on this:
Interview with Davis Straub, OzReport founder
Jack Show "discussion" but it's so outrageous - so ORWELLIAN - that I couldn't resist organizing and posting the key comments from that tangle of hypocrisy and lunacy...
Kostya Marchenko - 2012/02/20 21:11:34 UTC
We recently published an interview with Davis Straub where he talks about his early days, how he started hang gliding, about Oz Report and other things.
Read it here:
Allen Sparks - 2012/02/20 21:44:47 UTC
fascinating ...
to round it out, you should also do an interview with hang gliding safety activist Tad Eareckson
NMERider - 2012/02/20 23:27:48 UTC
Paul Hurless - 2012/02/21 01:58:42 UTC
Good idea, if by activist you mean "arrogant asshole".
Dan Johnson (theayeinthesky) - 2012/02/21 03:49:37 UTC
I would join OZ, except the rules seem narcissistic on his part.
Jack is a paragon of free speech.
Paul Hurless - 2012/02/21 03:50:21 UTC
I don't believe it's necessary for me to supplement my reference to Tad as an arrogant asshole with any arguments seeing as how he pretty much made them all on his own and now he's no longer here on the .org.
What else would you call someone who offered numerous abusive attacks on anyone who dared to disagree with his views?
Newton - 2012/02/21 04:32:30 UTC
Dan Johnson - 2012/02/21 05:10:07 UTC
For making this statement:WTF?I'm also not in favor of everybody who gets into this sport getting back out alive.
Newton - 2012/02/21 06:08:45 UTC
Try READING more and asking less.
Dan Johnson - 2012/02/21 07:04:31 UTC
OK, Newton! Who the fuck are you to presume to tell me what to do?
Go back to the basement where you belong.
Your on my pending ignore list, if you have nothing to say but sociopathic fixations with failure to hook in instances, you need to see a specialist in these sort of mental disorders right away!
Tormod Helgesen - 2012/02/21 16:16:24 UTC
Once I commented on something errenious Davis wrote, He subsequently edited his post without commenting on his changes, made me look like an ass. Stayed (mostly) away from threads where he's active since.
Jim Gaar - 2012/02/21 21:20:27 UTC
No Tad - No Newton
Miller Stroud - 2012/02/21 22:46:25 UTC
Hey I commented on a Rigid issue at a comp once and Davis jumped right in there and in so many words said I didn't have a clue and I was probably an Ass. (I was still right) Ok, no feelings hurt. The Man does do alot to expose the sport of hang gliding to the world and I enjoy most of what he puts out. And the bottom line. The Oz Report is his. He created it. He owns it. He can say what he pleases. If you don't like it, tune out!
Mike Bomstad - 2012/02/24 05:28:53 UTCSo this is where is went to start his shit!
Wow, what a shit talker.
Newton - 2012/02/24 05:43:57 UTC
Is that a sentence?
Mike Bomstad - 2012/02/24 05:58:12 UTC
It is now.
You can go post it on your other group now Tad.
Jack Axaopoulos - 2012/02/24 14:38:01 UTC
How interesting....
Newtons IP address and AeroTows IP addresses both come from the Wichita Kansas area.
Care to explain newton? Total coincidence?
Brad Barkley - 2012/02/24 14:51:15 UTC
I think this thread answers your question......
Jack Axaopoulos - 2012/02/24 15:00:21 UTC
Tad has been BANNED again.
The "Extremist 1%" is not allowed on this site. Go crawl back under your rock with Bob and the other extremists that get themselves banned from every site and group they deal with. You guys have a marvelous record of getting along with people.
You can tell yourselves how you are all right, the other 99% are all wrong, and how everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi censor to make yourselves feel better. (Just ignore the hypocrisy that Bob runs the most tightfisted, censored HG forum out there ) Its ok, the rules dont apply to you guys, you are all "special"
Thomas Jefferson wrote:All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Jack Axaopoulos - 2012/02/24
No posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.
Dan Johnson - 2012/02/24 16:15:13 UTC
Talk about being a mensch? Thanks, SG! And thank PaulH for clueing me in!
Paul Hurless - 2012/02/25 02:52:05 UTC
You're welcome.
Mike Bomstad - 2012/02/25 05:45:28 UTC
Yeah, paragon of the free speech the US military is spraying Hellfire missiles around and driving over and stepping on land mines supposedly to protect - just as long as it meets with the approval of the mediocre majority.Dan Johnson - 2012/02/25 09:41:03 UTC
Really Spark gets the hat tip on this thread, but I read the name first from the man in Reno.
Now, let's get back to giving Davis his due, and suggesting more interviews!
A couple/three decades ago you could find comments like these:
David Wilson - 1980/03
Tahlequah, Oklahoma
I would like to respond to what I view as a relatively irresponsible and shortsighted argument put forth in January's issue by a Dr. L.D. Hewett.
in the magazine. Now USHGA's just one big happy terminally stupid family in which Dr. Trisa Tilletti can publish any load of crap (s)he feels like with no fear whatsoever of being called to account.Chris Gagliano - 1990/11
San Antonio
I understand that this magazine can't police (nor should it) every harebrained statement by all the self-appointed "hang gliding gurus" on towing or foot launch, so here's my advice for the latest guru. I am referring to Brad Lindsay's article on towing safety in the September issue.
Davis has edited, sabotaged, locked, deleted and banned his way to conformity and, in the wake of the 2012/04/28 Lenami Godinez-Avila fatality / global scandal, locked his forum down to the public and anyone he's been able to identify as a threat to his him and his cartel.
"Sharing" of Hang Gliding Information ?!?
It's now so devoid of anything of interest that it's just a monotonous and odious chore to check it out.Merlin - 2012/05/26 13:22:30 UTC
I confess to previously having a bit of an Oz Report habit, but the forced login thing has turned me off permanently, and I am in fact grateful. Frankly, the site had pretty much been reduced to a few dedicated sycophants in any case.
I've seen many times the destructive consequences of "control freaks".
Ditto with respect to The Bob Show ghost town.
Jack engineered his cult with his ignore list and phony BURY button such that he can gauge the whims of his least common denominators and maximize the contentment level of his loyal zombies. That's worked so well that nothing gets sent to "The Basement" anymore.
This sport is doomed to a track of ever increasing censorship, ostracism, corruption, stupidity, cluelessness, mediocrity, incompetence, danger, battlefield attrition.
The good news is that Kite Strings has achieved a critical mass and the hit counter rates have gone way up over the course of this season but I'm pretty sure that the best we'll be able to do for the foreseeable future is to educate a few triple digit IQ individuals and maybe prevent a few serious incidents. We'll never be any match for the dumbing down and ass covering machinery of The Industry Standard control freaks.
Yours Truly,
The Extremist One Percent