Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
Steve Davy
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Steve Davy »

Regarding the previous post, I suspect that something like this... what Bob is seeing and reading.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob bends over backwards to not understand any of this stuff, acknowledge points like those as valid 'cause if he did he'd be saying that Tad's spot on and the other 99.9 percent of the sport is totally full o' shit. And that would cost him a considerable chunk of potential political support.

So he keeps making these exasperating parries along the lines of Juan likely being mistaken about the moronic rot taught to him by two Florida flight parks - both lacking the balls to expose themselves to interaction even on stacked deck sewers like the Jack and Davis Shows.

And remember I said:
P.S. I used to look to guys like Rob Kells, Steve Pearson, Mike Meier, Felipe Amunategui, Tracy Tillman, John Heiney, Peter Birren, Bob Kuczewski as likely allies.
And I'd been thinking... "Oh boy, a guy with the degrees and ability to crunch the numbers in his sleep!" While what I SHOULD have been thinking was, "How come this guy with the degrees and ability to crunch the numbers in his sleep didn't beat me to all this stuff by at least a decade or two? If he were gonna do it he'd have done it already many years ago." Should've been obvious that the guys at this level of the curve could only be my most substantial enemies and my best potential allies were the ones minus clues as to what vector diagrams but educable.

But what the hell, Bob. You got me to put up a reasonably good post to which somebody else might connect sometime.
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

I didn't come to this forum to exchange insults with the easy targets on this site.

As the topic states, I came here to discuss "Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites". But it appears that exchanging insults is all that's left here.

Anyone who actually wants to participate in hang gliding rather than just exchange insults about it, is welcome on You'll find actual pictures of FDGS members foot launching in Los Angeles and actual videos of RGSA members static towing in New Mexico ... all without USHPA.

That's what we would be working on in this topic - in a better moderated forum. But not here.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I didn't come to this forum to exchange insults with the easy targets on this site.
- Nah, you came to this forum to push an agenda with which I believe all our participants are in alignment and announced that this was "a time for us to put aside our differences and work together on spreading this message to all corners of the hang gliding community." Meaning "You scratch my back and you scratch my back."

It's ETERNALLY a time for us to put aside our differences and unite behind Bob, Sam Kellner, Rick Masters, Bill Cummings - and bury all the issues others of us want advanced. Reminds me a lot of the way right after a bunch of grade school kids get blown away with an assault rifle is a time to put away any discussion of gun control issues.

- Really? I totally LOVE going to forums and exchanging insults with easy targets. Watching Peter Birren massively paint himself into a corner on the 2005/09/03 Arlan Birkett's / Jeremy Thompson twofer was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've ever had in the sport - right up until the point at which you gave him the covering fire he needed to be able to declare indignation at the lack of civility / victory and ooze his way back to safety in his terminally inbred little moronic cult.

- You probably won't find many easy target types over here, Bob. I've banned almost all the ones I know about.
As the topic states, I came here to discuss "Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites".
Yeah. And I'm not real optimistic about what will rush in to fill the vacuum - if anything - if/when that happens.
But it appears that exchanging insults is all that's left here.
- Nah, I think there's a pretty healthy dose of totally ignoring other people's posts and points going on.

- Welcome to the First Amendment. You haven't:
-- been:
--- shouted down
-- restricted from saying what you please save for just one vowel of one last name
--- put on anyone's Ignore List as far as I can tell (I don't think anyone's ever been put on anyone's Ignore List on Kite Strings)
- had any of your:
-- topics or posts flushed to the Basement Kite Strings doesn't have
-- posts delayed for review by Saint Peter of Birren
-- points not responded to
Anyone who actually wants to participate in hang gliding...
I don't.
- It will ALWAYS be too much of a total fucking dickhead magnet to be palatable for me - in all English speaking countries at least anyway.
- The flavor of hang gliding about which I dreamed before it was a practical reality - aerotow launched:
-- got hijacked by a bunch of total shithead power drivers, Rooney Linkers, tandem thrill ride merchants
-- was permanently driven into the ground in my area by the aforementioned total douchebags and their pet cocksuckers
...rather than just exchange insults about it...
We're not just exchanging insults here. But I guess that characterization gives you useful cover to be able to totally ignore totally civil, rational and inconvenient posts I spend hours preparing. welcome on
COOL! I'll be right over!

Wait a minute...
The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.
I seem to be having a problem activating my account. Better contact one of the board administrators. No, wait. There's only one and...
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/15 01:26:02 UTC

Re: Peaceful Coexistence


After our last conversation which I've documented below for my own memory, I've decided that I don't want you on the US Hawks forum any longer. Period. I'll take the lumps for banning you if that's what it takes.

I will still honor my suggestion below that you resign from the forum voluntarily so we can support our shared causes, but I do not want you to continue posting on the US Hawks forum. Please let me know if you'd like to resign "peacefully" as I've outlined by midnight tonight (Eastern time), or I'll remove you and state my own reasons.
(Kinda undercuts your pretense of wanting to make The Bob Show a safe place for people of varying ages to visit, don't it Bob?)
You'll find actual pictures of FDGS members foot launching in Los Angeles and actual videos of RGSA members static towing in New Mexico ... all without USHPA.
Got news for ya, Bob. They're foot launching (and skipping...

...hook-in checks) at BOTH sites. And idiot fucking Bill Cummings is still using that idiot fucking Skyting Bridle to advertise the fact that he doesn't have a fucking clue about how tow force is transmitted to and acts on the fucking glider. The stuff I wasted my time explaining and illustrating back a page on my 2017/10/18 20:13:12 UTC post which you elected to not acknowledge.
That's what we would be working on in this topic - in a better moderated forum. But not here.
No argument there Bob. You've got one of the best moderated forums on the planet - better than Davis, tied with Jack. Kite Strings has nineteen moderators, four of whom have never even once posted, to just twenty-two participants with one or more posts. Total chaos. People pretty much posting what-, when-, where-ever they feel like. And getting to respond likewise. Nobody's incredible amounts of energy harnessed...
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
Hard to imagine - let alone identify - a worse moderated forum. And thank you for the unintended compliment.

Fuck Dockweiler for the moment. Let's take a look at Exit 116:

And assholes call MY stuff Rube Goldberg? Shoddy moronic CRAP.

And look how the Godless Communists are doing the same sorta thing in the same sorta environments in Aleksey's neck of the woods:


And look at this...


The humans can fuck things up THAT BADLY and the system is so ROBUST that...



People go to the trouble of developing this stuff, making it available, GIVING the technology away for free and total douchebags like Bill bury their heads in their 1981-wrong-turn asses and dig their heels in for DECADES. And that's a total INSULT to such individuals.

That paper-thin-safety-margins SHIT needs to be outlawed. Bill probably won't kill or veg himself on it but he helps legitimize its continued use and other people have been and will continue to be. And I don't want any part of any hang gliding that tolerates assholes like that in it.

And just wanted to give a little more bandwidth to this total gotchya:
Zach Marzec
Bill Cummings - 2013/02/28 06:11:37 UTC

When the pilot lost the towline it had the nose too high and due to that it climbed into a stall. My weaklinks would not allow me to climb that fast and develop into a stall like that.
Brainstorm, stop towline recovery chute entanglement.
Bill Cummings - 2016/06/25 14:20:12 UTC

Depending on the elasticity of a towline, releasing under much tension has proven to be a good way to instantly tie a bow or a knot in the falling towline. For this reason as well as not wanting to release into a climbing hammerhead stall I would always have the tow vehicle reduce (not totally) the line tension before releasing. I reduce tension for releasing while doing ST, (over land or water.) PL (over land or water.)
Bill's weaklinks won't allow him to climb that fast and develop into a stall like that - just totally benign hammerhead inconvenience stalls. And we'll just amend/update.
Static towing ground based.
Bill Cummings - 2016/10/24 00:25 UTC

We tried to break test a weak links but were not strong enough. I still have to test my weak link material. For static towing I prefer 222 lbs but nothing over 350 lbs breaking strength for payout winch towing. My rule is nothing over 1.6 of my all up weight.
Right Bill/Bob. No fuckin' way would the instantaneous removal of a 350 pound towline pull on a 220 pound glider be able to result in anything worse than a gentle momentary dipping of the nose with the glider then flying away just fine.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/20 09:38 UTC

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Image Image
Basement Bob
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/11/19 19:22:40 UTC

It's hard for me to imagine the kind of human being who would write something like that on a public forum to someone as experienced and thoughtful as Bill Cummings.
P.S. Bob - 2017/10/20 20:25:00 UTC
Other dangerous sports news
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/20 08:47:51 UTC

By the way, Bill's posted some video from their static towing operation on the Rio Grande (RGSA) forum. It doesn't look half as scary as I'd imagined. Have you ever done static towing like that?
Rate the scariness appearance of what Bill and Robin are doing with their foot launch static relative to what our Russian buddies are doing with their foot, dolly, platform launch with stationary winch and trailer payout. If you had someone about whom you gave a flying fuck where would you send him or her?
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

bobk wrote:I didn't come to this forum to exchange insults with the easy targets on this site.
Tad Eareckson wrote:- Nah, you came to this forum to push an agenda with which I believe all our participants are in alignment ...
You "believe"?
Maybe you should verify that with your most coddled participants like Jonathan can't-spelll-his-last-name-correctly Deetch.
You can't even be accurate in your first sentence.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Oops, I missed that you'd gotten in close to twenty minutes prior to the P.S. at the end of my last. Please read and respond to it anyway.
You "believe"?
Yeah, that's what I wrote.
Maybe you should verify that with your most coddled participants like Jonathan can't-spelll-his-last-name-correctly Deetch.
- I don't coddle participants over here. Don't want or need to. Try to find a post of mine that bears any resemblance to:
Static towing ground based.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/20 09:38 UTC

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Very ... good, good, good!!! Image

Thanks for posting that peek into your static towing operations!!

I was hoping you'd climb out on that one flight, but it was more instructive watching the operation continue. I especially enjoyed watching the release under tension. Do you find that to be a close approximation to a weak link break?

Thanks very much for posting this!!! Image
- Check the archives. I called Jonathan a motherfucker a whole bunch o' times before he registered. Also credited him for stuff he was saying and doing right.

- You just hafta spell Dyetch wrong. You don't hafta spell spell wrong. And you really don't need to make any reference at all to his last name 'cause there are no other Jonathans with whom anyone who matters will confuse him.

- Don't need to. I'm pretty sure he's NOT in alignment on this issue. I don't mandate that everyone be in lockstep on political and personal issues. Basically just the Newtonian physics stuff. If a Rooney Link pop is a mere inconvenience that increase the safety of the towing operation your ass is gone but fast.
You can't even be accurate in your first sentence.
Yeah I can. I was 100.00 percent accurate in my first sentence. That's what I BELIEVED when I wrote it. And I wasn't thinking of Jonathan at the time 'cause he's a bit of an outlier here (even though he's a major element in this discussion).

We're all human, and we all make mistakes. That's why:
NMERider - 2015/03/19 23:37:10 UTC

Got it. Well stated. I have been remiss and will modify my procedures so I lift and tug within 2 seconds of launching.
'Cause that's something you tend not to be able to get a do-over for. But when you've posted something in error on a forum you can edit, clarify, correct, concede, alter a position. No big fuckin' deal.

If I'd said, on the other hand, sumpin' like:
Nah, you came to this forum to push an agenda with which I know all of our members are in unanimous total agreement.
Another hang check lesson
Jason Boehm - 2014/11/26 14:24:20 UTC

we get it...
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
That would've been MAJORLY problematic.


Damn near every post I make here has several errors - sometimes fairly harmless typos, sometimes serious stuff that renders a paragraph nonsensical or incomprehensible. And Steve and Brian proofread probably everything I post and notify me damn near every time.

And I tend to get pretty fried dealing with routine issues and EXTREMELY fried dealing with you and your issues. And it's not much fun 'cause you don't wanna lose any Rooney Linker and/or pin bender support and thus will only ever be interested in listening to my important perspective and harnessing my incredible amount of energy.

A bit more on you and Jonathan...

You're San Diego, he's LA. I agree, of course, that the Torrey/u$hPa situation is an atrocity and there's therefor an outrageous negative impact on area hang gliding.

Jonathan flies his brains out in the LA basin where there's zero conflict with paragliding and u$hPa just insures his launches and the LZs he sometimes uses. (Correct me if I'm wrong, Jonathan.) So...

And here was MY situation...
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/28 19:39:17 UTC

Weak links break for all kinds of reasons.
Some obvious, some not.

The general consensus is the age old adage... "err on the side of caution".

The frustration of a weaklink break is just that, frustration.
And it can be very frustrating for sure. Especially on a good day, which they tend to be. It seems to be a Murphy favourite. You'll be in a long tug line on a stellar day just itching to fly. The stars are all lining up when *bam*, out of nowhere your trip to happy XC land goes up in a flash. Now you've got to hike it all the way back to the back of the line and wait as the "perfect" window drifts on by.

I get it.
It can be a pisser.

But the "other side"... the not cautions one... is not one of frustration, it's one of very real danger.
Better to be frustrated than in a hospital, or worse.
No exaggeration... this is the fire that the "other side" is made of. Best not to play with it.

Now that the disclaimer is done...

One of the biggest bits that seems to be under appreciated is the bit that weaklinks break under shock loading.
They can take a hell of a lot more force if they're loaded slowly... which is exactly what happens in a lockout.

Most people don't experience this first hand.
It's because most pilots will hit the release before the weak link breaks... as they should. Most pilots understand this concept. I'd say almost all do.

Now, it happens fast.
Many pilots still get off line quick as well.
So most have not seen just how much force it takes to break a smoothly loaded weaklink. It's way more than you'd imagine.

What most have experienced is a weaklink that breaks due to shock loading.
This is very different.
They break so exceptionally easier under shock loading.
Even that initial pull on the cart is a severe shock load when compared to a lockout. Even when it's a "smooth" start.

The trouble is, this is what pilots are familiar with.
So it's natural to start thinking about what a weaklink "should" be in relation to shock loading and missing the reality of a smoothly loaded weaklink and the sheer speed of a lockout. As I pointed out before, they are exponential in nature... you hit a "tipping point" and then all hell breaks loose.

Most people get this.
So I'm sorry for boring you with what you know already.
It just needs to be pointed out from time to time, especially when the old misconceptions start rearing their heads or when you've got people new to all this showing up.
I forever lost a lot of the best flying / life experiences I'd have ever had because a bunch of totally incompetent douchebags were running the only game available in my neck of the woods for the actual thermal soaring potential. The better the day the lower your chances were of getting up to workable altitude.

My standard aerotow weak link would blow at a few hundred feet, back to the launch line, ditto, soaring window's over before you get another shot. FINALLY tested and realized they were blowing at half the strength those dickdeads were telling everybody they did and developed the Tad-O-Link. Then I had to bake and rot in line while all the Rooney Linkers (EVERYBODY ELSE) got to go back to the head of the line for "free" priority relights. Inconvenience the hell all over the place.

The cost of that fucking magic fishing line to the sport is incalculable. And there's no question that it was a major factor in the permanent extinction of Highland Aerosports.

And when Yours Truly stood up ALONE against that bullshit insanity I stayed alone and got REALLY alone pretty fast. And then:

Many of us inexplicably became happy with something slightly more dangerous. And I still haven't ever gotten one hint of one apology from any of those pigfuckers.

Point Bob... If other flying populations' oxen aren't getting substantially gored... Forget about it. And even if they are getting substantially gored.. Still forget about it. This is not and never has been a sport with any actual principles and don't start holding your breath waiting for it to evolve any.

One more thought... If there's no fundamental competence in the sport there's zero foundation on which principles can develop.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Pro towing: 1 barrel release + weak link or 2 barrel release
Juan Saa - 2012/10/18 01:19:49 UTC

The normal braking force in pounds for a weak link is around 180, at least that is the regular weak link line used at most aerotow operations. By adding a second weak link to your bridal you are cutting the load on each link by half, meaning that the weak link will not break at the intended 180 pounds but it will need about 360.
If that is what you use and is what your instructor approved then I have no business on interfering, i dont know if you are using the same weak link material but there shoul be only ONE weak link on a tow bridle for it to be effective in breaking before higher loads are put into you and the glider should the glider gets to an attitude or off track so much that the safety fuse of the link is needed to break you free from the tug.

I made the same mistake on putting two weak links thinking that I was adding protection to my setup and I was corrected by two instructors on separate occacions at Quest Air and at the Florida RIdge.
was HISTORIC. First and last time in the history of the sport in which sanity won the day over Flight Park Mafia professional opinion. There's NOTHING else like it in the historical record.

"If you wanna make a chain stronger just add links to it" versus the PROVERB that "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link".

That's what it takes, that's the breaking point. Dennis Wood (peanuts), Zack (the one who wasn't fatally inconvenienced at the first of the two referenced Flight Park Mafia installations three and a half months after Juan's moronic post), Rodie, Ryan, Jonathan Boarini, Craig Hassan, Chris Valley, michael170 all united and NOBODY standing up for the opinion Quest and the RIdge. ('Cept, of course, Bob - who maintains that Juan almost certainly must've misunderstood what he was corrected on by the two top notch instructors on separate occacions. (That's the only scenario that gets everybody off the hook, unaccountable. So naturally... (Nice work, Bob. (Again.)))

On further reflection...

I'll claim the distinction of being the first individual in the history of aerotowing of grasping the common sense concept of using barrel releases (straight pin, by the way) on BOTH ends of the "bridal" and protecting the BOTH with weak links (standard aerotow 'cause back then I was still buying their hidden knot and stressing-the-equipment bullshit). And the Ridgely crew ridiculed me for doing it. (But that may have been just background noise 'cause they constantly ridiculed me for doing anything (like installing battens from BEHIND the wing).

I think one of two things - or more likely a combination of the two - was going on here.

- It's totally fucking moronic - if you're using barrels on your secondary or pro toad bridle - NOT two have twin barrels and weak links. The Flight Park Mafia guys were, of course, too fucking stupid to implement it themselves so needed a totally fucking moronic justification for not having implemented it on Day One (when T** at K*** S****** did).

- Hell, we've gotten away with his totally fucking moronic "Standard Aerotow Weak Link" bullshit for decades with virtually zilch in the way of flak. Let's see just how low we can drop the bar before getting blowback from these idiots.

TWO instructors at TWO flight parks? And the standard aerotow weak link blows at 180 (instead of the Industry Standard 260) at BOTH of them? How 'bout this... Juan goes down to the RIdge from Quest and runs the correction he got from up north by one of their assholes. The only possible/logical response is "ABSOLUTELY! We all know what we're talking about. We're all professionals after all." This crap gets homogenized automatically.

260 needed to be dialed down 'cause that scam was collapsing - despite and/or because of the totally fucking moronic fourteen page Dr. Trisa Tilletti desperation...
Dr. Trisa Tilletti - 2012/06

This article was peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the USHPA Towing Committee.
...article in the magazine four and a half months earlier.

P.S. Try and find another quote like the one above from the history of the sport if you have any doubt about it having been a desperation article.

P.P.S. And a bit odd, dontchya think, that after that massive effort well over half a decade ago there's never been a further Towing Committee syllable breathed on the subject in the wake of the firestorm and covert adjustments.

P.P.P.S. Somebody find me a u$hPa magazine article that rivals the length of the one on the magic fishing line and well hidden Consistency Knot.
Steve Davy
Posts: 1338
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Steve Davy »

Watching Bill's pathetic video:

I was feeling sorry and embarrassed for him. Then I remembered this bullshit:
Zach Marzec
Bill Cummings - 2013/02/28 06:11:37 UTC

Now if you are going to say that the pilot should have been using an even stronger weaklink to stay on the line after seeing that climb rate it will prove beyond any reasonable doubt that you are in fact a ------------wait for it-----
Keep on using that total crap equipment, Bill.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

And for the benefit of those of us with too much integrity and decency to breach the sanctity of Davis Show locked topics with fake IDs... That's a Zack who flies with STRAIGHT pin barrel releases and feels that the BIG DEAL I make about the differences ISN'T somewhat overblown and that a PILOT, rather than a piece of fishing line, should be making the calls on when to stay on and get off tow.
Weak link?
Davis Straub - 2014/08/20 19:48:26 UTC

Many of us are now using 200 lb test line from Cortland.
Davis Straub - 2014/09/01 15:22:41 UTC

I can tell you that I fly with a 200lb weaklink on one side of my 750lb pro tow bridle. I am happy with it.
So now, Bob, it would seem that Davis and many of us have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that they are ALSO in fact --- wait for it --- INTERNET TROLLS.

Any thoughts on that? Here's a few...

- Fly with:
-- 165 pound Greenspot to take a safe middle ground. One shoulder for 330, both for 660 pounds towline every other flight.
-- 130 on your left shoulder, 200 on your right shoulder.
--- Call it 330 or 660 towline depending on your audience.
--- See what the person you're talking to is using, turn sideways as necessary to match him, go with whatever his opinion is on towline.

- Get some fishing line no one's ever seen before; dye it purple so no one can identify it; tell everybody it has no fixed breaking strength but works really well for aerotowing, has a reasonably long and perfect track record, was endorsed by Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney right after he went off the air; sell it for twenty bucks a foot.

- Continue boosting about your very little experience with towing and respecting and valuing all opinions equally.
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

This ...
Tad Eareckson Oct 19, 2017 wrote:
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/01/14 17:29:26 UTC

Tad, as a 30 something year old man, you had a homosexual relationship with a 12 year old boy while you were in a position of trust with regard to that boy.

Do you think you did anything wrong?
... (and most of your other diversions) belongs in an "All about Tad" topic and not in the "Breaking USHPA's Monopoly" topic.

Oops, I forgot that every topic on KiteStrings is an "All About Tad" topic.
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at
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