instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Hang gliding is in more trouble than I thought.
Warren Narron - 2018/12/10 23:49:06 UTC

I think Jack is the one that likes to touch little boys.
Yeah, I'd bet a couple hundred bucks that he's got some skeletons in that department. Look at who's resorted to that level of attack on Yours Truly...
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/26 20:10:56 UTC

Oh, and BTW, Tad is clueless as well as being a child molester (no kidding).
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 23:12:32 UTC

Just to back Davis up on this, cuz the person that let's the cat out of the bag always gets flack for it...

So we're clear as a bell on this.
Tad is a convicted paedophile.

This is not rumour, this is not speculation. This is straight from the horses mouth... I asked him about it.
Davis, Rooney, Bob, Sam, Paul Hurless, Brad Barkley... And look who rather conspicuously HASN'T.

This crap:
dont be a fag
Brian Horgan - 2009/06/07 15:43:29 UTC

if you dont get off this computer today and go fly,YOU ARE A FAG!!!
go fly its beautiful outside and the clouds are calling you.
"got enough votes" to be basemented pretty quickly. Then sometime prior to 2016/02/03 it was quietly disappeared (well over a couple years before the whole fuckin' Basement was quietly disappeared).

A grand total of three individuals - Jonc1959, AeroTow, Lobido - took a stand against the horde of Jack Show dickheads who supported, enabled, cheered on that neofascist bigoted crap. Proud to have been one of the minority category. And do note that Bob - and Rooney - were around at the time and remained silent on the issue.
Kevin Spacey to watch HG film
Jim Rooney - 2009/08/18 16:28:20 UTC

Holy Crap!
You're not kidding!
- Kevin Spacey
- Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat)
- Laurence Fishburne (freakin Morpheus!)
- James Blunt (singer... "You're Beautiful,"
- Judi Dench ("M".... 007)
Nice work Image
Yeah Jim... KEVIN SPACEY ferchrisake!!! Just doesn't get much better than that. Michael Jackson maybe. Pity you can't go back and edit your posts, ain't it?
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

As best as I can tell all Jack Asshole idiot asylum links that have been posted here now lead to:
404 Not Found
Anybody here seeing other than what I am seeing?
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »

Change "www" to "forum".
Last edited by <BS> on 2019/01/17 16:00:32 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »

NTSB Identification: ERA11FA413
On July 23, 2011, about 0715 eastern daylight time, a Moyes Dragonfly airplane, N402HA, owned and operated by Highland Aerosports Inc., was substantially damaged when it impacted terrain at Ridgely Airpark (RJD), Ridgely, Maryland. The pilot was fatally injured. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 glider tow flight.
The horizontal stabilizer was mounted at 13 degrees angle of incidence negative to the wing to maintain pitch stability, balancing lift, from the flaperons. Downforce on the horizontal stabilizers would be transmitted to the wings via the steel cables which ran from the upper surface of the wings to plates on the each side of the boom, just above the tail wheel. The slack in these cables would be taken out when the airplane would lift off and the boom would normally be straight when the Dragonfly was in flight.
Examination of the steel cables which strengthened and stiffened the airplane's structure (wire bracing) revealed multiple broken cables that exhibited evidence of tensile overload. One cable however, was found on the ground, beneath the right wing and it was discovered that neither end was attached to the airplane structure. Examination of the detached cable revealed that it was the cable which should have ran from a bracket on the upper surface of the right wing to a plate on the right side of the boom, just above the tail wheel which according to the Australian manufacturer served two purposes. The first was to provide a physical barrier for personnel moving close to the propeller while the engine is running and the second was to provide extra airframe rigidity. The cable was of "7 x 7" construction (7 strands each with 7 wires) with a clear plastic coating. Further examination revealed that it had fractured in overload in the eye splice sleeves at both ends. The cable was kinked near one of the fractured ends, and the center of the kinked portion displayed two holes consistent with localized overheating such as friction, with the coating on both sides of the holes displayed abrasion and distinctive scratches. Wires from the cable's core strand had been extruded between the outer strands on both sides of the holes. Examination of the eye splices on the cables also revealed that they displayed wear on their thimbles which, in one case (the thimble that was located next to the failed cable on the upper surface of the right wing), had worn through to its cable.
One cable however, was found on the ground, beneath the right wing and it was discovered that neither end was attached to the airplane structure.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

A rookie mistake made under duress and extremely low if I ever heard of one.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

<BS> wrote:Change "www" to "forum".
Thanks. I would have figured that out on my own if I was a bit smarter. ;)
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »

A Very Stable Genius wrote:Trust me, I'm like a smart person.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »
Sylmar Hang Gliding Association
Due to a recent migration at the SHGA website all the old links to it are broken.
Website migration
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

Dear Former USHPA Member,

According to our records your membership (#88875) has been expired for almost 3 years. If you renew now, all of your ratings and special skills will still be active when you get back. If you do not renew by 3/31/2019 then your ratings will be automatically deactivated.

Your participation in, and support of our mission to ensure the future of free flight is invaluable. Once you renew you will again receive all eligible USHPA membership benefits from the USHPA Pilot magazine to ratings to our recreational pilot coverage.

We would love to have you back for the next year, and, as always, if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to help, please let us know at

Best Regards,
Take my ratings and special skills and shove them up your ass.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

1971/04/23 - US Capitol - Vietnam Veterans Against the War - Operation Dewey Canyon III

Tossed their medals back.

Fuck u$hPa. I had to jump through bunches of bullshit hoops for incompetent USHGA dickheads, unlearn the mountains of total crap I'd been fed, work my ass off to rack up hundreds of hours of airtime for my ratings. I EARNED what I got - times fifty.

Keep financing us for the rest of your life and you're forever a Master rated pilot. Stop for more than three years and your competency instantly and permanently drops to ZERO.

Thanks bigtime for announcing to the planet so blatantly the ACTUAL value of your Pilot Proficiency Program. Take my ratings and special skills and permanently shove 'em too.
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