Don't ever unhook in a place where you can launch from. I am convinced that this is the primary cause of launching unhooked: the pilot was hooked in at some point, and has that in his memory. I've seen it happen, when a pilot was on launch, didn't like the wind, backed off and unhooked, then it looked better and he moved onto the ramp again, and hung on just long enough to reach the trees. Don't unhook, you're just setting yourself up for a major failure. Get out of the damn harness.
We offer the primary release in two configurations.
The loop release configuration is favored by some pilots becuase, you don't have to let go of the basetube to actuate the release
You can also check out the brake lever release mechanism configuration. The brake lever release configuration is favored by some pilots becuase, due to the mechanical advantage of the lever, there is less release pressure when actuating the release.
All release configurations are manufactured here by LMFP and the release tension is tested at varying pounds of tension.
Since approach and landing takes place close to the ground, this is a critical phase of flight, and even small problems can create a very dangerous situation for the pilot.