I'm pretty sure not.
Grammar Girl : Dangling Participles :: Quick and Dirty Tips
There's no way to misinterpret or misrepresent what's being stated.
Bob called me late yesterday afternoon my time over this issue (which I'd been following). My defenses were down a good bit 'cause I'm total emotional wreckage now and I agreed to post something relevant to help spread the word. The subject of banning came up and reminded Bob that he'd never been unbanned but I'd reconnected his wire as a courtesy on the condition that he didn't post. And I told him I'd be happy to ONCE AGAIN reconnect his wire on if he agreed not to post. He did, I did, and here we are (again).
Then had to go out for a rather long evening.
Members of KiteStrings...
Why are you addressing "Members of KiteStrings"? Kite Strings only has eleven members who've logged in since the beginning of 2017 and three of those are on the other side of the Atlantic.
The information on Kite Strings is intended for and freely available to anyone who cares to read it. If you want members-only stuff try The Davis Show and/or The Jack Show Incident Reports subforum.
Until very recently USHPA membership had been required to fly the site.
As is and always has been the case for ALL aerotowing.
This was my post from this past Monday (July 31st, 2017) announcing the change...
That was your post from this past Monday (July 31st, 2017)...
Re: July 26th, 2017
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/08/01 04:51:53 UTC
...announcing the change that I'd selected and would've posted myself in response to your request that I help publicize the situation.
I am posting to KiteStrings...
In virtually immediate violation of our agreement, your promise not to as the sole condition for me restoring your otherwise unrestricted access to the forum. (And notice that Bob never has done and never will do anything by way of reciprocation.)
....because this is a time for us to put aside our differences...
- Like our words actually meaning something.
- Why is it so important for you that we put aside our differences? If you've done something positive and solid, and you have in this case, I'm gonna support it - and there's a clear record of me and other Kite Strings members having done so in the past.
- OUR DIFFERENCES are MY PRINCIPLES. I'd like to think that they don't have on/off switches. How 'bout yours?
...and work together on spreading this message to all corners of the hang gliding community.
- Fuck the hang gliding "community". It's all totally on board with any and all evil shit u$hPa feels like doing. It's only the outcasts and misfits who care and matter.
- Is the hang gliding community limited to the US? I notice that your "organization" (dictatorship) is
US Hawks. Kite Strings, on the other hand, doesn't give a rat's ass where (or if) you fly. The corners are a lot farther apart. And now that I think about it, I don't recall that you've ever had much in the way of non US participation.
The permission to use the site for hang gliding activities required a signed waiver with the County and is limited to the hours between sunrise and sunset...
As is ALL legal hang gliding in the US.
...on days that the concession (WindSports) is not using the site - currently Mondays and Tuesdays.
We flew there today (Monday, July 31st, 2017) in accordance with that permission.
So tomorrow Air California Adventures could take over as concessionaire and just announce a seven day schedule. Wouldn't even ever hafta have any actual flying taking place. I think it still kinda stinks that a private commercial operation on public land can totally exclude recreational flying five entire days a week - including Saturday and Sunday.
"You're breaking an hour for lunch."
"You have only one student scheduled today and that's just for half an hour starting at seven AM/PM."
"You don't have ANY students today - or the previous three days."
"It's blown out for students."
"Would it be OK for me to take a quick hop?"
"Go fuck yourself."
This decision is limited to Dockweiler Beach...
Where a pilot proficiency rating is pretty much a nonissue. What happens when somebody wants to fly Glacier Point? If we left it to the individual's discretion would we see a resulting disaster rate that get accesses closed down completely?
...but I believe the principles are applicable to all flying sites on public land in the United States.
Hanging by a thread as things stand.
Time will tell.
The u$hPa monopoly has gotten so arrogant, bloated, evil that at least the insurance industry has seen through its game. Hopefully other relevant entities will be catching on and responding accordingly.