
General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Student Pilot Ridge Soaring Crash - Watch & Learn
Rolla Manning - 2015/10/23 20:30:41 UTC
Occupation: Corporate Pilot

You must pull in before rolling when you make a quartering downwind turn back into the lift band.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Standard Operating Procedure 12-10
Last Amended - 2015/10/16
12-10.04 Tow Equipment Operator (TECH) Certification

B. General Information

- 1. The TECH, as the operator of the tow system, is responsible for operating the system in the interest of the safety of the pilot.

- 2. When providing instruction or tandem flights, the TECH is required to operate the system in a manner such that operator(s) can observe the entire flight, regulate tow tension, drop tow tension, and sever the line if necessary. Whenever these actions are not possible to execute by the TECH, another individual will assist with these duties.

C. Qualifications

- 5. A TECH candidate must give a complete discussion of the tow equipment, normal and emergency procedures, maximum allowable deviations, maximum allowable line pressure, and signals between operator and pilot, in accordance with USHPA towing guidelines, and must pass the TECH written exam.
I wonder how you total idiots expect the operator of the tow system to be responsible for operating the system in the interest of the safety of the pilot when you fucktards STILL can't manage to differentiate between pressure and tension.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

D. Operations

- 1. Surface tow operations must be conducted in observance of all FAA regulations, in airspace wherein such an activity is permitted. Operators must comply with all applicable local ordinances.

- 2. Instructors of Surface-to-Air towing must possess a USHPA Instructor Certification and a TECH appointment.
- 3. Instructors and Tandem pilots must verify that the tow equipment and its operators meet USHPA requirements and standards, and when applicable, FAA requirements. Failure to comply with this requirement is cause for revocation of the towing appointment and/or tandem and/or instructor certification.
Format your text with consistency of which your average third grader is capable.
Instructors of Surface-to-Air towing...
As opposed to Instructors of Surface-to-Surface towing. Different SOP for instructors who never get the glider airborne.
P.S. - 2015/10/31 12:20:00 UTC

Or Instructors of Surface-to-Surface towing - in which an airborne tug pulls a glider on a cart the length of the runway. Finally found a way to make hang glider towing lockout-proof.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Another fatal accident
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/10/22
USHPA Finance/Insurance/Risk Management Committee Chairman and Treasurer

Risk Management and You

Risk management is every member's responsibility.

We need to tighten standards for site management plans, take a harder look at instructional practices, and enforce a zero-tolerance policy for violations of the rules, particularly with respect to tandem instructional flights.
USHPA's insurance provider has already taken a harder look at instructional practices, and thus decided to do the enforcing that you negligent assholes didn't bother yourselves with.

Big fucking surprise!
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Re: Quotes

Post by MikeLake »

Quote Peter Hitchens (English journalist and author).

"As any scientist knows, no scientific question can be decided by majority."

Very apt!
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Guess he was never involved much in hang gliding - in which scientific questions can ONLY be decided by majorities - 'specially majorities in control of commercial operations.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Falcon 3 145, 170, 195 and Tandem Falcon 4 145, 170, 195
Owner / Service Manual - June 2015
Launching And Flying The Falcon
We recommend that you hang as close as possible to the basetube in the glider - this will give you lighter control pressures and better control.

Landing The Falcon
Your hands should be at shoulder width and shoulder height on the uprights.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

And then of course we have:
Gil Dodgen - 1995/01

All of this reminds me of a comment Mike Meier made when he was learning to fly sailplanes. He mentioned how easy it was to land a sailplane (with spoilers for glide-path control and wheels), and then said, "If other aircraft were as difficult to land as hang gliders no one would fly them."

Steve Pearson on landings
Steve Pearson - 2012/03/28 23:26:05 UTC

I can't control the glider in strong air with my hands at shoulder or ear height and I'd rather land on my belly with my hands on the basetube than get turned downwind.
from the two surving partners.

And then they sell their gliders, which aren't designed to be motorized, tethered, or towed...

Elements Mixed Media - 2012/09/05 16:28 UTC
Scooter Tow
...through dealer schools which force all their victims to fly NOTHING BUT upright with their hands on the control tubes until after they've gotten a few mountain flights under their belts and condition them to regard the option of deliberately rolling in on the huge training wheels with which they're all equipped with feelings of horror and disgust.

What an unconscionable scam.

Great catch, Steve.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

They are interested in learning how to avoid safety issues.
Steve Davy
Posts: 1338
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Great catch, Steve.
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