Wow, four consecutive posts by three participants none of whom is me.
Was about to say the same as Steve and ask about stuff you've just answered.
Please stop head banging Tad. He does and gets more of that in a week than the average NFL player does in a season and the toll is beginning to show.
I was wondering how your BHPA twat buddies were reacting to our little u$hPa experiment with Tad-O-Links - the one in which our brave test pilots, meaning every man, woman, child, dog who hooks up behind a tug, suddenly chucked the one-size-fits-all focal point of our safe towing systems, one having proven to have worked by several decades of experience and hundreds of thousands of tows conducted by numerous aerotow operators across the county, and replaced it with one 54 percent more dangerous which has never once been reported to have worked.
Tow Park accidents
Jack Axaopoulos - 2009/11/10 13:36:53 UTC
That said, I am not confident that I am right. Id love to see ONE tow park switch systems for a year or longer, and compare tow incidents before and after. Its the only way to really test which way is better IMO.
Should be interesting - seeing as how they plagiarized the justification for their policy from Pagen. Two and a half seasons and running and Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney hasn't had to visit anyone in the hospital where the Tad-O-Link victim can begin to hear what the Rooney Linkers have been telling them all along.
When you're doing your harness design try not to make it so good that the parachute is most likely to be disabled in the precise circumstances it's most likely to be needed (à la Adam Parer).
Kite Strings... The elephant in Jack's Living Room. What's that they say about eighty percent of life being showing up? Must be worth something in combination with getting things right all the time. We're seeing definite trending in progress. I wonder how all the houses of cards will hold up in the coming years.
If Kite Strings were to ever become "acceptable" there would be very little need for its continued existence. Can't see u$hPa, HPAC, BHPA, HGFA ever allowing that to happen.