
General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Post by Tad Eareckson »

The Big Year is a really cool movie.
Zack C
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Re: birds

Post by Zack C »

Two weeks ago I flew with a pair of Bald Eagles. Never got real close but encountered them several times in the course of the 2.5 hour flight. Always pretty high above them when I saw them. The last time I decided to get a closer look and got within I'd say 300'...close enough to hear their high pitched chirps.

A few weeks before that a pair flew right over my apartment. First time I'd ever seen any in the wild, and in town no less. Now I've seen four in just a few weeks.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: birds

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I've seen Bald Eagles deliberately staying with gliders - not just being in the same place 'cause that's where the best air was.

The Chesapeake area has a pretty dense population and those birds were frequently part of the activity at Ridgely.

On what was probably the coolest flight of my career I climbed up in a big easy thermal to the level of three immatures at about 3600 feet and got opposite them. Two were hanging together while a third was attacking (nothing serious). They'd roll and fend off with feet for a while and eventually everybody drifted east.

I continued on up into a pretty dense dark cloud and was able to keep climbing pretty good after punching through base, doing half the circle in the cloud and the other half in the dazzling blue, repeatedly popping out and plowing back in. (Yeah, I know, but the statute of limitations has probably kicked in by now.)

Next time try to find something harder to identify so I can feel useful. Anything interesting been coming through your neck of the migration in the past month and a half?
Zack C
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Re: birds

Post by Zack C »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Anything interesting been coming through your neck of the migration in the past month and a half?
Not that I've seen, unfortunately.

While on the topic of birds, this video is kinda cool...I was on glide when I noticed a Red-Tail out in front of me going the same direction, oblivious to my presence. I got pretty darn close before he realized I was there...gave him quite a start from his reaction. On closer examination you can see his talons out...

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Re: birds

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: birds

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Kamikazee Eagle Totals PG in Indian Himalayas
NMERider - 2011/10/29 06:47:38 UTC

Kamikazee Eagle Totals PG in Indian Himalayas
Much work needed in the ornithology department. Kinda depressing coming from a glider forum.
Robert Seckold - 2011/10/30 07:24:55 UTC

Holy Crap Batman, :shock: :shock: it looked like there were two of them, one just missed the pilot. I wish I could understand what they were saying.
Jason Rogers - 2011/10/30 07:35:34 UTC
Port Macquarie, New South Wales

I think I picked it up:

Mildred, you go low and get the thing it's carrying, I'll come in with you but pull up at the last moment and hit it from underneath.
John Stokes - 2011/10/30 23:56:17 UTC
Trenton, Georgia

I not sure, but that bird may actually be an Himalayan Griffon Vulture.
To the rescue.
pike - 2011/10/31 00:05:44 UTC

Fried Vulture

DAMN! :shock: All I can say is that the first thing I did on the ground would be to wring that birds neck.
Life's too short not to have fun every day
Falcon 3, 170, Sport II, H2, AT
Dustin Martin - 2011/10/31 01:09:37 UTC

Dude what a dick. Guy runs into a bird, screams like a girl, then takes his anger out on it while it's tied up for the better part of five minutes. Was giving him the benefit of the doubt til the end when his two lines were obviously his highest priority. Clearly he doesn't fly for the same reasons most of us do.
I too would've definitely screamed like a girl, but for the rest of it...
Nic Welbourn - 2011/10/31 02:28:33 UTC

Lucky guy, really glad the bird got away unscathed!
Christopher LeFay - 2011/10/31 05:45:54 UTC

The longer he took to address the bird, the more tense I became; by the time he started yanking on the lines instead of cutting them, my wife and I were furious. I can't see weighing my fun against the bird's future - it's repulsive. I suppose the drag of attaching a new set of lines was paramount...
Totally with you guys on that wavelength.
Steve Davy
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Re: birds

Post by Steve Davy »

Thanks for the movie recommendation Tad, I'll be sure to watch it in theater or online.

We got it so good at Funston, the gulls, ravens, red tails, macaws and pelicans have become comfortable just flying around with us. It's so cool when you can get up close and they just kinda look over at you like you're just one of them.

P.S. Zack, Tad, if you're in the bay area look me up, I got gliders for you guys to fly.
Zack C
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Re: birds

Post by Zack C »

Tad Eareckson wrote:The Big Year is a really cool movie.
Saw it today...thoroughly enjoyed it. Not sure if I'd recommend it to anyone not interested in birds, though, as the humor is thin for a movie billed as a comedy. Could have done without the CGI, too.

On the Bald Eagle scene, you hear the birds before you see them...the sound was immediately familiar but I couldn't place it until I saw them.
Tad Eareckson wrote:I've seen Bald Eagles deliberately staying with gliders - not just being in the same place 'cause that's where the best air was.
I've had vultures and Red Tails stay with me for a few turns when I'm sure they could have outclimbed me. On a few occasions it seemed like they were trying to show me better lift, but it might just be in my head.
Nobody wrote:PS Zack,Tad, if you're in the bay area look me up, I got gliders for you guys to fly.
Thanks. It's likely that if I'm ever in the area I'll have a glider because I'll be on a flying trip, but I'll look you up anyway. I'm hoping to hit Yosemite next summer...
Nobody wrote:We got it so good at Funston, the gulls, ravens, red tails, macaws and pelicans have become comfortable just flying around with us.

Steve Davy
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Re: birds

Post by Steve Davy »

Macaws at Funston.
They will come up and fly with us, they seem to enjoy our company.
Zack C
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Re: birds

Post by Zack C »

Nobody wrote:Macaws at Funston. They will come up and fly with us, they seem to enjoy our company.
Wow, that's awesome. I was thinking wild birds, hence the confusion.

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