It's really hard to find a photo of you on a glider not smiling and waving at the camera... show everybody what a really great, friendly, welcoming guy you really are. And I'm pretty sure it's totally impossible to find a photo of anybody else doing it.
There's a pretty good rule that the more face one sees in an avatar shot the more likely it is that one's dealing with a total sleazebag. Most of the people who have some measurable degree of legitimacy in these sports don't want their avatar shots to be about THEM personally. They want them to a be about their wing and/or some relevant issue in which they take pride.
My avatar shot:
That's under a direct load of 400 hundred pounds and can be blown with a 19.6 pound pull (20.4 load to actuation ratio). I was proud of the developments I made in aerotowing equipment and ASSUMED they'd just be naturally be incorporated and replace all the cheap stupid bent pin crap in global circulation. I never dreamt for a nanosecond that there'd be crud like Rooney, Davis, Matt, Bob around everywhere to do nothing but piss all over all my efforts and me.
Continuing Saga of Weak Link and Release Mechanism Failures
(I kinda like this one:Warren Narron - 2012/03/06 02:26:04 UTC
Tad, used to post about as nice as anyone, and nicer than some. Remember?
Blowback... You put in a thousand plus hour$, tooling, te$ting and documenting safety issues for the masses and have it ignored and suppressed by people, for whatever reason, and you would get testy too.
You're fairly snarky as it is, and you haven't done the work...
And you may be correct about the footnote... but today's footnotes are now hyperlinks...
There is a good chance that from now on, for every incident and fatality caused by insufficient weaklinks or sub-standard release mechanisms, a hyperlink trail will lead back to ... where all the evidence can be found.
A further link could then go to a list of all the people and the role they played in the suppression of those safety issues...
Who would like to be on that list?
How many are already on it?
too. Got a chance to make sure nothing bad happened on a really remarkable day and pulled it off.
And didn't need, want, have my face plastered over anything either.
And you can have this one:
AL's Flight At Packsaddle 10-04-11 Mason - 2011/12/01 19:55:00 UTC
Those of us who prefer to fly, will always wonder about the key board jocks, who frighten away new flyers with skitzoid horror stories of murder, and at the hands of friends who only wish to share the incomparable thrill of free flight. I'm reminded of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, striving against the ever present obstructionists. Thanks to Sam for limiting Our forum to FLYERS. See you soon Bob
Bob. That could be seen coming from miles away. (Granted though, not the kind of threat represented by paragliding instructors demonstrating kiting minus helmets at Torrey.))
Even lying know-it-all crud like Ryan. Ya gotta admit that he's a skilled aerobatics flyer and produces quality video. His Jack Show avatar is something on the order of:
It's not about who he is. It's about what he can do with a high performance glider and a camera.
But keep smiling and waving. Waving with one hand while you fly the glider with the other or have Malcolm fly the glider for you. I have no doubt that you'll continue drawing in some of the kind of people you want to draw in. And you're more than welcome to them.
I'll be posting this as close as I can manage to exactly a decade after your opening shot - 2010/08/13 21:40:09 UTC. There haven't been any celebration fireworks going off on The Bob Show beyond your post and won't be prior to the PDT calendar kicking over to tomorrow. Probably won't be anything here either when Kite Strings hits ten at 2020/11/23 05:23:34 UTC but that's not really anything we were shooting for anyway. And I can promise you there bloody well won't be any: s.
P.S. - 2020/08/13 21:45:00 UTC
Totally nailed it.