
General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Short pilots: small glider & weight concerns
Timothy Ward - 2020/03/01 20:46:36 UTC

I have had people come to me to get foot launch signoffs that have learned by towing off a cart and landing on wheels, so they never had to deal with the control bar issues.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Bateleur - 2013/09/14 02:11:03 UTC

The tragedy is that humans could have been almost god like stewards of this, our one and only spaceship, Earth. Earth was pretty durable and could have supported us and all the other Earthlings for many millennia. Instead, we are trashing its life support systems (oceans, atmosphere, rain forests, etc.). The disparity between what humans could have been and what we in fact are, is immensely tragic. I adore human knowledge and people who live up to their full potential but have little to no respect or use for those who merely exist and fail to think - deep thoughts are very rewarding.

Majority of people have no regard for other life forms, they live as if their right to comfort and support for their cocked up ideas of happiness takes precedence over all else. How stupid are we?! We have become parasites about to destroy our host!
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Since the owner of the worlds largest coffee shop first locked the discussion at 122 posts then deleted it without notifying his customers...

Torrey Incident, should USHPA get involved?

From a page I'd saved for that reason.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Torrey Incident, should USHPA get involved?
The requested topic does not exist.
Fuckin' worthless coward!
Cowardice is a trait wherein excessive fear and excessive self-concern override doing or saying what is right, good, and of help to others or oneself in a time of need. It is the opposite of courage. As a label, "cowardice" indicates a failure of character in the face of a challenge.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Make it plural - all Jack's loyal coffee shop patrons who've handed the proprietor their balls at the door and accept this wholesale destruction of their contributions, those of their friends and enemies, the history of the sport without a murmur of dissent from anyone anywhere. Absolutely astonishing.

The historical record of this sport has been the enemy of its controllers and commercial interests since Day 2 and the more they get away with destroying it the more unabashed they're gonna be when destroying it.

And one other dynamic of this culture... The sport itself tends to be pretty damn frustrating at the fundamental level - access to flying sites, weather, crew, tugs, drivers, retrieval... And the ability to openly discuss issues that matter - like how we can prevent another guy to get demolished like this one - used to be a significant plus. But no...

Jack Axaopoulos - 2009/09/23 18:10:04 UTC

The timing of this thread is awful.
Locking thread... this is troll/flame bait with extremely weak implications.

Now is not the time to discuss this. Out of respect for family and friends now is never the time to discuss this. If you ever discuss this you're not putting your best foot forward and showcasing the fun adventurous atmosphere we experience every day in the landing zone after a great flight. It's in the Mission Statement - asshole.

And when you go back to research some of the history that has yet to be deleted it's ASTONISHING to see all the big names who've totally vanished minus a trace and the slightest notice from their dearest friends in the worlds largest hang gliding community.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Absolutely astonishing.
Nope. Absolutely typical.
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Re: Quotes

Post by <BS> »

Can't rule out cowardice as part of my lack of dissent.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

To Steve... And in hang gliding "typical" is synonymous with "Standard Operating Procedure".
To Brian... Nah, if one is doing anything of use over here one gets a waiver.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Falcon 4
Less than ten days after the first production Falcon 3's left the factory, a demo Falcon 3 170 had been flown 205 miles by Davis Straub for a new single surface cross-country world distance record.
Way to go Davis! And now let's have a look at his other single surface cross-country world distance record.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Trike Distance Record
Martin Henry - 2020/07/25 15:06:52 UTC

Funny how some view the efforts "others" outside their own little world...

As records go, we might not get this microlight effort but it's a long ways, never been done before, so why not recognize it? Maybe not a big deal, or any sort of a deal in our little world but why the negative comments?

As to comparing it to an un-powered open distance hang record, it's rather convenient to overlook the rare conditions that came together to allow someone to get blown far enough downwind to call it a record! (perhaps the microlights engine bothers some?... conveniently overlooking the engine in the tug used to haul the hang up for the start of the record attempt and the thousands of road miles driven supporting the hang efforts?) Not mocking or knocking either record because in the end none of the efforts will cure cancer and likely mean jack shit to anybody outside our little world.

Like records for eating hot dogs, holding your breath, fastest this, furthest that... it's a human thing to have a line and to want to get to the other side.

Besides... regarding this little record, admirable... if only for the skill of keeping a microlight engine running long enough to set the record!

Hey... noticed the other day that the 25km triangle hang speed record was broken... wonder what's on NPR tonight... ?


Comrade Martin
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