instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Got this from Aleksey yesterday morning - 2017/09/24 09:19:18 UTC
Hi Tad!

Yesterday we have had A training again. It was scooter-winch towing for beginners. Guys are started be towed since June 2017. Here is one of students.

Winch is instolled close to take-off and rope comes thru pulley installed in field. Overal lenght of rope is 1000 meters. The higest attempt was about 120 meters. Unfortunately small ridge you can see in back plan was totally occupated with paraplaners and it was almost impossibme to fly that side to soar a little bit.

But generally training day purpose has been reached. All pilots are alive, all gliders are not damaged.

Plugging the YouTube text into the translator:

Title: Khodyko Dmitry 23.09.2017
Uploader: Dmitry Milovsky - 2017/09/23
Towing on a hang glider. Active winch type - "hole".
Flight Director: Aleksey Vilkov
Pilot: Dmitry Khodyko
Delta Club "FALCON" Saint-Petersburg

(And 3.28084 to go from meters to feet.)

Breath of fresh air after having dealt with all that Grebloville/Kagel/Ryan crap.

1:12 - Foot launch commences, airborne in two seconds, fully proned out within the following two seconds.

1:50 - Fully proned out, both hands where they're supposed to be, stuffs bar to prevent stall which results from the upcoming increase in the safety of the towing operation.

1:52 - Releases - using one of those releases that doesn't work because if they did everybody would be using them everywhere already - while maintaining full control of the glider. (Using the Blue Sky Scooter Tow method it takes about a week to train pilots how to safely release with one hand while safely flying the glider (upright) with the other.)

3:14 - Prone to partially to fully upright at near skim altitude.

3:20 - Stopped on feet six seconds after coming out of prone.

3:34 - Nice look at release mechanism as wing camera is turned off.


- Port sidewire and downtube are a bit iffy.

-- I would at least give the wire a substantial stomp test after every setup and before every breakdown.

-- You can see "Baily's Beads" as the downtube reflects direct sunlight at 2:16, 2:39, and 2:49. Best not use that glider for aerobatics until that downtube is replaced. (Other downtube may have seen better days as well but the bend may just be lens distortion).

- No hook-in check. Consequences of a 2007/10/18 foot launched tow flight at Jean Lake sans hook-in check:

Back to the positive stuff...

What are the differences between US and Russian hang gliding culture?

I'm thinking that if you seriously degrade one key aspect of the sport everything else will inevitably follow - the Rotten Apple effect.

Hewett Skyting Theory has gotta be the greatest disaster to strike aviation anywhere in its history - hook up with an "auto-correcting" "center of mass" bridle, use some total crap easily reachable Reliable Release as an afterthought and an Infallible Weak Link as the focal point of your safe towing system. Go up as a total fuckin' dope on a rope - zilch ability to function as pilot - and hope the air stays glassy smooth to fit in with your theory. And you can ALWAYS blame the dead guy when things don't go as planned 'cause he'll never be around to disagree with your findings or legally align himself with all the other dead guys.

Hang gliders first evolved dependent on towlines and towlines are most of what keeps the sport going - particularly when used in conjunction with launch dollies and platforms. The more you take the foot launch out of foot launch aviation the better it gets - astronomically.

In the flatlands launch dollies and platforms naturally dominate and flying upright during and after dolly/platform launches is too insane an idea even for hang gliding - US or anywhere else.

My impression of Russian hang gliding...

- The country is extremely FLAT - 'specially around population centers.

- It gets COLD (as Napoleon and Hitler found out the hard way) and that turns a lot of lakes and rivers into even more really excellent tow sites.

- The pilot population doesn't have the money that Yanks tend to and that tends to neutralize Dragonfly infestation and boost surface towing.

- Dragonfly towing needs big local pilot and tourist / tandem thrill rider population and dedicated runways and hangars to support it and puts hang glider pilots under the thumbs of commercial interests and stick controlled ultralight pilots.

- Surface towing can be run relatively cheaply entirely by hang glider pilots in small communities adapting mainstream road equipment - cars, trucks, trailers, scooters. And:
-- sans anything analogous to a Dragonfly tow mast breakaway protector / hang glider killer
-- it's mostly hang glider pilots towing hang glider pilots and taking turns driving and flying

- I've ALWAYS admired the innovative spirit of the surface crowd (some of it anyway). And note that solid bite controlled releases came out of both US (Paul Farina) and Russian surface tow cultures.

- And the only things mountain launchers have ever innovated are launch ramps and hour long upright student flights.

Thanks again, Aleksey.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jim Rooney
Seahawk - 2017/09/24 05:04:53 UTC

That dude was a legend in his own mind. Anybody here know what he is up to these days? Anybody here care what has become of him?
Jim Gaar - 2017/09/25 13:10:23 UTC

One of the best out there...
- Fer sure. When the group you're looking at is dregs.

- From one of his foremost...
Threaded bridle system
Jim Gaar - 2011/05/26 15:44:33 UTC

Beyond that I'm a Rooney follower...
...I would agree!
That he was a legend in his own mind. One of the best out there.
Last word I read was that it was to costly to keep going back-and-forth from the US to New Zealand so he stayed in NZ...
Tug Pilot Needed

So he let Highland Aerosports, the Dragonfly aerotow operation that made him the man he is today, collapse and permanently evaporate.
You can catch him on the OZ Report if you need to get in touch with him.
2017/01/31 03:15:17 UTC - last Davis Show post.
Nic Welbourn - 2017/09/26 00:17:30 UTC

Legend in his own mind...?
Does anybody care about what has become of him?!

Sounds nasty...
I note your reading comprehension is a lot better than Rodie's - for what that's worth.
I hope it wasn't meant that way.
It was meant to be highly complimentary. Seahawk just doesn't proofread all that well.
I hope Jim is doing well, and its really no wonder if he doesn't bother with internet pilots these days.
- Says the internet pilot.

- Doesn't have a choice regarding Jack's Living Room:
-- Last post:
So long guys
2011/06/12 17:45:36 UTC
-- Permanently banned by Jack from His Living Room:
2011/06/12 18:20:06 UTC

- If you're on the right side of the game and have any balls you fight back. Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney's out on both counts.

I was gonna hold off until Friday - the celebration of the first anniversary of his last known airtime logging day:


but here we are.
Jim Rooney tandem paraglider incident in New Zealand
Jim Rooney - 2016/10/01 05:55:48 UTC

Up from surgery... Plates on L2 while it heals, will come out after. Feeling good.

I won't comment on my crash just yet.
Just yet. Implying you will SOON.
Maybe after the CAA investigation.
And maybe not. Two possibilities. They find you totally:

- blameless - the way they did after your 2006/02/21 unhooked Coronet Peak tandem thrill ride 'cause pilot incompetence is never a factor in an unhooked launch. That's just one of those shit-is-gonna-happen-sooner-or-later things.

- unfairly to be an incompetent total douchebag.

In Scenario:

- A, you post to make sure everyone knows you were totally exonerated and have resumed your tandem thrill ride driver career.

- B, you post to protest the incompetence of the CAA investigation which should have found one of history's greatest avaitors to have been totally blameless - once again.
Jim Rooney - 2009/03/29 20:32:51 UTC

Wow, didn't think I'd be taken as trying to hide anything...
No worries.... my info is all public knowledge.

Ok... that "other flight park".
Highland Aerosports, Ridgely MD.
Absolutely no accidents.
You can drop the Wallaby/Quest BS at the door.

Me... clip in failure 2006, Coronet Peak NZ. Extreme Air hang gliding.
(btw, everyone seems to miss the fact that it was _during_ my hang check). Yes, tandem. Passenger was fine, visited me in the hospital. Me? multiple injuries. Two and a half months in hospital.
No CAA report that anyone's ever heard of after three days shy of a year, zero public knowledge beyond the fact that you were PIC of a paraglider tandem thrill ride that necessitated another chopper ride off Coronet Peak.

Wonder how your Coronet Peak catastrophic crash to successful ride ratio stacks up to those of your colleagues.
Just posting here too let people know that I'm doing well.
See much evidence that people really give flying fucks?

And now that I think about it... When was the last time any of you Industry shits and/or cocksuckers acknowledged that your dear friend and colleague Zack Marzec ever existed? And to this day nobody seems to have the least curiosity about any issues that might have been the least bit problematic on his final Rooney Link protected pro tow.

As of this post Jack Show Jim Rooney thread with 380 hits and holding steady with two pathetic replies.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jim Rooney
Jim Gaar - 2017/09/26 11:49:01 UTC

Some time ago he wrote off the .Org due to paraglider bashing and his feelings on the general nature of this forum.
Aw, little Jimmy couldn't take the heat and had to run back to Mommy for a hug and kiss and some tear drying.

And here's his take on the general nature of this forum:
I'm outta here
Jim Rooney - 2008/12/11 17:28:03 UTC

Head over to if you would like to see how a forum should be run.
And here's his take on the general nature of THE OTHER forum:
speed link
Jim Rooney - 2007/12/13 18:07:02 UTC

I bring up the Oz Forum cuz I seriously believe you fear peer review.

It's easy to rant and rave here on this group because most here are very civil and there's no moderation. Not so over at Oz. There are also very highly qualified individuals lurking there. I honestly think you're afraid.
But of course you'll have an excuse for not going there.
While on 2011/06/12 17:45:36 UTC he refers to The Davis Show as 'a sewing circle bitchfest". (See below.)
The "legend" comment seems to back that up... Image
- Now that somebody at a more functional reading comprehension level has pointed out for you that it wasn't meant as a compliment.

- There's ONE INDIVIDUAL responsible for the general nature of that "forum" (Living Room). So how come you're not telling Jack what a shit job he's doing?

- So name a forum with a general nature compatible with his feelings where he can continue to use his keen intellect to set all us stupid muppets straight and tell us what weak link we should all be using - now that...

...the accepted standards and practices have changed. He hasn't posted ANYTHING ANYWHERE since 2017/01/31 03:15:17 UTC. And we have ZERO evidence of him flying ANYTHING since...


...2016/09/29. And don't you find it odd that with the untold scores of close MATES - almost entirely anonymous - he's always telling us about nobody else is telling us anything about him?

- Paraglider bashing huh? We've got a major national news story concerning his last known PIC flight. Must've been the paraglider's fault since it's indisputable that Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney is God's Gift to World Aviation, right? So doesn't he owe us an explanation about why all paragliders should be immediately grounded?

- u$hPa permanently revoked Brad Geary's tandem ticket...
Goodbye Bob K?
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/04/21 01:32:02 UTC

So far as the wing walking thing goes, as soon as we were made aware of it last year, we immediately suspended the tandem rating, followed (after procedure) by a permanent revocation of that rating. Had we known about it sooner, we would have acted sooner. That's the disciplinary process that is available to us as a membership association. It's all there in SOP 12-7 for you to read for yourself, in the members section of the USHPA website.
...for THIS:


Should u$hPa ever again permit Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney to fly a "student" in a hang or para glider - given his history at Coronet Peak?

Let's take a look at Rooney's departure from The Jack Show.
So long guys
Jim Rooney - 2011/06/12 17:45:36 UTC
Ok guys. I've had it

I've grown a bit sick of the "Us vs Them" (PGvsHG) attitude around here.
I fly both, along with a bunch of other aircraft, as do many around here. I'm both "Us" and "Them", but in your world, there is only room for one.

So I'm supposed to hate myself for trying to ruin "your" sport.
I supposedly lie about the realities of a sport that you know nothing about (so how exactly am I to be judged?). I just don't get it.

I'm a professional in both.
This isn't a weekend gig for me.
Yet the amount of bile I have to put up with? Image

I came here from the Oz Report Forum cuz this place was initially less of a sewing circle bitchfest. Sadly, it's become just as bad... no, worse. Here the "moderator" takes sides.

So I've decided I'm not putting up with it.
You like my advice about your hobby, but you rail and spew about my other one? Sorry. I'm taking my ball and going home.
Jack Axaopoulos - 2011/06/12 18:20:06 UTC

Have we had enough threads started about paragliding on this HG forum yet????

Ill never understand why people have to start threads they know are going to cause the same old heated debate that comes up far too often, yet they continue to do it.

Cant we all just agree to stop the pg talk? it doesnt belong here.
This is an HG specific site, not biwingal. There is a paragliding specific forum available too.

Now this I dont get:
Youre supposed to hate yourself? Thats what people say here? Image
Youre trying to ruin our sport? Thats what people think here? Image
Bile? Anyone who doesnt agree with you spews bile now?

Sorry Jim... havent seen anyone say anything like the above. Can you quote it?
You seem to perceive anyone who disagrees with you as a hater of pg, simply nonsense. We just disagree. I dont think pg piltos who disagree with me hate hang gliding.

Like ive told others... if you want to go... just go. You dont get a free parting cheap shot at the community to tell us how much we suck. Sorry... no free attack on us while you exit.

Well I see now that you are threatening to delete your account in a PM if I dont delete it for you, which I can only assume means youre going to do what a certain other poster did and start vandalizing and deleting posts, so you force my hand... account banned so you cant vandalize. Well this truly sucks. Threatening to damage the site just because you got pissed off is really messed up dude. You need to seriously chill out.

Accounts cant be deleted. It screws all the threads up. Sorry, I cant let you just start trashing the place, which is your intent.

You could have simply said, so long guys, not enjoying it here anymore, instead of trashing us and threatening to damage the forum, which is why you are in the basement now. A gentlemens farewell would not be in the basement.

If you wish to lunge even more profanity at me, email me directly.
And there's never been a denial of Jack's claim that Rooney's intending to delete all of his posts. And that's lose/lose for the little shit. Jack's:

- telling the truth and the little shit's intending to destroy a majorly important historical record and mangle the efforts of those who've engaged and discredited him.

- lying and his record of lying isn't being properly exposed and members of "The worlds largest hang gliding community" aren't being properly informed about the true character of the asshole who's running the show and have a major effect on policy in life or death matters.

Still only two responders to the post, 445 hits to date.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jim Rooney
Seahawk - 2017/09/28 05:23:00 UTC
Jim Gaar - 2017/09/25 13:10:23 UTC

One of the best out there I would agree!
Indeed! He did a fine job of flying his tandem passenger into some power lines.
Oh bullshit. SHE was the Pilot In Command - being the only one actually hooked into the glider. But recognizing that she wasn't properly qualified for solo high flight Jim bravely clung to the basetube to ensure that she wouldn't get too far out of her depth and landed the glider as safely as was possible under the circumstances.

And not being hooked in Jim doesn't even properly fall under the definition of passenger. More of a Good Samaritan dynamic. Really not in any pilot capacity and to present him as such does him a disservice and you a discredit.

And let's remember that Jim's quick thinking and altruistic action limited her injuries to mild electrical burns and cost him two and a half months in the hospital - which the grateful good citizens of Kiwiland were only too happy to cover.

And just to squelch your malicious insinuations and mischaracterization of this incident...
The Press - 2006/03/15

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is urgently pushing for new hang-gliding industry standards after learning a hang-gliding pilot who suffered serious injuries in a crash three weeks ago had not clipped himself on to the glider.

Extreme Air tandem gliding pilot James (Jim) Rooney safely clipped his passenger into the glider before departing from the Coronet Peak launch site, near Queenstown, CAA sports and recreation manager Rex Kenny said yesterday.

However, he took off without attaching himself.

In a video, he was seen to hold on to the glider for about fifty meters before hitting power lines.

Rooney and the passenger fell about fifteen meters to the ground.
Did anyone ever actually HEAR of any new or revised hang-gliding industry standards implemented in the wake of this incident? Was there ever any finding of the least degree of negligence or incompetence? Did either the NZHGPA or u$hPa revoke or suspend any of his ratings? By the same token it appears that he was found totally blameless - at worst - in his tandem paraglider crash at the same place a year ago come tomorrow.

And compare/contrast with those Steve Parson and Jon Orders motherfuckers who clipped THEMSELVES in but not their students. Both fatally splattered, two felony manslaughter convictions. I rest my case.
Hard to top that act when it comes to one of the best out there.
Fuck you, dude. The guy was INDEED a legend in his own mind and you owe him and all Jack Show members a major apology.
Nic Welbourn - 2017/09/28 06:01:59 UTC

What the fuck do you mean "what the fuck"? What's that son of a bitch gotta do, in how many blatant lies does he need to be caught to attain the status he's deserved since birth? I guess you assholes can't call a spade a spade without substantial damage to your own bullshit reputations.
Jim Gaar - 2017/09/28 12:29:48 UTC

When you are one of the best...
And we all know he was because he was incapable of making a post without telling us he was a minimum of three times. fly a LOT! And shit happens...
Yeah, this was just a case of shit happening - inevitably.

- Funny that the courts didn't see it that way in the Steve Parson and Jon Orders incidents, neither either of those guys nor their attorneys employed that tack as a defense, not one of you motherfuckers used it in their defense. Also funny that Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney never offered himself as an expert witness, lifted a finger in defense or support of either of his colleagues. Now that I think about it... I don't think he's ever acknowledged either of their existences.

- And then there's the argument that when you fly a LOT you become a better pilot, maintain currency, are LESS likely to be the victim of shit happening. Does anybody sell tandem rides advertising their pilots as not being all that good and not having many flights under their belts? "Yeah, we're gonna send you up with Mike today. His logbook is only a third as thick as Jim's so his much less due for some shit happening."

- Are tandem riders advised of this issue before the sign the waiver? And does u$hPa advise new students that their flying careers are essentially gonna be dice rolls? Is that how they presented themselves to the insurance industry before they became so radioactive that no one would ever again get anywhere near them?

- Doesn't appear that Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney...
Jim Rooney - 2009/03/29 19:01:08 UTC

In the States, I work for an other flight park with a similarly perfect safety record. We've been operating full time for ten years now and have had no accidents. And yes, we do aerobatics.
...agrees with you. Jack...
Tow Park accidents
Jack Axaopoulos - 2009/11/12 14:49:58 UTC

One of the stated goals of this site is to promote HG. MOST views on this site are NOT from members but from visitors, they have no ignore button.

Having Tad run around every day giving the impression that there is a massive weekly slaughter of pilots at tow parks due to their horribly dangerous devices surely doesnt promote HG. Especially when the safety records are quite excellent.

Like Jim said, theyve gone a decade with no fatalities at their tow park. Pretty damn good I say.

Yet listening to Tad, you would think guys were dying all over the place
He's been nothing but misleading and negative and ignored multiple warnings from me. So He's GONE
...even to the best of us.
- How the fuck...
Is This a Joke? We Know What We're Doing?
Warren Narron - 2011/09/15 04:53:07 UTC

About Jim

Tad, for some reason I can't get logged in to Kitestrings to join a dialog on the two Jims.
For the record, (as you already know) Jim Gaar, is a big talking fraud.

But what you might not know is that Jim Gaar, even now, is barely a H3 and never has flown a Dragonfly. He likes to give the impression that he has .. but it's a big fat lie.

Jim Gaar has very little experience in towing of any kind and it's really pathetic to see him posture and pretend to others that he is such an old timer. When Jim Gaar mentions hundreds and hundreds of tows and years and years of experience, he is actually talking about other pilots, as a group, that has those credentials..

In 2001 Jim Gaar was a new H2 when 2 other pilots and myself, plus Gaar's father went in together on a cheap Dragonfly to form a flying club that is now long-gone defunct.

Jim Gaar, was instrumental in the failure of this group and the resultant "flight park" as the 'Blindrodie' was named temporary manager of the flight park in the paperwork his lawyer father wrote up for the group.

The temporarily named 'place holder Gaar', became defacto permanent manager over time because neither of the other partners had the backbone to properly elect an officer as the partnership bylaws prescribed.

At that time, Gaar, had about 2 hrs. claimed in his log book and was handed the reigns to the "flightpark".
Ignorance is one thing and it really isn't a crime, until it's coupled with arrogance..

Add in the Gaar predisposition to falsely prop oneself up as some kind of an authority, plus a tendency for larceny and it looks like Jim Gaar might have missed his calling in politics!

Jim Gaar's postings on the Jack and Straub show prove that laws of lowest common denominator prevail..
I hate to think that some young pilot might confuse him for someone with a clue.

It's buyer beware around Jim Gaar, kids.
Don't let him blow smoke up your butt and keep your eyes on your valuables.
...would YOU know?

- Shouldn't some of the best of us be wading in here, agreeing with you, coming to Jim's defense?
Are you casting the first stone?
Check out Kite Strings sometime. We've got a Point Of The Mountain's worth of stones cast at him over here. And there's not much of a shortage of stones cast at him by other parties on the Jack, Davis, Bob Shows.
One mistake does not make him less of an expert on the subject of flight or safety, but he doesn't need me of all people to defend him.
- How 'bout TWO mistakes resulting in chopper rides off Coronet Peak...


...minor injuries to both passengers, serious injuries to the "pilot", and an almost certain end to the latter's aviation career?

- Show me where that motherfucker ever clearly acknowledges that he'd made a mistake.
Hook in failure in New Zealand
Jim Rooney - 2006/09/24 21:19:29 UTC

Ok, this thread's a million miles long already (and mostly my fault at that), so I'm not going to feel bad about making it a tad longer.

A couple things to chew on here...

There isn't one sure-fire answer.
If there was, we'd all be doing it already. This thread I think makes this obvious... every single thing people have put forth as "the way", someone else has show how it can fail. Every single one. Argue about the details, but every single one fails.

Here's the real trick of it in my book (especially with new technology, but it applies to methods too)...
Whatever you change only works on that glider/site/whatever.
What happens when you're off flying somewhere else or flying someone else's gear?

Someone suggested putting a red flag on the nose of the glider that gets removed after the hang check... this way, if you haven't hooked in, it's really obvious. Say this works for you and you get used to it. Then you borrow a glider or fly a different site on a rented glider. In your world, no red streamer means "good to go".

Take aussie vs clipin if you like... what happens when you're at a site that you can't use the aussie method with? (I can name you some cliff launches that you can't if you care). Now you're used to the security of the aussie method, and it's not there. You might say that the fear will help you, but your instincts will say otherwise (the fear is highlevel thought, and highlevel thought is the first thing that gets tossed out of your brain.. else we'd never launch unhooked in the first place).

Argue if you will about the examples (whatever), the trick of it isn't the method to me, it's how using new things doesn't work (and actually causes problems) in strange ways (like when going back to "normal" flying after getting used to the new method/device).

Enough about what doesn't work though... what does?
Since we don't have a plug that only fits one way, we fall on lesser methods, but some are better than others...

In particular... Third Party Verification.
You won't save you, but your friends might.
Not always, but they're more reliable than you.
Why do you think that airline checklists (yes our lovely checklists) are check-verified by pilot AND copilot?

That's all I got for ya.
The other topics have been beat to death here.
If there was an answer, we'd all already be doing it.
His position is that foot launching hang gliders is pretty much the same as playing Russian roulette no matter who you are, that if anyone was really to blame it was his friends for not catching the fact that he wasn't hooked in. They're more reliable than he is / we are and thus bear the greater degree of responsibility.

- An unhooked launch is NEVER a consequence of ONE mistake. It necessitates failures in assembly, preflight, and launch sequence. And ALWAYS - there are no documented exceptions to this - a record of NEVER having implemented a hook-in check as the beginning of the launch sequence. In other words - you need to have been poorly trained and/or a total fucking moron to have ever once launched unhooked.

- SOMETHING crashed that 2016/09/29 tandem bagwing ride and necessitated a massive emergency and media. Two possibilities: It WAS:
-- his fault and he's concealing his negligence/incompetence
-- NOT his fault and he - along with the whole fucking Queenstown tourism industry - is concealing the issue from the whole fucking planet.
Pick one. And note that we haven't heard anything from the victim - not so much as her name - and the implications of that.

- NOBODY needs you of all people defending him.

- He needs SOMEBODY over there defending him in Jack's Living Room - seeing as how Jack banned him over six and a quarter years ago. And note that his only other known public venue from recent years is entirely closed to the public.

- So when did he become an expert on the subjects of flight and safety?

-- If he's needed to be choppered off of a mainstream benign launch site in totally benign conditions twice in the space of a bit over ten and a half years with ratings, qualifications, airtime coming outta his ass then what good is being an expert on the subjects of flight and safety? If anyone in his right mind could see that in his future would he pursue either of these sports. Seems to me one's a lot better off being just some Joe jerk off the street.

-- Quote me something - something not obviously dumbfounding stupid and/or insane - original from Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney on the issues of flight and safety. Tell me ANYTHING he's ever said, done, invented, developed that's made the sport any better.

-- He's been walking dead since Team Kite Strings totally fucking demolished him in the wake of the 2013/02/02 Zack Marzec inconvenience fatality at Quest. Finally learned to keep his stupid clueless mouth shut. Show me the crashes, fatalities since early that year that wouldn't have happened if only he'd stayed around showering us with his expert wisdom and opinions? Who's quoting him in the wakes of splatterings and near disasters? (Ditto for Pagen.)

-- Name me something of any practical value on the subjects of flight and safety for which one needs to be an expert to understand and/or implement in the field. Name me something of any practical value that's beyond the grasp and repertoire of any solid 2.5.

-- If one actually IS some kind of expert on the subjects of flight and safety shouldn't his goal be to freely bring others up to speed and make himself redundant such that all his valuable knowledge, expertise, insights won't be lost if he gets hit by a truck? Ever see any evidence of Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney having done that, endorsing any of his products as solid mentors? Shouldn't some of them have waded into this thread and gutted Seahawk by now?

Mike Barber is a fairly accomplished actual hang glider pilot.

Notice the way he's not talking DOWN to anybody, doesn't have his head up his ass, is presenting concepts he feels are important. What's he saying that would be the least bit confusing to any Hang 0.5, is a matter of OPINION, would invite controversy? Too bad he's totally fucking clueless on hook-in checks and stomp tests but otherwise... And the attitude is such an astounding and refreshing change.

Also notice that he's a lot older than Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney ever will be.

We can forgive lotsa mistakes - and must 'cause we're all human and will all make them all the freakin' time to some extent or other. We CAN'T and MUSTN'T forgive or tolerate arrogance, lying, suppression of information, cowardice, fundamental incompetence. Rooney's got all of the above and much more oozing out of every available orifice. And fuck anybody who ever tolerated that piece o' shit for a nanosecond.

One final point... The 2013/02/02 Zack Marzec splattering was the single most important fatality in the history of the sport as far as its evolution is concerned. It was THE emperor-has-no-clothes moment. The truth was foolishly blurted out before u$hPa Damage Control was able to move in and that forced a detailed accounting. And the victim was one of the Kool Kids with ratings and experience coming outta his ass who couldn't be written off as just another clueless muppet. Perfect Fucking Storm. End of discussions and advocacy of the Standard Aerotow Weak Link decades old insanity. Airline pilot fatally splattered at the same douchebag colony a bit over three years later using a Tad-O-Link as the focal point of his safe towing system and nobody dares breathe a word about weak link strength.

If Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney is such a fucking expert on the subjects of flight and safety how come he - along with the rest of his u$hPa operative douchebag buddies - couldn't off ONE WORD on ONE DETAIL of the flight which, had it been done differently, might have yielded the slightest possibility of a better outcome? The Industry's response was that absolutely nothing was done wrong by anyone involved, the equipment was all the best money could buy, and that there was thus no reason anyone on any solo or tandem flight at Quest or any other aerotow operation should have a good expectation of surviving any launch made in other than guaranteed sled conditions.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jim Rooney
Dan DeWeese - 2017/09/28 17:08:32 UTC

This topic brings up one question:
Just one?
What happened to the ignore user function??
- I dunno, Dan. Maybe Jack figured that anybody too fucking stupid to be able to figure out how not to read something in which he had no interest would also be too fucking stupid to be able to figure out how to use a special button.

- What? This "Seahawk" asshole just pissed all over hang and para gliding's greatest living treasure and you just wanna ignore him?

- Since 2017/09/26 16:23:54 UTC this topic has picked up 254 hits and another five responses. What evidence do you have that people are all that interested in not being interested in the issues this Seahawk asshole is raising? Or did you mean you wanted to be able to ignore Rodie?

- Hey Rebardan... The most consequential moment in the flying career and life in general of hang and para gliding's greatest living treasure was his unhooked launch from Coronet Peak on 2006/02/21. Put the motherfucker in the hospital for two and a half months, could have EASILY been a double fatal. And two is to date the highest number we've ever been able to kill in a hang gliding incident.
2009 - Commendation - Dan DeWeese

Funny I never heard you advocate installing one of those at Coronet Peak in the wake of the disaster.

Most important incident in the history of the sport regarding mainstream media...


Jon Orders drops Lenami Godinez-Avila a thousand feet, lands glider alone, swallows video card, gets manslaughter conviction and five month prison sentence. Funny I never heard you advocate installing one of those at Coronet Peak in the wake of the disaster.

Funny I never heard you advocate installing one of those at Mount Woodside in the wake of that disaster. Also funny that I never heard about you writing to the court on Jon's behalf - explaining that you knew regular procedures were inadequate which is why you developed this enhancement whose value was immediately recognized by u$hPa.

Funny I've never heard you advocate installing one of these after ANY unhooked launch incident. Possibly 'cause most of the unhooked launch incidents occur at sites at which they're already installed and people are walking over them with their carabiners dangling...

...just fine.

Can you quote me anybody ever saying, "DAN! THANK YOU! If it weren't for that plaque of yours I'd have bought it yesterday afternoon!" Didn't think so.

Still no one citing anything Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney's ever done that's left the sport in better shape than it was before he infected it.

P.S. Pretty fucking obvious the tactic this u$hPa operative motherfucker is trying to pull. If the attack on Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney were unjustified, illegitimate you wouldn't ignore the author. You'd cut him to ribbons and you'd have lotsa help doing it. It's OBVIOUSLY totally legitimate - and Dan's in the same can o' worms - so you signal that this is just some troll who's best dealt with via starvation.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney is a big problem for u$hPa.

- He is and always has been a total piece o shit - just like u$hPa's Infallible 130 Pound Greenspot Standard Aerotow Weak Link.

- Total pieces o' shit ALWAYS get heavily endorsed by u$hPa 'cause its survival strategy is dependent upon lowering bars to the maximum extent possible. If Kelly Harrison had killed that little kid (along with himself) 'cause he was using total shit equipment and procedures u$hPa would've been grossly negligent and complicit in the child murder. So all his total shit and procedures were designated as "typical" and the lethal issue was the tandem instructor's deficiencies in managing the inherent risk in towing hang gliders.

- If on 2013/02/03 everyone and his dog had instantly gone to 200 pound test aerotow weak links - 130 pound Greenspot Rooney Links instantly, totally, permanently removed from circulation - it would still be because people had decided they were happy with the new stuff and not because the Rooney Link was the primary lethal factor. Quest is STILL putting assholes up on Rooney Links to preserve the fiction / be able to deny there was any incompetence and/or criminal negligence.
What can be learned from this "scooter" towing accident?
Mitch Shipley - 2011/01/31 15:22:59 UTC

Enjoy your posts, as always, and find your comments solid, based on hundreds of hours / tows of experience and backed up by a keen intellect/knowledge of the issues when it comes to most things in general and hang gliding AT/Towing in particular. Wanted to go on record in case anyone reading wanted to know one persons comments they should give weight to.
That's an Official u$hPa Endorsement of a known / designated low bar piece o' shit. Bad move in light of 2016/09/29 Coronet Peak. If that motherfucker could go to Quest or Torrey he could kill two or three kids a month without ever getting a three day suspension of any certifications 'cause u$hPa never has, ever will, can't afford to admit that it's ever been wrong about ANYTHING. And the operatives and players would at worst say nothing about it 'cause they're all heavily invested in the shit pile / Ponzi scheme.

- Same deal with the fishing line. Fourteen page magazine glorification of the magic fishing line by Dr. Trisa Tilletti and their Towing Committee - eight months before it fatally splatters one of their tandem aerotow instructors flying pro toad.

That motherfucker who was such a legend in his own mind and was screaming that all the straight-pinners could go fuck themselves was definitely problematic for u$hPa and I think he was permanently exiled to the farthest possible corner of the planet. And bringing him back to prevent the catastrophic collapse of Highland Aerosports - a major u$hPa asset - was not an option.

Then another chopper ride after again getting scraped off the mountain at the premature conclusion of another botched tandem thrill ride - this time in front of a dozen or so TV cameras... He's toast.
Jim Rooney
Fletcher - 2017/09/28 20:37:31 UTC

The original post was only intended to do JR harm.
That coupled with the massive harm that he's done to himself... Not much reason for hope here.
This GARBAGE is exactly what chases people away from this site.
How the fuck would some asshole like yourself have the slightest clue what drives anybody to or from your crappy little mutual masturbation society? All we know about this garbage is that it's picked up 726 hits to date and nobody's made yet made any actual case on behalf of the little motherfucker's fundamental competence.

And over here I do little BUT post garbage about the little motherfucker and his ilk and Kite Strings is in no way hurting for web presence.

Also note that the second most recently active topic in General is "Newbie questions". Same number of posts, 204 hits to date - 28 percent of the GARBAGE that's chasing people away from this site. Go figure.

And I notice Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney hasn't asked Jack to reconnect his wire on the condition that he won't delete his posts and destroy an important historical record so he can come back and set Seahawk straight regarding what's what and who's who. If he no longer gives a flying fuck what's being said about him then why should you?
If something can't be done to stop it...
What do you have in mind? Banning somebody?
...I'm outta here!!!!!!!
And what a HUGE loss that would be to The Jack Show in particular and the sport in general!!!!!!! Think ya used enough exclamation points? Mommy! Mommy! Somebody's saying things I don't want anybody to hear so quick come ban him! Cowardly little Jack Show cocksucker.

Wanna know one thing that MOST ASSUREDLY drives people away from the site? Or at least removes a reason to come? Jack closed public access to "Incident Reports" - 232 Topics, 5899 Posts - cause he doesn't want the public to be able to scrutinize any of the carnage that goes on in the sport. Also doesn't want them to know any of the fixes for it.

Why would anybody in this sport wanna cause that little motherfucker anything BUT harm? Remember two and a half years ago yesterday when Kelly Harrison fatally splattered a little kid? Set a new world record for youngest ever? And you still couldn't criticize him or anything he did without catching major flak. Try to get any problems FIXED on the other hand...
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jim Rooney
Brian Scharp - 2017/09/28 21:47:53 UTC
Seahawk - 2017/09/24 05:04:53 UTC

Anybody here know what he is up to these days?
Looks exciting. Hope his 2017/08/28 fingerprinting went well.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/09/02 19:41:27 UTC

Only later, when we're visiting them in the hospital can they begin to hear what we've told them all along.
You'd think he'd have some time to continue telling all us stupid muppets what we need to be doing to avoid ending up in the hospital.

Funny we never heard the slightest peep out of him when Jeff Bohl slammed in at Quest on 2016/05/21 when his Tad-O-Link failed to fail when it needed to. Also funny that he never made the slightest peep about Jeff's total failure to make the slightest effort to just pitch out abruptly and...
pro tow set-up
Ryan Voight - 2009/11/03 05:24:31 UTC

It works best in a lockout situation... if you're banked away from the tug and have the bar back by your belly button... let it out. Glider will pitch up, break weaklink, and you fly away.

During a "normal" tow you could always turn away from the tug and push out to break the weaklink... but why would you?

Have you never pondered what you would do in a situation where you CAN'T LET GO to release? I'd purposefully break the weaklink, as described above. Instant hands free release Image
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/03 06:16:56 UTC

God I love the ignore list Image

Tad loves to have things both ways.
First weaklinks are too weak, so we MUST use stronger ones. Not doing so is reckless and dangerous.
Then they're too strong.

I have no time for such circular logic.
I had it with that crap years ago.

As for being in a situation where you can't or don't want to let go, Ryan's got the right idea. They're called "weak" links for a reason. Overload that puppy and you bet your ass it's going to break.

You can tell me till you're blue in the face about situations where it theoretically won't let go or you can drone on and on about how "weaklinks only protect the glider" (which is BS btw)... and I can tell ya... I could give a crap, cuz just pitch out abruptly and that little piece of string doesn't have a chance in hell. Take your theory and shove it... I'm saving my a$$.
...actuate his instant hands free release. But I guess by that point in history u$hPa operatives were no longer permitted to say anything about weak links in the context of lockouts - 'specially down low where they're keeping score.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jim Rooney
lizzard - 2017/09/28 22:49:34 UTC

Yep this crap is what loses interest of most non psychopathic people MOD please delete !!
- Must have lotsa psychopathic people circling around The Jack Show then 'cause this crap had scored 754 hits for the eleven post run ending with yours when I last checked and recorded.

- Delete it? Delete all the posts of the seven participants to date? As I recall Jack banned Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney for moving to have just his own posts deleted.

- What are you afraid of? What consequences would The Jack Show, the sport likely suffer for tolerating a degree of First Amendment freedoms?

- We apparently have something close to seventy individuals following this thread. Do Fletcher and lizzard purport to represent their interests? Why not just allow individuals who have no interest in the topic not read it?

- If Fletcher and lizzard are such awesome fucking judges of what discussions must and must not be permitted on hang gliding forums how come they gotta ask Jack to delete stuff? How come they don't have Moderator privileges themselves? Now that I think of it... Just how many Jack Show members have been granted Moderator privileges in the course of the past eleven plus years?

- If you check out:
Interesting article involving Davis Straub

from back in an era when hang gliding had been substantially less corrupted/degraded you can see a lot of very accurate assessments of Davis as a psychopath.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/28 06:15:12 UTC

You may not know, but Davis is a friend of mine.
Not to mention:

Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/25 04:55:25 UTC

I mean seriously... ridgerodent's going to inform me as to what Kroop has to say on this? Seriously? Steve's a good friend of mine. I've worked at Quest with him.
So if you wanna talk psychopaths...

- Psychopaths insinuate themselves into positions of power and control by representing themselves as things other than what they truly are. What's Seahawk supposed to be gaining in this deal? If ANYONE'S attempting no insinuate himself into positions of power and control...
Nic Welbourn - 2017/09/28 23:53:38 UTC

That's the thing about unmoderated forums.
Oh. This is an unmoderated forum. And here I was thinking that it was Jack's Living Room run with only a pretense of evenly applied rules, rights, fairness. Thanks for clarifying that for me.
Oh, and the internet.
Fuck the internet. All these fuckin' PEOPLE saying what they want to with no one telling them they CAN'T. Makes my skin craws just thinking about it.
Yeah, where is that ignore button?
I dunno. Gotta be in there somewhere. Try carefully reading through Seahawk's posts a few more times to see if you can find it. Then you won't hafta read Seahawk's posts again.
I feel that not seeing any of Seahawks 'contributions' wouldn't be a great loss. Image
Well your feelings are sure good enough for me. I say we ban Seahawk and delete all his posts and this and any other topic he may have started. That'll at a minimum spare us the agony of having to discuss the issue of whether or not Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney was as much God's Gift to Avaition as he thought and told everybody he was.
I haven't visited the ORG much for quite some time because of this sort of thing, but here we are again
- It's a CANCER. Let's cut it out now so we can focus on Saint Michael's "Newbie questions" without distractions such as this Seahawk "Jim Rooney" thread that so very few people can figure out how not to read.

- And the quality is always SO degraded during your absences. All those people posting things you don't want anybody to read or discuss... DISGUSTING! I'd like to cast my vote for putting you in charge of the Internet. It's high time we got this thing under proper control.

- Wish we'd properly dealt with a lot more Nazis last century when we were sorting things out with tanks.

Don't know if Jack permitted the discussion to progress beyond the point of that last 'contribution' 'cause I broke for two hours to catch the final installment of "Vietnam" starting 00:00:00 UTC. But when I came back...
Jim Rooney
The requested topic does not exist.
Wanna see some more Jack Show stuff that does not exist anymore?
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Please treat the admin as a regular user. As long as you follow the rules, there is NO CHANCE you will banned because you disagree with the admin. The admin would like to be part of this community too without having to walk on egg shells because people think his word holds more weight for whatever reason. It does not. But the admin will do his job as moderator when he has to. But please follow the rules and don't make him do it, he doesn't enjoy that part. :)

ANGRY about some post??? Tips to follow

- FILTER the user click on the "ignore" button at the bottom of the users post. All future posts will be blocked from this user. (see who is ignored)
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"Jim Rooney" not even in The Basement. Just vaporized to keep a couple prominent Mutual Masturbators happy that the integrity of their all time favorite total douchebag couldn't be questioned and scrutinized. Their all time favorite total douchebag whom Jack banned for threatening to delete just his own posts.

Well, it's archived here, I have a copy of the page up to Nic's 2017/09/28 23:53:38 UTC.

And speaking of "Vietnam"...
PBS' 'Vietnam War' Tells Some Truths - Consortiumnews
The hostility of many Americans toward the protesters is also captured in an interview with Jan Howard of Tennessee who describes her reaction to a student demonstrator asking her if she would join an anti-war march:
"I said ... my son is dead. One of the reasons he died was so you'd have the right to do this, so go ahead and demonstrate. Have at it. No, I won't be joining you. But I tell you what, if you ever ring my doorbell again I'll blow your damned head off with a .357 Magnum."
Boy Jan, I can't really find the words to express my appreciation for the sacrifice your son made in Vietnam to defend and preserve my Constitutional right to publicly express my positions on government policies back here in the good ol' US of A. Not to mention yours to arm yourself with a .357 Magnum for the purpose of blowing the damned heads off of anti Vietnam War activists who ring your doorbell. Is this the greatest country on the planet or what!

Sure is a good thing we soundly defeated those Commie motherfuckers once and for all. It was certainly a dirty job but somebody had to do it. Maybe we should invade Iraq just to be on the safe side.

And so obviously you'd have said the same thing to a vet who'd survived a tour to the point of getting a leg blown off, seen all the carpet bombing, napalming, Agent Oranging, mass murdering; was in full alignment with the student; made the same appeal.

I wonder if she bothered to watch the series in which her clip was featured in order to get a fuckin' clue what the hell was actually going on.

I've done a bunch of searches looking for the blowback she should've gotten and have - astonishingly, disappointingly - come up with ZILCH. So maybe I get to be the first. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.

Happy first anniversary of the apparent permanent end of Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney's avaition career, people of varying ages. Looks like his replacement pursuit is keeping medical, physical therapy appointments. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving despicable little motherfucker.
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/08/10 05:52:32 UTC

Take Jim Rooney, for example. Tad doesn't make suggestions for Jim to become a better or safer pilot.

Too late, Bob. But that was a really excellent day for the sport.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dockweiler Forecast/Flying: Monday, September 25th, 2017
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/09/26 08:17:24 UTC

The forecast wind was delayed by a few hours. It was very light until the last few hours of the day. We flew until sunset with Joe topping the list at 21 documented flights, Bob with 18, and Ed (our newest Friend of Dockweiler Image ) at 3. That's a total of 42 which fits nicely on 2 pages of 21 each (7 rows x 3 cols per page). Here they are:


Great flying gentlemen.
Has anybody ever documented a Grebloville Beach "flight" during which a hand contacted a basetube? Has prone flying become a Special Skill restricted to advanced Threes prepping for their Fours?

Yeah. Great flying, Bob. Pointing the glider towards the ocean, running off the dune, dangling upright until you stop. If it were an unhooked launch and the glider continued the flight alone would the flight be noticeably less great?
Ratings and skills introduction
H-1/P-1 Beginner Pilot

This rating identifies a student who has demonstrated the basic ability to fly in a straight line. The beginner pilot is not yet ready to go out flying independently, but can take off, fly straight and land. She also understands the basics of glider setup and breakdown.
I was a good Jockey's Ridge dune pilot. I know what great flying looks and feels like and that it's physically impossible upright with your...
Steve Pearson on landings
Steve Pearson - 2012/03/28 23:26:05 UTC

I can't control the glider in strong air with my hands at shoulder or ear height and I'd rather land on my belly with my hands on the basetube than get turned downwind.
...hands on the downtubes at shoulder or ear height where you can't control the glider. Excellent flying involves wringing all possible performance out of your wing and when top notch pilots are doing that the only way you'll be able to distinguish one flight from another is by sail colors.
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image


Show me a video of some "great flying" from some other flavor of aviation in which heading and/or roll changes are...


...held to well under two degrees and the plane stays topside up.

Bob's pathological Bobism...

- Identifies the Greblo Beach light air Crumb Day flights of his allies as "excellent" - even though they're below the level of what I've seen plenty of fifteen year old kids do on their Kitty Hawk Kites trainers on their first ever efforts.

- Characterizes the top notch, totally legal, beautifully and flawlessly executed Torrey kiddie rides as lethal threats to innocent little people of varying ages in testimony to San Diego City council and is instrumental in getting a tandem driver's certification permanently revoked for violations of NOTHING.

- Never heard of Terry Mason before in months after one of his favorite Bob Show bedfellows fatally splatters him off the side of the tow strip. (Bob has very little experience with towing - just a four year degree Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering - so couldn't possibly comment (or acknowledge that anything moderately unpleasant had happened).)

P.S. Note that we haven't heard either of the other gentlemen decline the compliment for their excellent flying.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by miguel »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Has anybody ever documented a Grebloville Beach "flight" during which a hand contacted a basetube?
A few years back, I saw someone actually soar Dockweiler in the Condor. The pilot was proned out, soaring the 'ridge'. The wind was about 12 to 15, smooth and laminar. I snapped a few pics, but I do not know where the pics are. That was a couple of computers and OS's ago. :cry:
Tad Eareckson wrote:Has prone flying become a Special Skill restricted to advanced Threes prepping for their Fours?
The Dockweiler pics appear to show a very long lz. It is a wide angle lens aberration. When conditions are not soarable, the amount of usable landing area before the tide line is very small. A buffed 19 year old could go prone and unprone quickly, then land. The rest of us would stay upright, enjoy the short flight, then land.

Just sayin' :mrgreen:

m alexander
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