The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson bans Swift for position on Global Warming
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/28 04:32:06 UTC

This is about as crazy as it gets. Image

It appears that Tad Eareckson just banned Swift from the "" forum because Swift took the "wrong" side on the global warming debate. Image Image

But it does get even crazier. Swift wasn't banned for comments he made on "" (which he hadn't done since 2012). No, he was banned for comments he made on the Oz Report Forum - a totally different forum!!!

Not only has Tad Eareckson become Jack Axaopolous, but he's now become the "internet thought police" tracking down what his members might say in any corner of the internet. Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
It appears that Tad Eareckson just banned Swift from the "" forum because Swift took the "wrong" side on the global warming debate. Image
No Bob. Tad Eareckson just banned Swift from the "" forum because Swift took the "wrong" side on the grade school arithmetic debate in order to drop the human fossil fuel burning contribution to atmospheric CO2 percentage from the 32 percent it actually is down to the 0.0024 percent he wants to use as a major cornerstone of his position and ignoring all of my efforts to get him straightened out.

So before we proceed any further how 'bout using one of your Navier-Stokes equations to determine which of those figures comes closest to reality. Oh, right, you have very little experience with climatology so you couldn't possibly comment. And you're always extremely careful never to take any clear stands on any two-plus-two-equals-four issues for fear of alienating two thirds of your support base.
But it does get even crazier. Swift wasn't banned for comments he made on "" (which he hadn't done since 2012).
- So then just how much should his banning actually matter to him?

- Lotsa times it's appropriate to ban people for comments they're NOT making on"". There's no right to remain silent specified in the forum rules. (Right...
Platform towing /risk mitigation / accident
Sam Kellner - 2012/07/03 02:25:58 UTC

No, you don't get an accident report.
No, he was banned for comments he made on the Oz Report Forum - a totally different forum!!!
Yeah Bob? You banned me for a consensual relationship I'd had a quarter century prior and well before the existence of the World Wide Web on the bullshit pretense that you wanted...
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/13 05:55:39 UTC

If I boot you permanently it will be due to my concerns over the topic we discussed on the phone. This forum should be a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. You have not given me any assurances that's true with you on this forum.
...The Bob Show to be a safe place for people of varying ages to visit (six months before Sam Kellner and Terry Mason demonstrated pretty conclusively that it WASN'T a safe place for people of ANY ages to visit). And I recently realized that you slipped up with your bullshit pretense by using the term VISIT - probably 'cause you'd considered that too many people would choke on a bullshit pretense of MEMBERS of varying ages. Please explain how a member can identify and/or establish contact, communications with a VISITOR of a forum. Oops, your hearing just went dead again? Big surprise.

Furthermore... I banned your dead dickhead buddy and Greblo product Orion Price - who came here under false pretenses and wasted my time - for comments he was making elsewhere. Funny I didn't hear you going all First Amendment about that one.

And further furthermore I'd estimate a minimum of 98 percent of hang gliding participants would be prebanned from Kite Strings for comments they have - and HAVEN'T - made at different times at different venues. Hang gliding's an inherent dickhead magnet and I'm keeping this as a dickhead free zone. (And I'm not characterizing Swift as a dickhead.)
Not only has Tad Eareckson become Jack Axaopolous...
- Spelled it wrong. (AGAIN.)
- Says the guy who aligned with Jack Axaopoulos to found an alternative national hang gliding association.
- Right. I've become Jack Axaopoulos. Two peas in a pod. (Suck my dick.)
...but he's now become the "internet thought police"...
- Really? I have the power to control what people think? COOL!!! Wish you'd let me know about that years earlier.

- No Bob, but I AM gonna be the "internet grade school arithmetic police". That's pretty much all I've been doing online for the past dozen years minimum.

One of the really cool things about the Standard Aerotow Weak Link - in addition of course to its extremely long track record - was that...
Dr. Trisa Tilletti - 2012/06

We could get into details of lab testing weak links and bridles, but this article is already getting long. That would be a good topic for an article in the future. Besides, with our backgrounds in formal research, you and I both know that lab tests may produce results with good internal validity, but are often weak in regard to external validity--meaning lab conditions cannot completely include all the factors and variability that exists in the big, real world.
Poll on weaklinks
Davis Straub - 2013/03/06 18:29:05 UTC

I'm thinking about doing a bit more testing as there seemed to be some disagreement around here about what the average breaking strength of a loop of Greenspot (or orange) weaklink was.
...anybody could assign to it any breaking strength he or she felt like pulling outta his or her ass at any given moment. And that was virtually never the 130 pound figure that actual testers found. And WE ARE NOT going through that bullshit again with the CO2 for which we have EXCELLENT numbers disputed by NO ONE in the scientific community.
...tracking down what his members might say in any corner of the internet.
TRACKING DOWN what his members MIGHT SAY in ANY CORNER of the internet. Right. The Davis Show. Name a hang gliding forum more prominent from anywhere on the planet in any language. (Jack has gutted his Coffee Shop to the extent that it's barely worth checking more than once every couple weeks and deleted or locked off most of the archival stuff of any substance.)

No. I was monitoring what one of OUR members - one with Moderator access and privileges - WAS SAYING REPEATEDLY on the most prominent hang gliding STAGE of the internet regarding one of the most critical issues in the biological history of the fucking planet.

Swift - 2019/07/23 23:04:43 UTC

.06% of .04% is .0024% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Is this correct?
I tell him it's so astronomically INcorrect as to leave one speechless and he continues on with it without missing a beat. So what's the point in asking? And would that kind of behavior be tolerated in any honest academic discussion?
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Think ya used enough smilies for that one?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Un Tuckable - 2019/07/27 17:15:28 UTC

If all the HGs carried some kind of atmospheric research data collector, then soaring could help fight climate change. Huge numbers of people would start hang gliding just to join the flight, er fight.
Yeah. Right.
Swift - 2019/07/27 22:12:23 UTC

Re: Co2

Please take your own advice on what you think is off topic. The question of how many believe the climate hoax of anthropogenic caused climate disaster is relevant to my discussion on saving the sport of hang gliding. If it is true then any effort to further the sport is a moot point. Why would anyone care to look long range at hang gliding if we are going to die because of the addition of .0024% CO2 to the atmosphere.
How many are mad at me for pointing out that even if the AWG theory, in most of its iterations, is never going to be mitigated by any expensive and deadly proposals that I have seen.
So no matter all the angst and teeth gnashing, nature is going to take its course just as it has done for billions of years. You can't reduce our .0024% by half without great suffering.
And even if you did, its not going to make any appreciable difference in climate. Your good intentions are naive and dangerous.

There is no consensus on AGW. That is one big lie that you naively believe. Its not your fault that you've had such a trauma based infliction imposed on your belief system.
You are victim to cult mind control since an early age. You got it from day one in your public education.
Our huge oil reserves are not the result of all the dinosaurs dying together in a ginormous pile and decaying into a pool of oil. Fossil fuel is a fraud but we want to believe what 'scientist' tell us. Its easier than thinking for ourselves and what the heck, they have a lab jacket and a clip board, right? We've never been lied to before, right? <s

Again, if your AGW supposition is correct why would anyone contribute effort to the expensive leisure of hang gliding other than to just go out and get all they could for themselves before the world ends? That is why the question of AGW is important to this discussion, but maybe that part, AGW, should be split off into another thread.
I've already been threatened to be banned from the for my discord on this topic and I'm not even a member there.
Angry people wedded to the AGW theory seem like a religious cult to me and not in the good way.
The world is getting crazier and crazier and there are many reasons why it is not your own doing if you happen to be among that crowd.
You have been indoctrinated in many beliefs. The AGW belief system is trauma based. Its a cruel thing to do to a child. The anxiety of such cult driven indoctrination subtracts from your real potential. We are getting dumber and dumber and more dangerous. Antifa surely believes AGW and anyone opposed is a Nazi that deserves their terroristic actions, for instance.

The evidence of how deeply many feel about their convictions to force drastic measures, 'to save the world', on everybody else is frightening to me.
This is the trauma based anxiety that I suffer. A huge divide that may keep us from moving forward on anything positive in any respect.
What is the answer to this?
If your perspective persists, its probably not worth much of my effort to invest further in the future of hang gliding.
Are you really sure that such a small contribution to atmospheric CO2 by human industry and recreation is a matter of life and death to the planet?
How much sleep do you lose thinking about your warm and comfortable house and how your next hang gliding trip or that trip to the store for cigarettes and ice cream is contributing to the destruction of the planet?
When are you going to stop doing those things or is it just everybody else that needs to stop?
Please take your own advice on what you think is off topic.
With ya there.
The question of how many believe the climate hoax of anthropogenic caused climate disaster is relevant to my discussion on saving the sport of hang gliding.
Well, it's a hoax. And one would hafta be a total moron to believe in any hoaxes.
If it is true then any effort to further the sport is a moot point.
It can't be true. We've already defined it as a hoax. (Pretty good one too. Notice the way they're melting all the icecaps and glaciers, raising sea levels, orchestrating off-the-scale heat waves to get all but the most brilliant of us to fall for it?)
Why would anyone care to look long range at hang gliding if we are going to die because of the addition of .0024% CO2 to the atmosphere.
- I don't. The sport deserves the medium speed death it's inflicted upon itself. But watching and dealing with the dynamics is a good model/exercise with respect to anything else ya wanna name.

- Please quote ANYONE ELSE citing your ".0024%" figure. (Notice Bob not touching it with a ten foot pole.)
How many are mad at me for pointing out that even if the AWG theory, in most of its iterations, is never going to be mitigated by any expensive and deadly proposals that I have seen.
- That's not really a sentence. Even if the AWG theory, in most of its iterations, is WHAT?
-The Doolittle Raid on Tokyo was expensive for and deadly to the US and its participants. But it was massively effective.
- And it's always way less expensive and deadly to do nothing as a problem develops.
- That you've seen? Well then, let's get back on track with continuing to do nothing.
- I thought it was a hoax. So just how expensive and deadly could it to possibly be to mitigate?
So no matter all the angst and teeth gnashing, nature is going to take its course just as it has done for billions of years.
How many billions of years worth of experience has nature racked up dealing with coal fired power plants, SUVs, chain saws, plastic, a global human population of 7.7 billion?
You can't reduce our .0024% by half without great suffering.
And there's absolutely no great suffering anywhere now so if it ain't broke...
And even if you did, its not going to make any appreciable difference in climate.
I'll take anything I can get at this point.
Your good intentions are naive and dangerous.
Aren't they all. I sure know...
weak links
Jim Rooney - 2007/07/20 21:11:32 UTC

You still fail to answer the base question... Exactly how does towing with a _stronger_ weaklink serve to make things safer?

I'll give you a hint... it DOESN'T... it makes things less safe.
...mine were.
There is no consensus on AGW.
Zach Marzec
Davis Straub - 2013/02/13 15:45:22 UTC

IMHO aerotowing is relatively safe compared with foot launching. I would certainly like to make it safer. What we would all like to know is what could we do to make it safer.

We have no agreement that a stronger weaklink would make it safer (again, I fly with a slightly stronger weaklink).
That is one big lie that you naively believe. Its not your fault that you've had such a trauma based infliction imposed on your belief system.
You are victim to cult mind control since an early age. You got it from day one in your public education.
- I was a victim of cult mind control at early ages from day one in both my public education and hang gliding training. The problem is that in public education they teach you math and science that checks out. And that stuff gives you the tools to start debunking the crap.

- How 'bout church? How come we never hear anything from you about any flavor of Christianity victimizing anyone at early ages with anything in the department of cult mind control?
Our huge oil reserves are not the result of all the dinosaurs dying together in a ginormous pile and decaying into a pool of oil.
Who the fuck says they are?
Petroleum - Wikipedia
A fossil fuel, petroleum is formed when large quantities of dead organisms, mostly zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and subjected to both intense heat and pressure.
Fossil fuel is a fraud...
Let's do the other major fossil fuel fraud while we're at it.
Coal - Wikipedia
Coal is formed if dead plant matter decays into peat and over millions of years the heat and pressure of deep burial converts the peat into coal.[2] Vast deposits of coal originates in former wetlands—called coal forests—that covered much of the Earth's tropical land areas during the late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) and Permian times.
...but we want to believe what 'scientist' tell us.
- Which 'scientist' singular?

- No, I wanna believe all the total fucking douchebags who tell us that everything's going along just fine, always has been, always will be. But I have problems inserting my head that far up my ass.
Its easier than thinking for ourselves and what the heck, they have a lab jacket and a clip board, right?
- Data and arithmetic that make actual sense, predictions coming horrifyingly accurate a fair bit ahead of schedule.

- Are there any scientists in any fields anywhere whom you trust on anything? And whom is it we're SUPPOSED to be going to for data, explanations, analyses, interpretations, theory? Anybody we feel like just as long as he or she has maxed out at no more than a couple semesters of community college?
We've never been lied to before, right? <s
Just all that crap about the Earth orbiting around the Sun, evolution, the universe being about 13.8 billion years old, black holes...
Again, if your AGW supposition is correct why would anyone contribute effort to the expensive leisure of hang gliding other than to just go out and get all they could for themselves before the world ends?
That's probably about where we are. But even today we have electric vehicles getting charged up by wind and/or solar (not to mention nuclear) power capable of getting out and up to launches, gliders are getting pulled by electric winches. In '82 I could ride my bicycle to the shop, throw my Comet on my shoulder, bag an hour of airtime on the dune. (Granted though, the business for whom I was working at the time was fueled by people driving beaucoup miles to get there.)
That is why the question of AGW is important to this discussion, but maybe that part, AGW, should be split off into another thread.
- Why bother? It's not a real thing anyway.
- No. We need to be discussing it nonstop everywhere.
I've already been threatened to be banned from the for my discord on this topic and I'm not even a member there.
You were when you posted this - and a Member with Moderator status and privileges. And if you were reading this discussion then how come you were totally ignoring my points, asking:
Swift - 2019/07/23 23:04:43 UTC

.06% of .04% is .0024% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Is this correct?
totally ignoring me when I was telling you that no way in hell was that the tiniest bit correct and that our contribution so far has actually been 32 percent, carrying on to present with this staggering level of cluelessness. That's what was and is really pissing me off.
Angry people wedded to the AGW theory seem like a religious cult to me and not in the good way.
I'm also an angry person wedded to aeronautical theory - as in this:
Manned Kiting
The Basic Handbook of Tow Launched Hang Gliding
Daniel F. Poynter

"The greatest dangers are a rope break or a premature release." - Richard Johnson
which was totally legitimate 45 years ago even when everybody was hooking up glider-only while:
Aerotow FAQ
Quest Air Hang Gliding

Weak Link

The strength of the weak link is crucial to a safe tow. It should be weak enough so that it will break before the pressure of the towline reaches a level that compromises the handling of the glider but strong enough so that it doesn't break every time you fly into a bit of rough air. A good rule of thumb for the optimum strength is one G, or in other words, equal to the total wing load of the glider. Most flight parks use 130 lb. braided Dacron line, so that one loop (which is the equivalent to two strands) is about 260 lb. strong - about the average wing load of a single pilot on a typical glider. For tandems, either two loops (four strands) of the same line or one loop of a stronger line is usually used to compensate for nearly twice the wing loading. When attaching the weak link to the bridle, position the knot so that it's hidden from the main tension in the link and excluded altogether from the equation.

IMPORTANT - It should never be assumed that the weak link will break in a lockout.
ALWAYS RELEASE THE TOWLINE before there is a problem.
is staggering cluelessness based rot Donnell Hewett spewed 'cause he found doing that way less demanding than engineering a safe release system.
The world is getting crazier and crazier...
And stupider and stupider.
...and there are many reasons why it is not your own doing if you happen to be among that crowd.
You have been indoctrinated in many beliefs. The AGW belief system is trauma based.
You mean like the Holocaust belief system?
Its a cruel thing to do to a child. The anxiety of such cult driven indoctrination subtracts from your real potential.
Of drilling the Arctic Ocean now that all that nasty ice is history.
We are getting dumber and dumber and more dangerous. Antifa surely believes AGW and anyone opposed is a Nazi that deserves their terroristic actions, for instance.

The evidence of how deeply many feel about their convictions to force drastic measures, 'to save the world', on everybody else is frightening to me.
This is the trauma based anxiety that I suffer. A huge divide that may keep us from moving forward on anything positive in any respect.
Anything positive like what? Would preserving biodiversity and critical ecosystems be options?
What is the answer to this?
If your perspective persists, its probably not worth much of my effort to invest further in the future of hang gliding.
Hang gliding has no future. The douchebags who gained control of it the first couple weeks of its inception will continue driving it into the ground until there's nothing left. We're seeing and recognizing that now - so how come we're not recognizing the steady sea level increases?
Are you really sure that such a small contribution to atmospheric CO2 by human industry and recreation is a matter of life and death to the planet?
The 0.0024 percent we're all agreed on? No fuckin' way. That's totally ridiculous.
How much sleep do you lose thinking about your warm and comfortable house and how your next hang gliding trip or that trip to the store for cigarettes and ice cream is contributing to the destruction of the planet?
I'm not sleeping anymore. And all that chain smoking I'm doing doesn't seem to be doing the slightest detectable benefit for my health.
When are you going to stop doing those things or is it just everybody else that needs to stop?
Let's everybody rev up and race to the bottom.

I unbanned you 2019/07/28 13:38:38 UTC - a half dozen minutes after my previous post - and you still have Moderator access and privileges.

The ban had served its purpose. The point was made, people were drawn out of the woodwork, Bob performed again fully in accord with our expectations.

So Bob... What's your Moderator count currently up to back there in your near nine year old grass roots organization experiment at this point?
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9161
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Ben Reese - 2019/07/29 02:14:11 UTC

I went back to the very 1st off topic reference on climate change on page #6.
It was started by Col.R 1st with a Trump picture and See no Climate change quotes..
He tagged that in on the last of his post..

It surprised me so I replied to expose that.
I replied right after..

Col.R also started a Thread about USA and China, begging them to stop killing the Earth..
Col.R does not have anything made in USA or China. He also does not enjoy the Stability of his country because the USA is keeping China in check.. He started a thread no one cared to reply to...

My point here is not to start a discussion, it’s only to remind everyone who started this off-topic subject..

This is Swifts Thread and he can direct it back on track as he sees fit..

Some good info is in here..

Col.R said he was sorry he did that, but he just keeps singing on this subject which drags in others like Swift and myself..

His apology is insincere so I think the Singapore Rules should be invoked.
He would be for this as he is a savvy full fledged globalist in training..

I vote for the Public Caning.
I went back to the very 1st off topic reference on climate change on page #6.
It was started by Col.R 1st with a Trump picture and See no Climate change quotes..
Bull fucking shit. The first reference is:
Swift - 2019/07/23 01:03:37 UTC

But again, what is the point if our .06% contribution of the .04% CO2 atmospheric makeup is going to end life on earth as we know it in less than 12 years?

.06% of .04% is .0024% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Is this correct?
If our life hinges on that slim margin what difference is it going to make if we cut 100% of .0024%?
That .0024% means life to mankind. Cut it out and we are dead anyway. No heat. No industry. No gas guzzling HG vehicles. No hang gliding because we can't build them and we can't get to a mountain to fly them and we will be frozen in our caves.

CO2 is life for humans and plants.
It seems like anyone who is against it would have to be from another planet.
...two posts and well over eight hours earlier. And that was followed by:
Ben Reese - 2019/07/24 02:56:41 UTC

(quoting entire message by Swift, right above)

Image Image Image
But I guess it's a lot easier to just scan for pictures.
He also does not enjoy the Stability of his country because the USA is keeping China in check..
Thank God! I'd sure hate to think about what might happen if China weren't in check. (Ditto for the US.)
My point here is not to start a discussion, it's only to remind everyone who started this off-topic subject..
Keep up the great work, Ben. That's the only way we're gonna be able to make hang gliding great again.
This is Swifts Thread and he can direct it back on track as he sees fit..
Yeah, it's in the Davis Show forum rules. If you start a topic you have full control of what's allowed to be posted in it.
Some good info is in here..
Oh hell, it's ALL EXCELLENT.
Col.R said he was sorry he did that, but he just keeps singing on this subject which drags in others like Swift and myself..
It must be horrible to be dragged into stuff and totally powerless to prevent that from happening.
His apology is insincere so I think the Singapore Rules should be invoked.
He would be for this as he is a savvy full fledged globalist in training..
We're dealing with a globalist climate with zilch respect for national borders.
I vote for the Public Caning.
I vote for you douchebags to continue doing what you're doing. Helps a lot with maintaining the rate of acceleration of the sport's death spiral.

Davis, Bob... Care to comment?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson bans Swift for position on Global Warming
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/28 05:02:37 UTC

For posterity, this is the full text of Tad's post where he banned Swift. Since I'm banned myself, it's not easy for me to capture the text with proper quoting and formatting preserved. So this is just the raw text copied from the topic.
For posterity...
It's over here for posterity - for as long as we're gonna be able to maintain our forum online.
Since I'm banned myself...
But four times I reconnected your wire to give you full member access on the condition that you agreed to not post. And every single time I did that you violated the crap outta that agreement. And some Kite Strings bob posts stats:

- 155 (100.0 percent) - total
- 024 (015.5 percent) - after you pulled my Bob Show plug on your total bullshit pretense and before I pulled your plug for continued outrageous violations of Kite Strings rules and policy
- 086 (055.5 percent) - in violation of non posting access agreement
- 110 (071.0 percent) - subsequent to your extrajudicial banning of me

And don't hold your breath waiting for those figures to change. And note, people of varying ages, that never once did Emperor Bob lift a finger by way of the slightest degree of reciprocation.'s not easy for me to capture the text with proper quoting and formatting preserved.
It's impossible for you to capture the text with proper quoting and formatting preserved - just as it is for me on every other significant glider forum on the planet if I were to attempt to access it under my own identity. But when I can't get in under any avenue of member access (fake or somebody else's ID) I manage to format the text as it originally appeared or better anyway.
So this is just the raw text copied from the topic.
Yeah, if it's not EASY for you to do something right then, hell, fuckit. Big surprise.

It's crap. The reader can't tell who's saying what. So what was the point in diluting your bandwidth with (even more) garbage? And you yourself never bother to respond to any substantive points when doing so would be position suicide anyway. Ditto for your pet cocksuckers over there.
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/28 16:22:06 UTC
Tad Eareckson wrote:No Bob. Tad Eareckson just banned Swift from the "" forum because Swift took the "wrong" side on the grade school arithmetic debate in order to drop the human fossil fuel burning contribution to atmospheric CO2 percentage from the 32 percent it actually is down to the 0.0024 percent he wants to use as a major cornerstone of his position and ignoring all of my efforts to get him straightened out.
Translation: Say what Tad wants you to say or he will ban you.
Good job, Bob. You know that none of your five-second-attention-span cocksucker dregs will bother to read - let alone try to understand - your 71 word quote from Tad's long winded response. They'll just do your thirteen word ("Translation" - four syllables. Everything else - one.) lying misrepresentation of what Tad was actually saying in his long winded response.

The problem with that is that you're either trying (or pretending to try) to build an organization on a foundation of five-second-attention-span cocksucker dregs - and that's even worse than what u$hPa started off with.
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Warren Narron - 2015/02/08 00:52:29 UTC

The Hawks has no product. There is no there, there.
And that will NEVER change.

The problem with Kite Strings is that the critical mass of hang gliding people who DON'T resemble that remark and could and would establish the sport as a legitimate, competent flavor of aviation doesn't exist - never has, never will.

So I hope you're enjoying what you're doing now - 'cause that's the most you ever will be able to do.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Sometime prior to about 2019/07/29 14:21:00 UTC Davis moves Swift's topic into his Basement / Free Speech Zone / Sewer.
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Col.r - 2019/07/29 13:55:54 UTC

Just to be post with the climate change pictures on page 6 was a response to a co2 reference by Swift ( the second reply before me ). who started this topic " Best plan to save sport of hanggliding " and started the INITIAL off topic! I genuinely was sorry i took the trolled bait and hoped that the original good intentions that most responders had shown may prevail...After looking up the meaning of the words " internet troll" i realized there are 2 here and the advise i will try to follow is " don't feed the trolls"...
Glad to see at least one of the participants knows something about what's going on in the thread.

And notice that it wasn't Ben Reese, Bille Floyd, Tormod Helgesen, Jim Gaar - all of whom subsequently posted - who caught Ben Reese's stupid grossly irresponsible fuckup. It also wasn't Davis, Swift, or Bob - who didn't post but should have.
Brad Gryder - 2019/07/29 14:35:47 UTC

The fact that the thread "Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding" could not maintain quality and ended up in the Off Topic section is unfortunate.
Suck my dick. The sole reason that this thread ended up in Davis's Basement was 'cause Davis felt like sending it there and had shit to do with quality. Davis and Jack basement, lock, delete ALL threads that start becoming interesting.
I hope a similar thread soon opens up in the Hang Gliding section, stays on topic, and ends in a high quality "Sticky" fashion.
I hope so too, Brad. And I'll be over here holding my breath waiting for that to happen.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...
Tad Eareckson bans Swift for position on Global Warming

If this was such a big fucking and totally legitimate deal then how come you launched it in Emperor Bob's Basement?
Board index > Off Topic Soap Box > Free Speech Zone > Tad Eareckson bans Swift for position on Global Warming
Wouldn't you likely have gotten way more hits and expressions of outrage up in the mainstream than the 36 and zero that you have now?

Is there something more important going on up in the REAL discussion area?
Board index > U.S. Hawks Hang Gliding Association > Hang Gliding General > A private launch: Hammondsport > Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/26 05:52:22 UTC
Most recent post by anyone on anything up there in that department. Nobody marching in the "Free Swift Now!" movement, no acknowledgement anywhere that I'd fully reinstated Swift with no action whatsoever on his part. Note also not the slightest hint of outrage anywhere - 'cept for here from Yours Truly - regarding Davis's basementing of Swift's thread at his sleazy dump.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Bob Kuczewski » 2019/07/29 17:15:58 UTC

As of this morning, Davis considers discussion of the "Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding" as "Off Topic". Image

See my second point above:
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/07 00:35:43 UTC

2. The hang gliding community cannot continue to allow their communication channels to be controlled by Jack and Davis.
Nah, they need to be controlled by Jack and Davis and Bob.

How many Moderators have ya got over there, Bob? I've got eighteen - including Swift (and Yours Truly) as we speak. That's 3.6 times the number of individuals who've logged in here this calendar year. Which one of us REALLY believes in a reasonable form of a grassroots organization?

P.S. And if you assholes would just boycott Jack and Davis those motherfuckers would rather quickly shrivel up and die. Jack's already gone way above and beyond the call of duty and ended and/or deleted everything of any degree of substance that was ever going on in the worlds largest hang gliding community and Davis isn't all that far behind.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Ben Reese - 2019/07/29 03:08:31 UTC

I have been banned from HG.Org, should I be expelled from USHPA..
Yea, Blind thinks so, but I am not asking him..
Jim Gaar - 2019/07/29 12:30:21 UTC

No, I don't...

You can post and should post damn near anywhere you want. I never said ..."ban him..." anywhere.
Aerotow release options?
Jim Gaar - 2009/05/01 20:45:02 UTC

And now from the OZ REPORT to you...

Holy Crap it's a Tad attack. LOCK IT DOWN!!! Image
Tad Eareckson - 2009/05/01 23:09:28 UTC

I have my correspondents filed in one of four categories...
People whose souls don't need saving... like Rick.
People whose souls can't be and/or aren't worth saving... like Jim/blindrodie.
The undead who are threats to everyone and need stakes driven through their hearts half a dozen years ago... like Davis.
Jim Gaar - 2009/05/02 01:54:26 UTC


Tad I find you continue to be the prick you always have shown yourself to be on other forums and one heck of a listhole and one of the worst Trolls since Warren Narron.

My family, my friends and the guys I fly and tow with would argue with the above quote. I'm yet to prove myself as not worth the save. Thanks anyway...

SG would you please give the two of us our first warning, and the rest of you let's stop feeding the Troll. Image
Close enough, motherfucker.
I'm open to all sorts of lies/facts/BS/opinions/stories.
Why don't you open yourself up to some hot lead in the face somewhere?
I'm quit mature...
Got that much right.
...and intelligent enough to...
...never say anything of any actual substance anywhere.
...see through all the mudslinging and misinformation.
Yeah, a pro in mudslinging and misinformation almost certainly would be.
You are a case for sure.
I'll keep doing my part.
Jesus be praised.
You do yours. You might be surprised who supports BK to a point.
Might be getting Rodie a bit in your corner, Bob. Keep up the great work.
But not as a blog moderator, as he allows lies, half truths and and complete idiots to post unmoderated on the TH's forum.
He encourages and flourishes on lies, half truths and and complete idiots posting unmoderated everywhere they can.
He even defends that shit! That's what knocks him completely out of the sky for me...
Can't we all just get along?
Reinstate him? As far as a USHPA member, I have little argument against that point. Is he a shitty moderator. IMHO you bet.
Certainly not one of the really great ones we have in hang gliding.
Swift - 2019/07/29 18:54:14 UTC

Re: No, I don't...

Did we get sent to the sewer/basement because of you cussing about BK, or because you just wanted to shut things down? That's your unofficial job, right?
See above.
Or, was it on Christopher's idea to ban me for being insincere? (in his opinion)
Are we allowed to speak freely here or not?
Sure Swift. Davis's middle name is Freedom.
Jim Gaar - 2019/07/29 19:29:58 UTC

Are you really that thick bro!?/Now back on topic!

Look Swifty, you need to realize that you and BR are the only ones responsible for the crap (or not) that you post on the Oz Report. I don't have anything to do with it other than to offer levity and maybe a word to the wise. Well, I DO like to pull your chains though BUT I freely admit it!

I make no claim to fame like you two. I just happen to favor the truth and not argument for the sake of stupidity/ignorance/whatever you two want to call it.

Blamin' little 'ol me is just down right funny and you should be embarrassed at your perceived attitude and written word (mostly). I like to read some of what you two write and have NO issue with you writing more, so go at my friend. Keep showin' your cards to this little free flight world here. Or you could get out there and do something about it.

What were we talkin' about anyway... :twisted: Oh yes saving the great sport of hang gliding! Sorry for the "...cussing..." I just honestly can't believe you guys want to spend the time to write all that cra... uh stuff!

SO now what are you going to do? Shall we save hang gliding over here? Doesn't matter what side of the Oz Report we do it on does it!? (Rhetorical-don't take the bait) Well why not! You first.
Jack and Davis thrive on crud like you.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...

Ya notice you don't have much in the way of DISCUSSION going on over there about what's happening now?

Of course I don't either - beyond what I myself am posting - but I don't have any delusions about building a substantial u$hPa rivaling hang gliding association and I'm not showering my team members with endless scores of smilies every time they post anything.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

Might be getting Rodie a bit in your corner, Bob. Keep up the great work.
Wall of Shame in banning of Joe Faust from
Bob Kuczewski wrote:In my opinion, Jim Gaar (blindrodie) has been supportive of many good things over the years. He's been a member of the Torrey Hawks for a long time. I know that Warren has reported negatively on Jim, and I would welcome some resolution to those complaints. But overall, I have considered Jim to be a positive contributor to the sport of hang gliding.
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