Goodbye Bob K?
Quite in line with Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney and his Sacred Fishing Line.Steve Davy - 2015/03/27 05:20:26 UTCReminds me of this:The behavior upon which the board has determined that you should be expelled from the association falls into the following categories:
1. Creation of at least two national hang gliding organizations with the stated purpose of competing with USHPA, one of which you currently control;Thou shalt have no other gods before me
...including fatalities...Brian McMahon - 2015/03/27 05:25:25 UTCThis is exactly how ninety percent of the USHPA feels. They don't give a crap what happens...Scott MacLeod - 2015/03/27 02:28:51 UTC
I don't know Bob and I've flown Torrey once so I'm an expert on neither...
Fuck every last piece o' shit in the u$hPa "leadership". NOT ONE of those motherfuckers voted or raised his voice in any way against this travesty. If every last one of them were stood up against a wall at sunrise the world would be a much better place by rush long as they aren't affected. I appreciate the efforts that all volunteers for the sport give out for practically free or even out of their own pocket, and that includes all of the USHPA leadership that aren't financially invested in some way.
The ten percent of the time when he's on the right side of an issue.Bob is a great example of such a volunteer.
Goddam right. Unfortunately we're in a sport that works on PHYSICS and doesn't give a flying fuck about OPINIONS - Bob's or the ones for which he has the utmost respect like Sam's.Yes he is extremely opinionated about the way things ought to be...
Bull fucking shit. He oscillates between Jekyll and Hyde modes at tuning fork frequencies....but he has held rock steady to his core principals for many years.
Yeah, now that ya mention it...He has repeatedly asked the USHPA leadership to get HG specific representation by asking for help in getting the Torrey Hawks (a USHPA chapter) membership on the Torrey Pines Soaring Council. The TPSC has no power to do much of anything, no real authority at all. The USHPA leadership repeatedly told Bob (I was copied on most of these emails) that they absolutely considered Torrey to be a non-USHPA site and would not get involved in a local dispute between Bob and the concessionaire. of what Torrey Hawks has been asking for was not to resolve any dispute, it was to try to get Hang Gliding represented with the same equity that Paragliding or other sports that exist at the park. Yet they are citing actions by Bob at the site that they have repeatedly disavowed as some of the primary causes for why he is to be expelled.
I wish that the USHPA would have attempted to channel Bob into a direction that could have been positive...
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC
Having said all of that, I have to add that Tad has an incredible amount of energy, and I think it would be great if the sport of hang gliding could figure out how to harness it. He's done extensive work on towing releases and he has a library of photographs related to releases. I think he brings an important perspective to the sport, but his personality is so toxic that it's very difficult to gain any benefit from it. Indeed, I consider it a failing on my part that I wasn't able to help Tad get past some of his "personality" issues and become a good contributing member on the US Hawks forum.
I see - AND DOCUMENT - what's ACTUALLY THERE....but people see what they want to see whether true or not.
Aviation tends to exact a lot of really nasty penalties for compromise.All that they saw in Bob was someone that they wouldn't compromise with.
You don't know him very well.I'm not an unreasonable person and I know Bob well enough to say that he is not unreasonable either.
He's easily misunderstood because he oscillates between two distinct and extreme Jekyll and Hyde modes. When he's on the right side of an issue he dots every i and crosses every t. The other ninety percent of the time he doesn't have time to read everything that everyone asks him to read and makes u$hPa and Stalin look like really great folk.He is easily misunderstood because of his personality...
Depends on what you're defining as "this"....but I can tell you that this didn't all begin because Bob was unreasonable.
Do you condemn him for any? Or does he get a free pass on doing lotsa despicable things 'cause of a high visibility and high cost moral stand he's taken on one issue?It began with unreasonable actions being done to someone else and he found himself a target for defending someone else. Step by step, it has mushroomed from there. I do not defend every action Bob has taken...
Any problem with what he's done and is doing to Steve Davy and me? Is cringing all you do? Emperor Bob's own words from his own mission statement:...he has said and written things to people that make me cringe.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you do your duty or just cringe?If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out.
Bob happily got into bed with another sleazebag and the results were one hundred percent predictable.The rift that blew up the HGAA was a huge misstep.
Ya think that could explain why he's been running an iron fisted dictatorship he's been presenting as a democratic free speech paradise for the better part of five years now?He is a little too direct and maybe a little too sure that his way is the right way about things.
And the sport's better off for his actions how? It's much safer 'cause now everybody's required to wear a helmet at all times when connected to a glider?But I say again that he is one of the hardest working volunteers for the sport that I have met.
He's done a pretty admirable job of fucking me over, keeping blatantly illegal bent pin releases in circulation, ensuring a steady rate of unhooked launches.Others will argue that he is one of the hardest working destructors of the sport.
Bullshit. This is an issue of totally evil corrupt motherfuckers working to crush any opposition to any of their tandem thrill ride money making machines.Shame some of those people in leadership positions couldn't compromise or work to channel his energy and instead threw up their arms or put road blocks up where ever they could.
Ignorance, Stupidity, Incompetence, Sleaziness are u$hPa cornerstones.Scott C. Wise - 2015/03/27 05:46:01 UTC
This is what you said - in shorthand.
Ignorance seems to be on USHPA's side.Hasn't Gotta Clue wrote:"I've got no idea what's going on, but because I am prejudiced against Bob K I'm going to blame him for any problems I have flying the sites I like."
It's really hard for the head-up-the-ass crowd to see bigger pictures.Wonderful. But those who see the bigger picture will know who (or what National Association) is actually to blame when this or that flying site is negatively impacted by their ($ centered) bias toward negligent, poorly run, high volume, high visibility PG training schools.
This is total shit DNA. You're not gonna make him a better person by submitting a Davis Show post.I guess you've never had someone (an asshat?) smile at you then turn around and punch you in the nose.Selfish? Try becoming an unselfish, well informed, member of the flying community. Then you can HELP make the USHPA a better organization instead of just taking their party line (or would that be - Hook, Line, and Sinker?).Scott MacLeod - 2015/03/27 02:28:51 UTC
Therefore, for selfish reasons, I'm behind whatever decision USHPA makes.
Hey Davis... Any comments on any of this? Just kidding.
You've still got a "t" in the word that doesn't belong there.Steve Davy - 2015/03/27 06:01:50 UTC
Don't worry ScottUSHPCorporation folk are THE experts at protecting their asshats-oops-I mean assets.I have met a couple USHPA folks and none of them have struck me as asshats.
Norman MacLeod - California - 90305
- P2 - 2010/09/13 - Lan Do Chirico - FL ST FSL RLF RS TUR - Exp: 2013/05/31
1. If it flew Torrey it flew it on a paraglider.Norman (Scott) MacLeod - California - 90598
- H3 - 2014/04/19 - Rob McKenzie - FL FSL TUR
- P4 - 2014/02/26 - Rob Sporrer - FL ST CL FSL HA RLF RS TUR XC
2. Hey Bob...
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Watchya think of the crud your buddy Rob McKenzie is putting into the air on hang gliders?Bob Kuczewski - 2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTC
My goal is to make flying better (safer, more fun, and more fair) for everyone. I was happy spending my money on lessons with Joe Greblo, Rob McKenzie, Ken Baier, Alan Chuculate, and John Heiney.
2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTCDavis Straub - 2015/03/27 12:17:01 UTC
Did you not read my request that we keep this to the issues and not to engage in personal attacks?[/quote]
Yeah Davis. We read your crap. What we haven't read is anything from you on anything of substance or decency on this issue.
2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTCIf this continues I will close the topic[/quote]
Of course you will. You'll close ANY topics of substance which threaten to move the sport in a positive direction.
2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTC...and as Bob is restricted to this thread only, he will not longer be able to post here.[/quote]
Obviously. So Mark G. Forbes and/or Rich Haas can ooze back out from under their rocks and call Bob a turd in the punch bowl and you will be obligated to close the topic. Then since Bob IS RESTRICTED to THIS THREAD ONLY because of his flagrant violations of Davis Show Rules back in 2010 he will no longer be able to post here. Davis is honah bound as a Suthen Gentleman to ensure that Bob will no longer be able to post here.
How convenient. That's exactly the tactic Davis and his li'l pet cocksucker buddy Marc Fink used on me. I'd try to have a rational discussion on AT releases, Davis's li'l pet cocksucker buddy would spew some nastiness, Davis would lock the thread down because of "incivility". Fuck civility - first refuge of a scoundrel.
2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTCButch Pritchett - 2010/04/02 23:21:11 UTC
Tad that turd is getting back in the punch bowl.[/quote]
The only reason this sleazy motherfucker let you back on is 'cause this expulsion is too outrageous to ignore and he'd have caught too much heat for letting the u$hPa douchebags talk without letting you respond. Be careful not to slow the process of The Davis Show's steady decline...Davis Straub - 2010/04/03 12:46:26 UTC
Tad is gone.
"Sharing" of Hang Gliding Information ?!?
...into total locked down and locked in irrelevance. If people can't get good information from The Jack and Davis Shows they're gonna look for and find it elsewhere.Merlin - 2012/05/26 13:22:30 UTC
I confess to previously having a bit of an Oz Report habit, but the forced login thing has turned me off permanently, and I am in fact grateful. Frankly, the site had pretty much been reduced to a few dedicated sycophants in any case.
(I didn't get my post off soon enough.)Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/27 15:27:39 UTC
Davis, I think you just gave nuclear weapons to the other side. If they think they can kill the discussion by being uncivil, then you may be encouraging bad behavior with your warning.
Donchya think that motherfucker knows that. See above. He's been using that cheap transparent tactic for years.
An even better approach would be for him to stay the fuck out of this and let things get just as ugly and vicious as they need to be. The right side will come out on top of the battle - even if/though the war is a foregone conclusion.A better approach might be to ban individual people from the topic for incivility.
Yeah? What's a normal topic on The Davis Show?I'll also point out that this topic is very different from most normal topics because a person's ability to fly is at stake.
Is this a joke ?
See? I got myself banned from every flying site that I used to visit. Kinda like you got yourself arrested a couple times at Torrey and are getting yourself expelled from u$hPa.Jim Rooney - 2011/08/25 04:55:25 UTC
Don't even get me started on Tad. That obnoxious blow hard has gotten himself banned from every flying site that he used to visit... he doesn't fly anymore... because he has no where to fly. His theories were annoying at best and downright dangerous most of the time. Good riddance.
Poll on weaklinks
Zack C - 2013/03/05 15:16:23 UTC
Yes, this is very much about safety. What happened at Quest last month has only reinforced my position.
This is u$hPa / Davis Show business as usual.Jim Rooney - 2013/03/05 19:42:58 UTC
Again, tell me how all this nonsense is about "safety"?
So, a stronger weaklink allows you to achieve higher AOAs... but you see high AOAs coupled with a loss of power as *the* problem? So you want something that will allow you to achieve even higher AOAs?
Are you NUTS?
I'm tired of arguing with crazy.
As I said many times... there are those that listen with the intent of responding... you unfortunately are one.
You've done a great job of convincing me never to tow you.
Thank you for that.
Mission accomplished.
Lotsa luck. You're not gonna have any better luck with Davis's sleazy silencing tactics than I'm gonna have with your sleazy silencing tactics. And notice the way Davis doesn't respond to your reasonable and obvious proposal exactly the same way you never respond to any of my reasonable and obvious proposals.For that reason I would appreciate some lattitude in presenting my defense.