The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/02/13 21:39:36 UTC

President Trump was acquitted minutes ago in his second impeachment trial.

The United States Senate did not reach the required 2/3 threshold to convict. The final vote was 57 to 43 and largely along party lines.

This makes President Trump the most persecuted President in U.S. history.

Thanks again Donald Trump for your 4 years of dedication to the people of the United States.
Ex President - thanks to all us fraudulent voters back a few months ago.
...Trump was acquitted...
Found to have done absolutely nothing wrong in his efforts to Make America Great Again Again.
...minutes ago in his second impeachment trial.
Sounds like double jeopardy to me. We need a Constitutional Amendment to limit impeachments to one per four year term.
The United States Senate did not reach the required 2/3 threshold to convict. The final vote was 57 to 43 and largely along party lines.
Thank God 43 percent of our Senate had some measure of decency. Maybe we could ask the Proud Boys - currently standing by - to step in and help get us a much wider safety margin for issues like this.
This makes President Trump the most persecuted President in U.S. history.
Such horrible unfairness. So much worse than when Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head at Fords Theatre. And so much less deserving.
Thanks again Donald Trump for your 4 years of dedication to the people of the United States.
The only thing that sociopathic piece o' shit ever has and ever will be dedicated to is himself. And yeah, not all that difficult to understand your level of admiration.

Keep it up, I'm enjoying watching your alternative hang gliding association losing its last traces of a detectable pulse.
And if I were you...
...I wouldn't start holding by breath just yet. (Looks like ya gotta serve at least a little more than one elected term - and not be impeached even once - to make that grade.)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/05/06 12:11:59 UTC

As we know, President Trump was banned from Facebook and Twitter. Ironically, nearly a year ago (May 20, 2020), Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook was interviewed by Hugh Hewitt. You can find the full interview here:

Hugh Hewitt's Interview of Mark Zuckerberg

Here's a part of that interview discussing Facebook's 20 member "Oversight Board":
Hugh Hewitt: The most piercing criticism I've heard, and I'm not really much on content moderation, I'm much more libertarian than most, is that of the 20 members, 15 are not Americans. Of the 5, only one is an originalist. I know Judge McConnell, but he'll get rolled by 19 people. And do we really want 15 foreigners moderating content about American political discourse? In other words, how in the world did we end up, it's almost like a new Coke moment. How did you with your commitment at Georgetown, and even on Monday at the European speech, how did you end up with a group that most sort of free speech absolutists like me say "oh, my gosh, that's not a free speech group, that's a bureaucracy like the EU"?

Mark Zuckerberg: Well, I think we're going to have to see how it, and I think it'll build its credibility over time through the decisions it makes.
So of the 20 members of Facebook's "Oversight Board", 15 are not Americans, and of the 5 Americans, only 1 might be considered an "originalist" (conservative). That doesn't sound like a group that wants to Make America Great Again. Is it any surprise that they've banned President Trump?

I have to say that makes me feel a lot better about being banned by Jack and Davis. After all, I've been working to Make Hang Gliding Great Again. ;)
As we know, President Trump was banned from Facebook and Twitter.
After losing the popular vote by substantial margins in two elections, the Electoral College vote by a wide margin in the second election, being impeached twice, lying nonstop for months about manufactured voter fraud issues while and after being fired, inciting a murderous mob of Nazi and idiot insurrectionists to attack and vandalize the US Capitol and overthrow a democratically elected government. How outrageously unfair!
Ironically, nearly a year ago (May 20, 2020), Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook was interviewed by Hugh Hewitt.
And how could we possibly go wrong putting our faith in anyone with a name like Hewitt/Hewett?
So of the 20 members of Facebook's "Oversight Board", 15 are not Americans, and of the 5 Americans, only 1 might be considered an "originalist" (conservative).
I so do hate it when people who we weren't born in the (United States OF) America get to register stands on international issues. And it really pisses me off that the motherfuckers who are residents of the District of Columbia get to vote in Presidential Elections when they don't even have congressional representation.
That doesn't sound like a group that wants to Make America Great Again.
Fuck no! That sounds like a group interested only in establishing fair universal practices on a global social media platform. Absolutely NOTHING in their mission statement about returning America to the state of Greatness it had back in that era nobody will ever define - but it's a pretty good bet it involved niggers knowing their place, picking plantation cotton, not making much noise about anything, frequent lynchings to keep things running smoothly.
Is it any surprise that they've banned President Trump?
It wouldn't have been if they had. But that statement of yours is total absolute fiction. And you've never had much problem pulling stuff outta your ass and presenting it as indisputable established fact.
I have to say that makes me feel a lot better about being banned by Jack and Davis.
And I sure hope you feel great about being banned from Kite Strings. Also about being permanently excluded from courtesy member level access by repeatedly violating your agreement to not abuse the terms of that access level and Bob-spamming the crap outta the place.
After all, I've been working to Make Hang Gliding Great Again. ;)
And watching it nevertheless spin down the toilet at an ever accelerating rate. Maybe you should try backing off a little to see how things go.

Tell us when it was ever great before. 1971/05/23? I've been involved in and with it pretty continuously for over four decades now and at no point in its history has it ever come close to being aeronautically competent. And that opened it up to exploitation by and the control of total scumbags. And that inevitably resulted in the ever accelerating death spiral we're seeing now. And NOTHING is gonna arrest that and start turning things around.

But go ahead and knock yourself out anyway, Bob. We can always use the entertainment.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Putin's War in Ukraine
Bob Kuczewski - 2022/02/25 16:12:50 UTC

As of this morning ... 137 dead.

Biden's weakness has cost real lives.
Bob Kuczewski - 2022/02/28 06:13:45 UTC

The Ukrainian resistance has been impressive so far.

I wish we had more of that courage in the sport of hang gliding.
Yeah Bob?
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/07/07 15:49:01 UTC

Today, President Trump announced his planned lawsuit to fight his bans by Facebook and Twitter.

President Trump is still fighting to make America Free Again!!

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Trump's just an ultra crude clone of Putin / Putin wannabe with a tiny fraction of the intelligence. (Obviously enhances his appeal to those with low double digit IQs.)
The Bob Show
Tad Eareckson - 2015/03/08 15:35:11 UTC

The only things Putin has over you are oil fields, the KGB, lotsa tanks, a nuclear (nukuler) arsenal, half of Ukraine, and a Super Bowl ring.
President Trump is still fighting to make America Free Again!!
I've never once heard one of you racist bigoted MAGA douchebags put a date on when America was Great/Free Before. 1857 work for ya?

And anyone who displays much in the way of courage in US centric hang gliding won't be around much longer in US centric hang gliding.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Discuss Tad here
Bob Kuczewski - 2022/03/16 11:47:21 UTC

As usual, Tad makes a lot of unsubstantiated claims in his post. For example, he associates the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement with racism. That's easily disproven by the many black people who actively support both President Trump and his policies. But that's not why I'm posting.

I'm posting to answer Tad's implied question about when Trump supprters have felt that America was great and/or free in the past. Tad sarcastically suggests the year 1857 which was during the period of slavery in the United States just a few years before the Civil War.

The real answer is that America (United States) has been great country since its founding in 1776. But greatness at any point in time can only be measured in the context of that time.

History is quite clear that the greatness of all countries is continually waxing and waning. I personally feel that the highest points of our greatness in the United States were:

1. Just after our victory in the Revolutionary War
2. Just after our victory in the Civil War
3. Just after our victory in World War II
4. During the Reagan Revolution and our victory in the Cold War

Each of those victories marked a turning point in human history and an advancement of the rights and freedoms of people in our country and beyond. It's important to note that each of those periods of greatness involved conflict. For better or worse, I think conflict is inherent in greatness. I think that's a result of the eternal struggle between good and evil in human beings. Greatness requires pushing back against the evil that's always seeking dominance.
As usual, Tad makes a lot of unsubstantiated claims in his post.
And whenever Tad DOES substantiate his "claims" (like Newtonian physics)...
AL's Second flight at Packsaddle how it went
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/23 16:29:29 UTC

As for Nobody's request for me to read a document, I haven't found the time yet. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to read everything that everyone asks me to read.
...Bob doesn't yet have time to read and respond to the substantiation. Also has very little experience towing (which isn't covered by Navier-Stokes equations) and thus has no capability of assessing their validity anyway.
For example, he associates the MAGA (Make America Great Again)...
Thanks for clarifying that for us.
...movement with racism.
And after Trump always so vociferously denounces all those Confederate battle flag waivers always showing up at his rallies and insurrections.
That's easily disproven by the many black people who actively support both President Trump and his policies.
- So EASILY and DEFINITIVELY disproven. Years ago. Fewer than half a dozen wack jobs coast to coast think there's anything the least bit racist about the MAGA movement. After all... There are MANY black people who actively support both President Trump and his policies. (From the guy who's so far racked up 1053 signatures censuring him for equating George Floyd with the white cop convicted of murder for kneeling on the former's neck for nine and a half minutes.)

- Define "many". And how many of them were showing their faces at the attack on the US Capitol he incited on 2021/01/06?
But that's not why I'm posting.
'Cause there's no actual there there and you have nothing better to do?
I'm posting to answer Tad's implied question about when Trump supprters...
Who also spell it that way.
...have felt that America was great and/or free in the past.
Great and/or free in order to do what?
Tad sarcastically suggests the year 1857 which was during the period of slavery in the United States just a few years before the Civil War.
1857 was the year of the Dred Scott decision which did as much as anything to launch the Civil War.
The real answer is that America (United States) has been great country since its founding in 1776.
I can think of a lot of people and groups of people who might take issue with that claim - depending upon how one is defining "great". Germany became a great country in the mid Thirties and stayed so through the early Forties.
But greatness at any point in time can only be measured in the context of that time.
Measured by whom and based upon what parameters?
History is quite clear that the greatness...
Read firepower.
...of all countries is continually waxing and waning. I personally feel that the highest points of our greatness in the United States were:

1. Just after our victory in the Revolutionary War
In which France had little noteworthy participation.
2. Just after our victory in the Civil War
Define "us", Bob. Were Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas victorious in the Civil War? Never mind, way too soon to tell. And a lot will depend upon whether or not we can get Trump safely convicted of treason and lethally injected before the aforementioned not us states can get him back in the White House.
3. Just after our victory in World War II
Finalized by vaporizing two Japanese cities.
4. During the Reagan Revolution and our victory in the Cold War
Also too soon to tell. (But I hope so.)
Each of those victories marked a turning point in human history and an advancement of the rights and freedoms of people in our country and beyond.
- A lot of people - here and abroad - would take strong issue with that claim.

- Since when did you start giving a flying fuck about the rights and freedoms of people beyond our country, esteemed Founder and Emperor For Life of the US Hawks Hang Gliding Association? Kite Strings - like aeronautical physics and solid SOPs - doesn't give a rat's ass about borders with respect to its mission. We've had valuable participation from members in the US and UK, France, Norway, and Russia - not to mention some help from allies in Canada and Australia.
It's important to note that each of those periods of greatness involved conflict.
As we continue roasting the planet, choking it with our toxic garbage, destroying its beauty, making it uninhabitable.
For better or worse, I think conflict is inherent in greatness.
- And if Hitler had developed nuclear weapons before the US did...
- Something to be said for cooperation and altruism.
I think that's a result of the eternal struggle between good and evil in human beings.
And who gets to define what's good and evil?
Greatness requires pushing back against the evil that's always seeking dominance.
How many Bob Show members have a vote...
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet. The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions. That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
...that can't be overridden by Emperor Bob?
We deserve better training for our police officers.
Bob Kuczewski - 2022/03/17 16:37:34 UTC

Thanks for posting that video Bill. I watched the whole gut-wrenching thing, and it brought back my own nightmare memories of being surrounded by a bunch of officers with tazers in jail when I refused to give a DNA sample during my third arrest at Torrey. I still remember the terror that I felt at being physically overwhelmed in that situation having done nothing wrong. I've had recurring nightmares of that scene, and it is traumatic.
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/13 05:55:39 UTC

This has not been easy or fun. This has been a sad realization for me that some people are so pathological that they cannot interact reasonably with others. That's why so many societies have jails (or death penalties). At some point, they've realized that the costs of interacting with pathological people is too high to be paid. We're reaching that point.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Discuss Tad here
Bob Kuczewski - 2022/04/06 05:14:42 UTC

It appears that Tad continues his rewriting of history on
Tad Eareckson wrote:As I reported in my previous post... Been working fixing problems and making improvements to our collections of posts from Day 1 to present since about mid February. Started with "instructors and other qualified pilot fiends" with its 1865 top level of posts and have been working down the decreasing levels of prolificacy. Have completed the aforementioned, "Weak links", "landing", "The Bob Show", "You are NEVER hooked in." and am at present a bit over halfway through "Releases" - 7718 / 63 percent of the palindrome. One could spend a freakin' lifetime...
Tad doesn't document what he meant by "fixing problems and making improvements to our collections of posts", but given his previous actions, I would not trust his site to properly reflect what people had originally posted. The same is true for and All three of these sites are operated by people who have rewritten the history of other people's posts on their web sites.

If you care about the legacy of your posts on the internet, be sure you pick a web site with a track record of honoring what you write. Otherwise, you will find yourself under the control of the person with the ability to alter or obliterate your own history of posts. Ask any long time poster on those other sites about how that feels.
It appears...
It "APPEARS"? So you have no actual evidence of anything supporting what you're saying. You're just saying that the referenced post gives that APPEARANCE.
...that Tad continues his rewriting of history...
- That Tad CONTINUES his rewriting of history? Sorry, I missed where I'd been rewriting history before. I'd be eternally grateful if you could provide an example or two.

- History is ALWAYS getting rewritten - often for the better as new information, documentation, physical evidence comes to light and different perspectives are considered. That's a good thing. When I was starting out I had high regards for folk like Dennis Pagen, Donnell Hewett, Mike Robertson 'cause I thought they'd gotten their heads wrapped around this stuff far better than I could ever hope to. Even praised Davis for establishing his Oz Report as a valuable resource for the sport. Not so much anymore...

- Rewriting history to alter, obscure, erase undesirable elements of the record... Need I say more.
Tad doesn't document what he meant by "fixing problems and making improvements to our collections of posts"...
Tad doesn't really have to. Legitimate Kite Strings members and readers know exactly what he meant and aren't the least bit worried about me doing anything destructive or nefarious.
...but given his previous actions...
His unspecified previous actions. Maybe you could specify one or two.
...I would not trust his site to properly reflect what people had originally posted.
- It's not my site. It's Zack C's.

- Like I give a flying fuck what or who you'd trust. (Been following the 2021/01/06 Insurrection hearings? I notice your "President Trump" topic has been dead since 2022/01/29 21:39:43 UTC (five months ago today).)

- What people had originally posted? With this one Kite Strings will have 12227 and I'll personally have 9142 posts - a wee bit shy of three quarters of them. And we don't even wanna start talking about word count.

- Kite Strings has eighteen Members with Moderator or better level access. Virtually everybody who's ever posted anything over here is a Moderator. Also two who haven't. How many Bob Show Members has Emperor Bob trusted with a key? (Closing now on a dozen years of its history.)

- So surely you should be able to find ONE example of ONE post of ANYONE's (including one of my own) to cite as an example of malicious and/or destructive intent. Really? Why not?
The same is true for and All three of these sites are operated by people who have rewritten the history of other people's posts on their web sites.
- You mean the Jack with which you happily jumped in bed to found an alternative national hang gliding association even worse than u$hPa?

- Go fuck yourself. Kite Strings is what preserves records of what Davis and Jack don't want anybody to be able to see.

- Cite ONE example of the historical record of ANYTHING being altered by ANYONE on Kite Strings. The best you're gonna be able to do is Allen Sparks having deleted several of his own posts. And I'm not happy about those but I'd be even less happy about eliminating the option for a Member to edit his own posts as he sees fit.
If you care about the legacy of your posts on the internet, be sure you pick a web site with a track record of honoring what you write.
Hard to beat The Bob Show - where Emperor Bob will only:

- Pull all of your posts out of one of his pigfuckers' chapter divisions and dump them in his Basement upon the request of the relevant pigfucker chapter's Mini Emperor For Life

- Lock you down in his Basement:
-- to run a short (read permanent) scientific experiment to determine whether or not doing so will boost overall participation
-- for whatever reason he feels like pulling outta his ass for justification for crippling the access of a Member he wants silenced

I'd advise one to analyze the prospective website for the material which is and participants who are conspicuously absent.
Paragliding Forum - View Forum - Towing
- Weak links in towing paragliders with pay out winch
- Weak links why do we use them. in paragliding.
Forum Moderators - 2010/02/24 22:02:46 UTC

Tad Eareckson

We, the Moderators, feel that weak links are an important topic. In our view Tad Eareckson's posts have discouraged others from taking part in this discussion, so, after several warnings, he has been banned. His most recent post, after this topic was locked, is here:

We are happy to lift the ban if we come to the view that Tad has further positive contributions to make - please contact us by PM or by email if you feel that this is the case.
That was over a dozen years ago. Somebody show me all the posts about bagger weak links that emerged after Tad Eareckson's posts stopped discouraging others from taking part in this discussion.

That was the discussion - by the way - which caught the attention of John Moody who got me to participate on the Houston wire which got me meshed with Zack C who founded Kite Strings after an illegal vote to silence me which I lost (I consider it a win actually) by a narrow margin.
Otherwise, you will find yourself under the control of the person with the ability to alter or obliterate your own history of posts.
Like any other hang gliding forum on the planet. And Kite Strings preserves a tremendous volume of the critical historic record of the sport that:
- the Industry doesn't want anybody to be able to see
- has just vanished because local organizations have collapsed
Ask any long time poster on those other sites about how that feels.
Let's ask here at Kite Strings...

... ... ...

Not hearing anything. Not even banned Former Member Emperor Bob can cite a single one of his punctuation marks being deleted or altered.
I'm going through the forum and:
- dealing with issues caused by phpBB version upgrades
- standardizing formats
- illustrating issues with photos and videos
- fixing:
-- typos and spelling and grammatical errors
-- broken links
- analyzing enemy posts for vulnerabilities we may have missed on the first thirty passes
- checking my own posts for accuracy and consistency
- getting ideas for newer and better takes on some of hang gliding's record

But I wouldn't get too attached to any of these forums. None of us are immortal and I lose a lot of sleep considering that some day down the road all this work and historical record will totally evaporate and be lost to this planet forever.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Torrey Trial
Bob Kuczewski - 2022/07/08 13:58:52 UTC

July 7th, 2022 was a dark day for freedom of speech in the state of California.

Yesterday, a jury of 12 people in San Diego Superior Court awarded approximately one million dollars to Robin Marien, Gabriel Jebb, and Air California Adventure for the speeches posted earlier in this topic.

Yesterday, a jury of 12 people in San Diego Superior Court condoned assault, battery, and false arrest by Robin Marien and Gabriel Jebb against citizens who simply want to be in our public parks.
Pity your jury didn't treat you with the same levels of fairness and respect you and your u$hPa, Flight Park Mafia, Jack Show, HGAA (SGAA), Bob Show buddies treated me when I attempted to get our tuggie overlords to comply with FAA aerotowing regs and stop recklessly and needlessly endangering the lives of every glider they pulled on every flight.

And what a pity it is that your favorite US President - having failed in his effort to steal the last presidential election - wasn't still around to protect the little guy from corrupt governmental and commercial interests.

Yeah, that totally sucks. I'm astonished and horrified and hoping that you have some avenue for appeal. But I've been watching bullshit like this going on nonstop for most of my flying career.

Kitty Hawk Kites operated as if they owned Jockey's Ridge State Park. Then after AT got rolling they started owning Currituck County Regional Airport.

For a long time you needed a u$hPa Three - or Two with supervision - to fly the Woodstock launches in the George Washington National Forest.

Highland Aerosports soon after launch started owning Ridgely Airpark. A couple totaled Dragonflies and their drivers, withering pool of tandem thrill riders, change of ownership... Catastrophic collapse. All those players instantly evaporated and we'll never hear from any of them ever again.

But Kitty Hawk Kites and Air California Adventure ain't going nowhere never. Well... KHK's parking lot is currently eight feet above sea level and Torrey real estate is getting eaten away at an ever accelerating rate but as far as long-timers are concerned that calculation can be tossed.


In a subsequent restraining order hearing initiated by Air California Adventures against Mr. Kuczewski, the judge watched Mr. Kuczewski's own video of the confrontation and commented that Mr. Kuczewski's behavior was "just totally unacceptable behavior". The judge encouraged Mr. Kuczewski to avoid similar confrontations in the future.
You sure didn't do yourself any favors pushing that stupid helmet issue with Gabe Jebb.

And by the way... When we in these sports get into situations in which we really need helmets...

...they virtually never do us the least degree of good.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/01/08 18:45:59 UTC

I missed a good portion of President Trump's live speech on January 6, 2021. But I just watched the entire speech here:
LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks at the 'Save America Rally' in Washington, D.C.

President Trump made several mentions of walking down to the Capitol. The most explicit reference was this passage:
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections.
But I did not see any place where he incited anyone to violence or to any illegal activity.

There was no excuse for the lawless behavior of the rioters. But I also haven't seen anywhere that President Trump has called for or incited any of those illegal actions.
How 'bout now, Bob? STILL haven't seen anywhere that President Trump has called for or incited any of those illegal actions? Haven't found the time...
AL's Second flight at Packsaddle how it went
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/23 16:29:29 UTC

As for Nobody's request for me to read a document, I haven't found the time yet. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to read everything that everyone asks me to read.
...yet to watch any of the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack public hearings? Also haven't found the time yet to post anything in support or defense of your hero / role model President...
President Trump

...since 2022/01/13 20:38:45 UTC?
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out.
So pick one, Bob...
- Trump was doing everything of any significance correctly
- dereliction of your duty to speak out

And care to make any comments about what was done to you by u$hPa, Air California Adventures, San Diego Superior Court with respect to what your hero / role model President did to the Black Lives Matter protesters at Lafayette Square...

...on 2020/06/01?

Nah, didn't think so.
Just noticed latex glove...
- Trump worried about contamination from the Bible?
- Bible's owner worried about contamination from Trump?
- All of the above?
$15 pacifiers
Jim Rooney - 2005/09/20 13:11:43 UTC

Sorry, I don't see the logic in trying to save a couple bucks on equipment that I am litterally entrusting my life to. "Pacifier"? may be... but there's an old saying out there... "You never need the backup, until you need the backup".

I know of at least one pilot out there that flies with two caribiners. His logic makes more sense to me... you can't have too many backups.
Yeah Jim...
The Press - 2006/03/15

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is urgently pushing for new hang-gliding industry standards after learning a hang-gliding pilot who suffered serious injuries in a crash three weeks ago had not clipped himself on to the glider.

Extreme Air tandem gliding pilot James (Jim) Rooney safely clipped his passenger into the glider before departing from the Coronet Peak launch site, near Queenstown, CAA sports and recreation manager Rex Kenny said yesterday.

However, he took off without attaching himself.

In a video, he was seen to hold on to the glider for about fifty meters before hitting power lines.

Rooney and the passenger fell about fifteen meters to the ground.
And yet you still managed to miss both of them.
Hook in failure in New Zealand
Jim Rooney - 2006/09/24 21:19:29 UTC

In particular... Third Party Verification.
You won't save you, but your friends might.
Not always, but they're more reliable than you.
And no reliable friends. Go figure.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Indiana shooter shot dead by armed 'good Samaritan'
Bob Kuczewski - 2022/07/18 05:09:18 UTC
Indiana shopping mall shooter shot dead by armed 'good Samaritan,' police say

At least four people, including the shooter, are dead and others are injured following a shooting at a shopping mall in the suburbs of Indianapolis, according to local reports.

Greenwood Chief James Ison said "a good Samaritan with a handgun" at the scene killed the shooter. He said two others were wounded and are being treated in area hospitals.
It's worth noting how much difference one armed good Samaritan can make. There might have been dozens killed while police were arriving, and planning, and staging. But one properly armed and trained individual saved all those lives by simply being there with a legally owned hand gun.
- PROPERLY armed? The shooter was a helluva lot more properly armed than the good Samaritan. I'd say the latter was MINIMALLY armed with just a Glock and really lucked out in this situation.

- Where does it say Good Samaritan was trained - properly or otherwise?

- The properly trained individuals would have been busy arriving, planning, and staging while perhaps dozens more victims would have fallen. Properly trained? That's what we got at Uvalde 2022/05/24. I say the less proper training we have the better. No training whatsoever seems to me to be the obvious ticket to minimizing damage.

Yeah Bob, what this country really needs is more properly trained individuals packing legally owned hand guns being everywhere at all times and in all circumstances. It boggles the mind just thinking about the untold thousands of lives that could be saved and devastating injuries that could be prevented by more properly armed and trained individuals simply being there with legally owned hand guns.
Gunman killed by armed bystander after murdering 3 at a mall in Indianapolis, Indiana - World Socialist Web Site
According to authorities, Sapirman entered a restroom near the mall's food court close to 5:00 p.m. and stayed there for over an hour. He then exited and began firing into the food court using a Sig Sauer M400, an AR-15 style semi-automatic rifle. Along with the Sig Sauer M400, Sapirman was also carrying another semi-automatic rifle, as well as a pistol and over 100 rounds of ammunition.

All of his weapons and ammunition were bought legally, and, according to UPI, relatives have told police Sapirman often went to a shooting range right outside of Greenwood, Indiana, for about two years before the shooting.
Even better supplemented with legally owned Sig Sauer M400 AR-15 style and other semi-automatic rifles.

(PC Principal Final Justice)

Fuckin' wack job.

The guns relevant to these discussions are designed and optimized for killing other humans. And the more of them we have in circulation the more of them we're gonna kill. And the vast majority of those who get killed won't have been doing anything that would've justified the on-the-spot execution.

Once upon a time when you were an Army Ranger - and do feel free to correct me with respect to anything I'm recalling or otherwise getting wrong - during a weekend downtime window you were hanging out with some of your buds one of whom was in possession of an unauthorized personal hand gun in violation of military regs regarding that space. It got passed around while conversations were going on and ended up in your hands.

You pulled the clip and were idly cocking and dry firing it as things continued. It came time to get on with the day and you replaced the clip. But there was a P.S. to the conversation and it didn't end right away. And everybody instantly settled back into back into previous mode.

And you pulled the trigger of your unloaded hand gun one last time and ventilated the opposite wall.
'Lift and Tug Before You Get Off' - PSA video from Heli1
NMERider - 2015/06/28 20:35:10 UTC

I had one friend who parted his wife's hair with his 'unloaded' .45 and several who have launched unhooked plus several more who launched without leg loops and one who died early this year without his leg loops.
And then everybody scrambled to make sure there was no dead body outside directly underneath the line of fire then to see if you'd attracted the attention of anyone who might be a vector for disciplinary action. Lucked out on both issues.

In maybe the summer of '77 in Michigan farm country there was a dad, a couple of older kids, Yours Truly. We got handed maybe a WW2 vintage bolt action Mauser to take to a firing position on elevated terrain with a target area down in a ravine (read safe earthen impact surface).

I was scared of the thing, being super careful, afraid of what the kick might do to my shoulder. I was working on getting it mashed really firmly into my shoulder, my finger was inside the trigger guard, it was set for hair trigger. Imagine my surprise when...

The shot was high, the round ricocheted off of something hard, tumbled, went whining of towards the horizon. And I'm sure you can imagine what was going through my mind.

You violated the rules of your training and I hadn't had what I'd needed. We both lucked out and if we hadn't we could've both ended up with felony manslaughter convictions. And I'd have had to live the rest of my life with the weight of what I'd done. You're a sociopath so you'd have undoubtedly faired much better on that score. (Don't imagine Terry...
Platform towing fatality in Leakey, Texas
Gregg Ludwig - 2012/06/23 20:15:21 UTC

NMERider - 2012/06/19 01:36:26 UTC

The pilot had a brush with fate a year earlier:
This is very sad.
What is that saying?..."He does the same thing over and over but expects different results."
...ever cost you much loss of sleep.)

Put more guns into the hands of more people then more people are gonna die and suffer devastating injuries needlessly.

(Anybody else feel like fessing up or relating anything?)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2024/05/31 18:32:36 UTC

Yesterday, Donald Trump was convicted in a jury trial under prosecution by Alvin Bragg. According to Newsweek:
While campaigning, Bragg said: "I have investigated Trump and his children and held them accountable for their misconduct with the Trump Foundation. I also sued the Trump administration more than 100 times for the travel ban, the separation of children from their families at the border. So I know that work. I know how to follow the facts and hold people in power accountable."
The fact that Bragg was elected in that district while campaigning on an anti-Trump platform is evidence that Trump would not be likely to find an impartial jury in that district. Those facts alone suggest that a change of venue should have been requested and granted.
And let's also bear in mind that Trump's defense team had absolutely zero say in the jury selection and that the idea of finding a single unbiased eligible juror from the Manhattan district pool was totally ludicrous in any case.

Funny we're not hearing you say anything about any or all of the 34 felony charges being absolute, outrageous, total fabrications completely out of character with respect to anything in Trump's documented history.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2024/05/31 18:32:36 UTC

The fact that Bragg was elected in that district while campaigning on an anti-Trump platform is evidence that Trump would not be likely to find an impartial jury in that district. Those facts alone suggest that a change of venue should have been requested and granted
And the fact that not one single juror of the dozen dissented from the finding of guilty on so much as a single one of the 34 felony charges leveled against President Trump in the district in which he was alleged to have committed the 34 felonies... If ya do the math that's 408 out of 408 instances of total unanimity in siding with Alvin Bragg's accusations. It's hard to imagine any argument against any explanation not involving outrageous levels of bias, prejudice, and/or outright corruption.

But I'm a bit surprised that you're not even pointing a finger in the general direction of any of the mountains of evidence we have proving President Trump's innocence beyond any shreds of reasonable doubt in these and all other hostile accusations. Reminds me a lot of:
Discuss Tad here
Bob Kuczewski - 2022/04/06 05:14:42 UTC

And Trump "locker room talk" consists of conversations assumed to be out of the range of hearing of the public and potentially hostile individuals. Where do you think that's more likely to get us when it isn't? Further from or closer to the truth? I think we all know the answer to that one with respect to the Access Hollywood tape.
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