control bar all the way until trim and ground effect. I have been lifted right off the deck in the desert and carried over 150 yards.
Christopher LeFay - 2012/03/15 05:57:43 UTC

<rant>January's canonization of Rooney as the Patron Saint of Landing was maddening. He offered just what people wanted to hear: there is an ultimate, definitive answer to your landing problems, presented with absolute authority. Judgment problems? His answer is to remove judgment from the process- doggedly stripping out critical differences in gliders, loading, pilot, and conditions. This was just what people wanted- to be told a simple answer. In thanks, they deified him, carving his every utterance in Wiki-stone.</rant>
Birds of a feather. Stupid incompetent narcissistic sociopaths with aptitudes for exploiting other stupid dregs for their own political advancements. Trump had 2021/01/06 at the US Capitol, Rooney had 2013/02/02 at Quest.

This sport embarked on a strategy of normalizing, nurturing, embracing, standardizing that flavor of sleaziness and the result was an irrevocable death spiral.
Biden's popular vote margin over Trump tops 7 million - CNNPolitics
CNN - 2021/01/04 15:27 UTC

As of Friday morning, Biden had won about 81.2 million votes, the most votes a candidate has won in US history, and Trump had won about 74.2 million. Trump's vote count makes him the second-highest vote earner in American history.
Over 74 million of those assholes. I don't wanna talk to them 'cause if reason had had a snowball's chance in hell it would've kicked in already. This is a continuation of what erupted at Fort Sumter 1861/04/12 and that faction never went away and don't hold your breath waiting for it to go away now.

I've wasted untold hours on the phone with Bob. One knows that he fully understands the validity of what one is saying... But deeper down one also knows that all he's doing is calculating strategies for fine-printing his way around all the obvious fundamental truths for what he perceives will work to his best political advantage.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/01/08 18:45:59 UTC

There was no excuse for the lawless behavior of the rioters. But I also haven't seen anywhere that President Trump has called for or incited any of those illegal actions.
Yeah? How 'bout:
Donald Trump - 2017/01/20

I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.
Did he do that?
Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you, we’re going to walk down, we’re going to walk down.

Anyone you want, but I think right here, we’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.

Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.
Or did he incite a mob of idiots, dregs, racists, Nazis to attack the Capitol and disrupt the certification of the US Presidential election results by the US Congress?

He WASN'T there with them. He was back home watching on his TV the mob he incited engage in a vandalous and murderous assault on one of the three branches of US government. Wasn't that dereliction of duty? Isn't that proof that when he solemnly swore with his hand on a couple bibles that he would preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States (so help him God) that he was lying? And wouldn't it be way the hell out of character for him to be plugged into a known live mic for thirty seconds without perpetrating a minimum of three or four outrageous lies?
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...

Macauley Culkin had a very extensive relationship with Michael Jackson and an imposed relationship with Donald Trump that lasted for:
- Excuse me, where's the lobby?
- Down the hall and to the left.
- Thanks.

Guess which one he wants erased from the record and public memory.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/01/20 15:32:36 UTC

Thank you, Donald Trump for your 4 years of dedication to the people of the United States.

Image Image Image Image Image...
And thank you, ivory hunters of Zimbabwe, for your unceasing dedication to the African Elephant. Truly covfefe. What more can one say?

P.S. Funny the way that even in that marvelous alternative national hang gliding association you've been developing over there all by yourself the only individual with whom you're actually conversing is yourself. Good thing you're also a total sociopath 'cause otherwise you'd be really suffering from the marginalization and isolation.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/01/08 18:45:59 UTC

There was no excuse for the lawless behavior of the rioters. But I also haven't seen anywhere that President Trump has called for or incited any of those illegal actions.
Well then...
No "User Vicious," software at this site.
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/11/08

I have a theory that people should be judged by the worse things they do to others ... not the best. Any mobster can be generous with friends and family ... and then turn around and order some cement overshoes for someone who didn't buckle under intimidation. It's not the best things that we do that defines us ... it's the worst.
That's obviously the worst thing that he ever did in the course of his Presidency - not incite any of the illegal actions of his most enthusiastic supporters, ask them to go home, tell them that we love them. And for THAT he was impeached and is being tried? How could something like the happen after he'd Made America Great Again?

In the House the vote was 232 - all Democrats plus ten Republicans - to 197 for impeachment and for the Senate it's currently looking like 55 - all Democrats plus five Republicans - to 45 for conviction. That latter ratio isn't enough to do it but that's still a pretty good yardstick by which to gauge the sentiments of this Democracy. A majority of the voters of this country want to see that motherfucker convicted and permanently banned from holding any Federal office.

So any comment, Bob? If he were truly a Great President who actually Made America really Great Again shouldn't more than half of its citizenry feel that way? And it doesn't then how are we able to measure a country's Greatness?

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are pretty happy with the way the last four years went over here. Makes them look way better by comparison.

And you haven't posted anything on the situation in over two and a half weeks 'cause...? And even more deafening silence from all your supporters over there who unified to make hang gliding great again under your permanent direction?
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
No "User Vicious," software at this site.
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/11/08 05:36 UTC

I have a theory that people should be judged by the worse things they do to others ... not the best. Any mobster can be generous with friends and family ... and then turn around and order some cement overshoes for someone who didn't buckle under intimidation. It's not the best things that we do that defines us ... it's the worst.
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/01/08 18:45:59 UTC

There was no excuse for the lawless behavior of the rioters. But I also haven't seen anywhere that President Trump has called for or incited any of those illegal actions.
Right. And in "The Godfather" Sonny tells Clemenza regarding Paulie "I don't want to see him around here again." And a half hour later Clemenza takes Paulie aside and tells him that the family is reorganizing its security department and that, unfortunately, his services will no longer be required. But he wishes him well in his future endeavors, provides him with a favorable letter of reference, asks him to stay in touch.

Nowhere do we see that Sonny has called for any lawless behavior, illegal actions, physical violence.

Your favorite motherfucker incited a mob of thousands of his pet Nazi and Klan dregs to murder elected officials and overturn an election he didn't feel like losing.

But keep up the great work, Bob. You have a really great silent majority over there which is totally behind you on issues like this.
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What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out.
Nobody's speaking out. Everything you're doing and saying continues to be spot on. And I hear Jack has recently been considering allowing posts and links about Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, and related people and their material and organizations. But maybe he's just getting really desperate for posts and discussions of any nature over there at the worlds largest hang gliding community. Really hard to say one way or another.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/11/09 07:54:02 UTC

Make America Great Again
Exactly when was that, Bob, when America was Great Before? Gimme a decade, year, month, day, hour when America was Great. 74 million of you MAGA assholes - including the MAGA Asshole In Chief - and not one of you will actually specify anything.

For damn near all of our colonial period through 1776/07/04 up to 1865/12/06 slavery was totally legal in vast areas of what ended up as the United States. And on 1857/03/06 the US Supreme Court Dred Scott decision legalized it everywhere, defined anyone with a detectable drop of black blood in his veins as subhuman, touched off a devastating four year civil war which crushed the South militarily and economically but didn't change the way business was conducted very much. So I guess we gotta shy away from that period in polite conversation.

America's NEVER been GREAT - and if that weren't absolutely true there'd at least be a period thrown out and widely agreed upon. And it NEVER WILL BE - for the same reasons it NEVER HAS BEEN.

It's had some great ideas, ideals, efforts, accomplishments throughout its history but it's always been at least waist to neck deep in ugly shit - and over the previous administration the latter level.

Hang gliding... I've been around in it for all but about the first half dozen years and it started out neck deep in shit, wobbled around for a while, is now struggling to keep its nostrils consistently clear.

We did what we could to get things fixed over here, you mostly just tried to transfer power from the old establishment to your personal establishment. You don't have any future whatsoever and we have very little.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/13 05:55:39 UTC

This has not been easy or fun. This has been a sad realization for me that some people are so pathological that they cannot interact reasonably with others. That's why so many societies have jails (or death penalties). At some point, they've realized that the costs of interacting with pathological people is too high to be paid. We're reaching that point.
That's pretty spot on with respect to the way it's pretty fuckin' obvious a substantial majority of the US citizenry feels about the sociopath you and your asshole ilk put in power for four years to Make America Great Again.

Tell ya sumpin' else - IDIOT...

Some really pathological people are ALWAYS gonna be able to "reasonably" interact with other really pathological people. That's how we got the Nazis, Khmer Rouge, Islamic State, the dregs that got ginned up by that piece o' shit you douchebags put in the White House to attack the US Capitol and attempt to overturn the results of a US presidential election.

But there is such a thing as reality and people who have grasps of it tend to get along reasonably well with each other. And I'd say I'm doing a lot better on that score than you ever have - or will ever be able to.

We're reaching that point.
Who's "WE", Bob? How 'bout a list of Bob Show members in good standing who authorized you to speak on their behalf? And maybe the dates upon which they last posted something. (I'm guessing you don't have much there - otherwise it would've been no problem to put the issue of my banning up for a vote.)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/01/08 18:45:59 UTC

But I did not see any place where he incited anyone to violence or to any illegal activity.

There was no excuse for the lawless behavior of the rioters. But I also haven't seen anywhere that President Trump has called for or incited any of those illegal actions.
Oh, lawless behavior of the rioters - trespassing, assault and battery, vandalism, theft, murder, treason...

Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out.
It was your douchebag's sworn duty to give orders to take action against that attack - that he no way in hell launched against the US Capitol.

So dereliction of duty. Proud to be in total agreement with you on that one, Bob.
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