Tad, for some reason I can't get logged in to Kite Strings to join a dialog on the two Jims.
For the record, (as you already know) Jim Gaar, is a big talking fraud.
But what you might not know is that Jim Gaar, even now, is barely a H3 and never has flown a Dragonfly. He likes to give the impression that he has .. but it's a big fat lie.
Jim Gaar has very little experience in towing of any kind and it's really pathetic to see him posture and pretend to others that he is such an old timer. When Jim Gaar mentions hundreds and hundreds of tows and years and years of experience, he is actually talking about other pilots, as a group, that has those credentials.
In 2001 Jim Gaar was a new H2 when two other pilots and myself, plus Gaar's father went in together on a cheap Dragonfly to form a flying club that is now long-gone defunct.
Jim Gaar, was instrumental in the failure of this group and the resultant "flight park" as the 'Blindrodie' was named temporary manager of the flight park in the paperwork his lawyer father wrote up for the group.
The temporarily named 'place holder Gaar', became defacto permanent manager over time because neither of the other partners had the backbone to properly elect an officer as the partnership bylaws prescribed.
At that time, Gaar, had about two hours claimed in his log book and was handed the reigns to the "flightpark".
Ignorance is one thing and it really isn't a crime, until it's coupled with arrogance.
Add in the Gaar predisposition to falsely prop oneself up as some kind of an authority, plus a tendency for larceny and it looks like Jim Gaar might have missed his calling in politics!
Jim Gaar's postings on the Jack and Straub show prove that laws of lowest common denominator prevail.
I hate to think that some young pilot might confuse him for someone with a clue.
It's buyer beware around Jim Gaar, kids.
Don't let him blow smoke up your butt and keep your eyes on your valuables.
Those of us who prefer to fly, will always wonder about the key board jocks, who frighten away new flyers with skitzoid horror stories of murder, and at the hands of friends who only wish to share the incomparable thrill of free flight. I'm reminded of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, striving against the ever present obstructionists. Thanks to Sam for limiting Our forum to FLYERS. See you soon Bob
Frankly, a lockout should never happen... it's not a single failure, and it's not a problem with the equipment or with the mechanics or physics of what is being attempted... a lockout can only happen as the result of operator error(S)... plural.
Flying in active air, it's wise to add a little more clearance from the ridge, obstacles, other gliders, etc... because thermals or turbulence can turn us, or delay us from turning when we want to.
Blindrodie wrote:Good Lord are you the internet Paparazzi?
Her death isn't anyone's business unless the family want's it to be. The facts are that she's dead. Anything you drag up won't make a bit of difference in anyone's life but yours maybe.