Kansas City Hang Gliding Crash
Warren Narron - 2018/03/27 01:50:16 UTC
Back when the u$hga Corporation was about to go belly up financially, (ask Jim Z and Mark G. Forbes how that happened) they spent quite a bit with a Corporate Crisis makeover outfit to figure out where they were going wrong.
One thing the crisis company recommended was a process or structure of peer to peer conflict resolution.
u$hga ignored that advice. There is still no conflict resolution process at u$hPa but Len Smith, one partner in the corporation that stole my Dragonfly...
James Gaar - 73864 - H3 - 2005/07/25 - Len Smith - AT FL PL PA CL FSL RLF
They should talk to Emperor Bob. He's never had the SLIGHTEST problem with conflicts of interest issues being too obvious....went to a u$hga board meeting and asked for sanctions against me without sharing those concerns with me. It was reported that u$hpa wanted to accommodate but felt the conflict of interest was too obvious.
What's the US Hawks operate as, Warren? And how much progress has it made towards being something better since 2010/08/13?I didn't get to defend against the charges. I was not informed of those charges. The u$hPa operates as a secret star chamber.
Or it could do what it actually does - function in a manner that makes u$hPa look like a democratic utopia.The US Hawks could do what u$hPa fails to do.
'Cept, of course, for unrepentant child molesters. But that goes without saying. 'Specially from the standpoints of the repentant child molesters Emperor Bob welcomes with open arms.Develop a venue for conflict resolution and make it open to all interested.
How'd that work out for Emperor Bob when he tried to pull shit on Yours Truly?Subpoenas for testimony? Public shaming for those that won't respond?
Just a thought.
Now let me explain to you why you're totally wasting your time.Bob Kuczewski - 2018/03/27 05:21:02 UTC
It's a good thought.
Let me start with a story ...
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
...back when The Bob Show was a total dictatorship - like it still is (more or less) now...About 7 years ago (more or less)...
Your....I was contacted by one of our...
Loyal cocksuckers....members...
I'll bet the instructor was forcing him to fly prone before he'd gotten his flare timing thoroughly perfected....about a problem he was having with an instructor.
Because you have very little experience in hang gliding instruction. And besides, in hang gliding everything's a matter of opinion and sometimes it's hard to tell what the most popular opinions are.I didn't know who was right or wrong...
Behaving much better towards the kinds of total scumbags one finds as u$hPa certified instructors NEVER has a positive result....but I contacted the instructor. I think just the fact that both parties knew someone else was watching caused them to behave much better toward one another.
And you prevented any serious damage from being done to the sport.As far as I know everything was settled amicably enough.
To get everything settled amicably enough. Like with the situation at Mission Soaring Center where Pat Denevan put a Hang One student product in way the fuck over her head, fatally splattered her, and got all the witnesses safely silenced. And Tim, Mitch, u$hPa got everything settled amicably enough.I'd suggest that you think it through a bit and propose a procedure that you think would work.
A jury of peers selected, of course, from a pool of individuals with the defining characteristic of...I would suggest that it involve volunteers to do the adjudication (a jury of peers).
Frequently Asked Questions
...being willing to be led around by their balls by Emperor Bob until the end of time.Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet. The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions. That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives.
Don't worry, The Bob Show is structured such that that scenario is a mathematical impossibility.But you'll have to have some provision for how to ensure that you don't just get a bunch of one side's buddies being the volunteers.
Definitely.There are, after all, always two sides to every story.
Some people are of the opinion that starboard torque delivered to the control frame is necessary to roll the glider to the port and back level, others are of the opinion that all that is necessary is to run towards the high wing to apply the necessary weight shift input to level the glider - but, for reasons no one has yet been able to understand, an example of this correction is impossible to capture on film with the limitations of today's technology. And all reasonable and amicable people can agree that both positions have similar degrees of merit.
Oh, you're gonna give that mode a spin now, Bob? Cool. Can you provide some annotation for us to indicate when you're reverting to normal mode?Honestly...
Good thing our society has individuals such as yourself doing what you can to fill the vacuum....I think this kind of friendly mediation is one of the things that's mostly missing in our society.
1. What's a laywer? Some kind of sex worker I presume?We tend to either do nothing (and let bad behavior flourish) or we go to court (where only the laywers really win).
2. Yeah Bob. No where have I heard something like that...
Stop the Stupids at the USHPA BOD meeting
...before. (But the legal system, strangely, was functioning just fine when it did to Yours Truly what it did to Yours Truly - right Bob?)Mark G. Forbes - 2011/09/29 02:26:23 UTC
It's not just concern for meet directors and policy makers...it's about our continued existence as an association. It's about minimizing the chance of our getting sued out of existence. We're one lawsuit away from that, all the time, and we think hard about it. I would LOVE to not have to think that way, but every time a legal threat arises, it reminds me that we have a very dysfunctional legal system in this country (note: not a "justice" system...there's little justice involved) and we have to recognize that reality and deal with it.
I've got a few suggestions, Bob. (Spoiler Alert - You're probably not gonna like them.)I'd like to see the US Hawks take a crack at helping to resolve disputes in the flying community, and I welcome your suggestions Warren.
I see really great things coming from just around the corner.Thanks in advance, and feel free to call me any time if you'd like to kick some ideas around.