USHPA mailer re: donations for RRG
Greg Angsten - 2015/12/17 21:46:14 UTC
So everybody should climb out of their canoe in the middle of the rapids and into Bob's, which has no paddle.
Which way is u$hPa going, what is the outcome if it continues in that direction, and what do they say about people doing the same thing over and over expecting better results?
Robert Kuczewski - 81898
- H4 - 2005/09/13 - Steve Stackable - 2012/09/30 - FL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR
- P4 - 2006/04/11 - Ken Baier - FL CL FSL HA RLF RS TUR
Rob Burgis - 2015/12/18 17:58:35 UTC
For the record, your new incoming president...
As opposed to your OLD incoming president.
...sides with the outgoing one, 100% on this issue.
You and Greg respectively? So does that mean that 51 percent of the Sylmar club is totally on board with this position? 51 percent of the members who voted? How many was that. When I was involved with the Capitol club one became president 'cause nobody else wanted to do it.
NMERider - 2015/12/19 06:48:54 UTC
According to my recollection of the evidence presented for Bob Kuczewski's expulsion from USHPA he gave testimony under oath for which he was not qualified to give by any stretch of the imagination.
1. According to your RECOLLECTION? Why don't you just go to the transcript so's you don't need to RECALL anything? What? No transcript? Why do you think that is? If you were legitimately expelling someone from the organization wouldn't you want a transcript to document the necessity and fairness of the proceedings?
2. Wasn't qualified by any stretch of the imagination?
Robert Kuczewski - 81898
- H4 - 2005/09/13 - Steve Stackable - 2012/09/30 - FL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR
- P4 - 2006/04/11 - Ken Baier - FL CL FSL HA RLF RS TUR
- Looks pretty fuckin' qualified to me. He got those ratings from u$hPa, right? And if he's got those Advanced ratings in both flavors and he's not qualified then that in itself is a damned good case against u$hPa's legitimacy.
- And how many of the assholes on the Board who backed Bob's expulsion for giving unqualified testimony were as qualified as Bob was?
- Think Bob might have presented his rating card to the court and that the court determined that he WAS in fact qualified by some stretch of the imagination to give testimony under oath?
3. So if Bob was giving false testimony under oath how come I haven't heard any mention of the word "perjury"?
4. Wanna hear some false testimony regarding Shannon's situation from a Gliderport pilot at the time of the incident?
Brad Geary - 2011/07/24
Shannon had a minor accident. ... I don't know details - I saw it from the air...
Brad Geary
Um... I think it was pretty severe. Judging by the way she hit the ground I'm gonna guess she probably has a collarbone, shoulder, arm, rib injury... Something like that. Probable lung injury...
Lung injury?
Brad Geary
Lungs? She hit on her side pretty hard. It would be like falling off of a rooftop and landing on your side. So like probably... She probably had...
...a lot of damage in that area. I don't know. We're not gonna know until a little later here.
In effect, Bob betrayed over 9000 UHSPA members in furtherance of his personal spat against the Jebb family and in the process helped place the sports of hang gliding and paragliding in permanent jeopardy.
1. Not all nine thousand members of that shit organization feel that way, Jonathan. A pretty good chunk of the people involved in the discussions were outraged by u$hPa's conduct - including some who were no fans of Bob's by any means - and many declared they'd be dropping their memberships in protest.
2. The Jebb family is ultra corrupt dangerous scum.
3. Bob HELPED place the sports of hang gliding and paragliding in PERMANENT jeopardy? Pretty damned good for one person not qualified by any stretch of the imagination to give testimony in a paragliding incident case. How 'bout Kelly Harrison? He's still a really great guy who was just a bit shy in the risk management department on one flight in the course of a long Hang Five career.
Bob should do the honorable thing and go into permanent hiding.
Yeah? So cite something from Bob's testimony that had no legitimacy and tell me why u$hPa's top notch, highly qualified hang glider pilot attorney was totally unable to discredit Bob to the satisfaction of the court.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/12/19 17:55:17 UTC
According to my recollection of the evidence presented for Bob Kuczewski's expulsion from USHPA he gave testimony under oath for which he was not qualified to give by any stretch of the imagination.
False. My testimony was solid because it was true.
I'd say if there's a midair which seriously injures a P1 student flying in traffic at a Hang Four minimum soaring site while she's under active instruction by a flight school that's about 500.0 percent the fault and responsibility of the flight school. And it sounds like the court reached the same conclusion.
In effect, Bob betrayed over 9000 UHSPA members in furtherance of his personal spat against the Jebb family and in the process helped place the sports of hang gliding and paragliding in permanent jeopardy.
False again. You confuse cause and effect. The cause of Shannon's injuries was an out-of-control concessionaire. The cause of the out-of-control concessionaire was USHPA's failure to provide any meaningful oversight of their buddies at Torrey. The injuries and my testimony were inevitable consequences of USHPA's actions. Your willingness to blame the injured party is [polite]disappointing[/polite].
Bob should do the honorable thing and go into permanent hiding.
I use my name openly, "Tangent Man", because I am proud of standing up for justice.
When it suits your own purposes. And turning blind eyes and perpertrating all the grotesque injustice you can manage whenever anything else suits your purposes.
A young woman put her trust in the hands of people who [polite]didn't deserve it[/polite] and was badly injured.
And a darling little person of a varying age taking a tandem paragliding "lesson" at the time who witnessed it was...
...traumatized for life.
USHPA - the organization she joined as a member - betrayed her trust.
Welcome to the club. That's all u$hPa does - and has been doing since I started in the sport over 35 years ago.
Even worse, USHPA's [polite]expulsion hearing[/polite] against me is their threat to all members not to break the "code of silence" on dangerous practices. That's what makes them uninsurable.
One of many things.
An insurable organization would work to fix problems and provide a reward system for whistle blowers.
Exactly the way you do on The Bob Show. I like the way you got right to the bottom of the Terry Mason fatality and punished Sam by putting him on your Fake Board of Directors.
An uninsurable organization tries to cover up problems and blame those who report them.
Alan Crouse - 2015/12/19 18:12:17 UTC
What About Bob?
Once Bob tried to work for the good of pilots. Few traces of that Bob remain as he has been consumed by his vendetta against Torrey.
Mutually exclusive, huh?
We don't even have to look outside this posting string to see how he mis-represents the facts to suit his purposes.
From Bob's post above: "I know because I was an expert witness in that case (as was Dennis Pagen and others)". - Any reasonable person would think that meant that Bob and Dennis and others were working together.
I'm not a reasonable person and so wouldn't assume that.
In fact, Bob was all alone in his version of events.
So the court didn't just count the people on the opposing sides of the issue and decide the case on the basis of that arithmetic?
Dennis Pagen and every other expert...
1. Every "OTHER" expert? So you're conceding that Bob was, in fact, a qualified expert.
2. Dennis Pagen an expert? How much of the crap from this lying sonuvabitch have you actually read?
...was on the other side of the table!
WOW! All that firepower against li'l ol' not-qualified-by-any-stretch-of-the-imagination Bob. And the good guys still lost.
Mark's right. We don't have a JUSTICE system. We have a LEGAL system that's always finding in the favor of very small parties not qualified by any stretch of the imagination and against huge parties with qualifications oozing out their ears and asses.
I feel very sorry for the Bob we have today.
How 'bout T** at K*** S******? Got any sympathy left over for him?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/12/19 18:57:50 UTC
Once Bob tried to work for the good of pilots.
My vision and focus have never changed. Unlike you, Alan, I have remained uncorrupted by my close contact with the USHPA central command.
Any reasonable person would think that meant that Bob and Dennis and others were working together.
No. Only someone who didn't actually read what I wrote would make that assumption. Only someone trying to twist my words to mean something else would make that assumption. That's the kind of "evidence" that USHPA uses to expel people and it's not evidence at all.
I mentioned Dennis Pagen to point out that USHPA members and Directors testified on both sides of this case. The case was between two parties - neither of which were USHPA itself. It could be argued that if USHPA were to take any side, they should have taken Shannon's since she was a USHPA member. But members get no support from USHPA when they're wronged by USHPA's buddies.
In Shannon's case - as in every case - both sides have a right to a defense and to call witnesses. It's up to the jury to sort it out. That's the best justice system we have. USHPA's actions by expelling me are an attempt to subvert that system and deny injured parties the right to expert witnesses with experience in our sports.
I feel very sorry for the Bob we have today.
Alan, I have remained true to my principles of fairness - whether it's for David Beardslee or Shannon Hamby or even for David Jebb.
Well yeah. None of them are unrepentant child molesters.
It is you who've been corrupted by your exposure to USHPA's intense internal peer pressure. Please feel sorry for your own lost soul.
u$hPa operatives were all hatched without them.
Edit - 2015/12/21 13:30:00 UTC
Amended the false testimony documentation regarding Shannon's minor accident.